Official implementation of "Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions"

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Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions

Project Page | Paper | Data

Explore Siren in Colab

Vincent Sitzmann*, Julien N. P. Martel*, Alexander W. Bergman, David B. Lindell, Gordon Wetzstein
Stanford University, *denotes equal contribution

This is the official implementation of the paper "Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions".


Google Colab

If you want to experiment with Siren, we have written a Colab. It's quite comprehensive and comes with a no-frills, drop-in implementation of SIREN. It doesn't require installing anything, and goes through the following experiments / SIREN properties:

  • Fitting an image
  • Fitting an audio signal
  • Solving Poisson's equation
  • Initialization scheme & distribution of activations
  • Distribution of activations is shift-invariant
  • Periodicity & behavior outside of the training range.

Tensorflow Playground

You can also play arond with a tiny SIREN interactively, directly in the browser, via the Tensorflow Playground here. Thanks to David Cato for implementing this!

Get started

If you want to reproduce all the results (including the baselines) shown in the paper, the videos, point clouds, and audio files can be found here.

You can then set up a conda environment with all dependencies like so:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate siren

High-Level structure

The code is organized as follows:

  • loads training and testing data.
  • contains a generic training routine.
  • contains layers and full neural network modules.
  • contains hypernetwork code.
  • contains utility functions, most promintently related to the writing of Tensorboard summaries.
  • contains implementations of differential operators.
  • contains loss functions for the different experiments.
  • contains helper functions to create the convergence videos shown in the video.
  • ./experiment_scripts/ contains scripts to reproduce experiments in the paper.

Reproducing experiments

The directory experiment_scripts contains one script per experiment in the paper.

To monitor progress, the training code writes tensorboard summaries into a "summaries"" subdirectory in the logging_root.

Image experiments

The image experiment can be reproduced with

python experiment_scripts/ --model_type=sine

The figures in the paper were made by extracting images from the tensorboard summaries. Example code how to do this can be found in the script.

Audio experiments

This github repository comes with both the "counting" and "bach" audio clips under ./data.

They can be trained with

python experiment_scipts/ --model_type=sine --wav_path=<path_to_audio_file>

Video experiments

The "bikes" video sequence comes with scikit-video and need not be downloaded. The cat video can be downloaded with the link above.

To fit a model to a video, run

python experiment_scipts/ --model_type=sine --experiment_name bikes_video

Poisson experiments

For the poisson experiments, there are three separate scripts: One for reconstructing an image from its gradients (, from its laplacian (, and to combine two images (

Some of the experiments were run using the BSD500 datast, which you can download here.

SDF Experiments

To fit a Signed Distance Function (SDF) with SIREN, you first need a pointcloud in .xyz format that includes surface normals. If you only have a mesh / ply file, this can be accomplished with the open-source tool Meshlab.

To reproduce our results, we provide both models of the Thai Statue from the 3D Stanford model repository and the living room used in our paper for download here.

To start training a SIREN, run:

python experiments_scripts/ --model_type=sine --point_cloud_path=<path_to_the_model_in_xyz_format> --batch_size=250000 --experiment_name=experiment_1

This will regularly save checkpoints in the directory specified by the rootpath in the script, in a subdirectory "experiment_1". The batch_size is typically adjusted to fit in the entire memory of your GPU. Our experiments show that with a 256, 3 hidden layer SIREN one can set the batch size between 230-250'000 for a NVidia GPU with 12GB memory.

To inspect a SDF fitted to a 3D point cloud, we now need to create a mesh from the zero-level set of the SDF. This is performed with another script that uses a marching cubes algorithm (adapted from the DeepSDF github repo) and creates the mesh saved in a .ply file format. It can be called with:

python experiments_scripts/ --checkpoint_path=<path_to_the_checkpoint_of_the_trained_model> --experiment_name=experiment_1_rec 

This will save the .ply file as "reconstruction.ply" in "experiment_1_rec" (be patient, the marching cube meshing step takes some time ;) ) In the event the machine you use for the reconstruction does not have enough RAM, running test_sdf script will likely freeze. If this is the case, please use the option --resolution=512 in the command line above (set to 1600 by default) that will reconstruct the mesh at a lower spatial resolution.

The .ply file can be visualized using a software such as Meshlab (a cross-platform visualizer and editor for 3D models).

Helmholtz and wave equation experiments

The helmholtz and wave equation experiments can be reproduced with the and scripts.


We're using the excellent torchmeta to implement hypernetworks. We realized that there is a technical report, which we forgot to cite - it'll make it into the camera-ready version!


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

    author = {Sitzmann, Vincent
              and Martel, Julien N.P.
              and Bergman, Alexander W.
              and Lindell, David B.
              and Wetzstein, Gordon},
    title = {Implicit Neural Representations
              with Periodic Activation Functions},
    booktitle = {arXiv},


If you have any questions, please feel free to email the authors.

  • How to run

    How to run "Image Fitting" on GPU with low memory ~ 4GB?

    Hi, I am trying to execute the code for image fitting problem. I am setting batch size =1 (default value) as I have 4gb GPU. Still the training stops due to GPU out of memory. Can anyone let me know how could I solve this problem? Thanks.

     python experiment_scripts/ --model_type=sine --experiment_name=output
      (image_downsampling): ImageDownsampling()
      (net): FCBlock(
        (net): MetaSequential(
          (0): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=2, out_features=256, bias=True)
            (1): Sine()
          (1): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=256, out_features=256, bias=True)
            (1): Sine()
          (2): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=256, out_features=256, bias=True)
            (1): Sine()
          (3): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=256, out_features=256, bias=True)
            (1): Sine()
          (4): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=256, out_features=1, bias=True)
      0%|                                                                          | 0/10000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "experiment_scripts/", line 62, in <module>
        model_dir=root_path, loss_fn=loss_fn, summary_fn=summary_fn)
      File "/home/mz/code/siren/", line 92, in train
        summary_fn(model, model_input, gt, model_output, writer, total_steps)
      File "/home/mz/code/siren/", line 334, in write_image_summary
        img_gradient = diff_operators.gradient(model_output['model_out'], model_output['model_in'])
      File "/home/mz/code/siren/", line 42, in gradient
        grad = torch.autograd.grad(y, [x], grad_outputs=grad_outputs, create_graph=True)[0]
      File "/home/mz/anaconda3/envs/siren/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 158, in grad
        inputs, allow_unused)
    RuntimeError: CUDA out opython experiment_scripts/ --model_type=sine --experiment_name=output1
      (image_downsampling): ImageDownsampling()
      (net): FCBlock(
        (net): MetaSequential(
          (0): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=2, out_features=256, bias=True)
            (1): Sine()
          (1): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_features=256, out_features=256, bias=True)
            (1): Sine()
          (2): MetaSequential(
            (0): BatchLinear(in_fef memory. Tried to allocate 256.00 MiB (GPU 0; 3.94 GiB total capacity; 2.76 GiB already allocated; 215.06 MiB free; 2.78 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch) (malloc at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1587428091666/work/c10/cuda/CUDACachingAllocator.cpp:289)
    opened by engrmz 6
  • Issues with training on audio (not a bug with this repo)

    Issues with training on audio (not a bug with this repo)

    I reimplemented Siren in TensorFlow 2.5. The network easily learns images, but I can not reproduce result with audio. On the sample file from the paper loss gets stuck at relatively high value (~0.0242), and network's output turns very quiet (max(abs(x)) ~= 0.012). Just curious if anyone has faced the same issue when reimplementing Siren on their own.

    What I've tried so far:

    1. doublechecked omega - it is set to 3000.0 (input), 30.0, 30.0, 30.0 (inner) layers
    2. Changing batch size to full length of the sample (I used to do randomized batches of 8*1024)
    3. Using float64 to avoid potential issues with numerical overflows/underflows
    4. Checked network weights: all are finite numbers
    5. Using SGD as a more stable optimizer
    6. Increasing network width/adding more layers

    Essentially, all the above actions still led to the same result with loss ~0.0242

    opened by lostmsu 5
  • model.cuda() and self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.checkpoint_path)) are very slow

    model.cuda() and self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.checkpoint_path)) are very slow

    When i try to train sdf, i found it will take a long time to call model.cuda() in file (just after printing the model) Also when testing sdf, self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(opt.checkpoint_path)) need a lot of time.

    My pytorch and cudatookit are installed according to file environment.yml. ( pytorch=1.5.0=py3.6_cuda10.1.243_cudnn7.6.3_0 )

    How can i solve the issue? Is it normal to have such a problem?

    opened by Philipflyg 2
  • dealing with non square images

    dealing with non square images

    I noticed in all the examples and looking at the code that images and video are equal in column and row counts (e.g., 512x512). I am considering arbitrary sized images (without resizing), how do I do that? thanks

    opened by yaseryacoob 2
  • HyperNetwork (CNN+SIREN) on larger images?

    HyperNetwork (CNN+SIREN) on larger images?

    Does it seem feasible to train the CNN+SIREN scheme on larger images? The given example ( uses 32x32 pixel images, and I haven't managed to generate visually pleasing results on a more useful size (eg 256x256px).

    Either the image quality is very poor, or the memory blows up when I try increasing the number of parameters.

    Another example ( uses the same SIREN network to generate larger images (512x512) so the SIREN shouldn't be the problem, but its weight generation process is. It seems that the output of the CNN is reduced to only 256 features, first in ConvImgEncoder, which does something like

    torch.nn.Linear(1024,1)(torch.rand([batch_size, 256, 32, 32]).view(4,256,-1)).squeeze(-1).shape                                                                                      
    torch.Size([batch_size, 256])

    Then the HyperParameter network (FCBlock) does the same according to the hidden layer's (hyper) hidden features.

    This seems to be very little when we are generating weights for a network which has 256*256 weights per layer. I guess it would work on 32x32px but it makes sense that this would not scale up.

    Do you have any insight as how to generate the SIREN weights from the output of a CNN without blowing up memory?

    opened by trougnouf 2
  • Is omega0 really needed ?

    Is omega0 really needed ?

    Is it not possible to scale the input linear space instead ?

    Also, not at all an issue, but I'd like to share the following Mathematica code attempting to replicate this, or at least the part for fitting an image :

    image = ImageResize[ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}], 128]
    {width, height } = ImageDimensions[image];
    output = Flatten[ImageData[image] // #*2 - 1 &, 1];
    linspace[n_] := Array[# &, n, {-#, #}] &[(n - 1)/2]
    input = Pi/2*Tuples[{linspace[height], linspace[width]}] // N;
    layer[n_, in_] := LinearLayer[
        "Weights" -> RandomReal[{-#, #}, {n, in}],
        "Biases" -> RandomReal[{-#, #}, {n}],
        "Input" -> in
    ] &[Sqrt[6/in]]
    net = NetChain[
       128, Sin,
       layer[128, 128], Sin,
       layer[128, 128], Sin,
       layer[128, 128], Sin,
       layer[3, 128], Sin
      "Input" -> 2
    net = NetTrain[net, (input -> output)]
    Image[Partition[(# + 1)/2 &[net /@ input], width], ColorSpace -> "RGB"]
    Table[NetExtract[net, {i, "Weights"}] // Flatten // Histogram, {i, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}}]
    Table[NetExtract[net, {i, "Biases"}] // Flatten // Histogram, {i, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}}]

    It works surprisingly well, but I haven't used omega0, I scaled the input instead. Also performance is better when the weights in the first layer are not initialized as advised in the paper. Not sure if it's related with the input scaling or what.

    opened by grondilu 2
  • Implementation of w0

    Implementation of w0

    Hello @vsitzmann ,

    Thanks for your nice paper and implementations, Currently I try to use sine activation function on some implicit image restoration functions,

    In here I have little question about w0 implementation

    1. Multiply of w0

    In paper w0=30 in initial layer is represented with y = sin(w0*wx+b) in last sentence of paragraph 3.2 But in Implementation,

    MetaSequential(BatchLinear(in_features, hidden_features), nl)) BatchLinear(in_features, hidden_features) for (wx+b) and nl make y = sin(w0*(wx+b))

    I check that performance goes well in your distributed experiments, but is there any problems to use w0 multiply on bias? It just make smaller bias only?

    1. Initialize of w

    In paper paragraph 3.2 and supplement 1.5

    Initialize of w should goes with -sqrt(6/n), sqrt(6/n) in paragraph 3.2 or -sqrt(6/n)/w0, sqrt(6/n)/w0when use with w0 value,

    but In distributed source,
    first layer use w0=30 but it's initialization of w is -1/n , 1/n where can I find the reason for this first layer initialization?

    opened by bell-one 1
  • Question on Learning a Space of Implicit Functions

    Question on Learning a Space of Implicit Functions

    In section 4.4 of your paper you go into an interesting hypernetwork idea that can generate the siren parameters for a space of "functions" (images in that case).

    In section 9 of the appendix, you go more into details, and I specifically care about the part where you predict the siren parameters from the input: image

    As far as I understand

    the weights of a 5-layer SIREN with hidden features of size 256


    W1 ∈ R(2, 256) # maps x,y
    b1 ∈ R(256)
    W2,W3,W4 ∈ R(256,256)
    b2,b3,b4 ∈ R(256)
    W5 ∈ R(256,3) # maps to rgb
    b5 ∈ R(3)
    Total params: 2*256 + 256 + 3*(256*256 + 256) + 256*3 + 3 =198,915

    So, do I understand correctly that your hypernetwork takes the input from the convnet, input, and does the following:

    h1 = relu(U1*input + c1)
    h2 = U2*h1 + c2


    U1 ∈ R(|input|, 256)
    c1 ∈  R(256)
    U2 ∈ R(256, 198915) 
    c2 ∈ R(198915) 

    This doesn't feel right to me.

    opened by AmitMY 1
  • Missing script argument in example

    Missing script argument in example

    When I run the code python experiment_scripts/ --model_type=sine given in, I get the error

    usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILEPATH] [--logging_root LOGGING_ROOT]
                        --experiment_name EXPERIMENT_NAME
                        [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--lr LR]
                        [--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS]
                        [--epochs_til_ckpt EPOCHS_TIL_CKPT]
                        [--steps_til_summary STEPS_TIL_SUMMARY]
                        [--model_type MODEL_TYPE]
                        [--checkpoint_path CHECKPOINT_PATH] error: the following arguments are required: --experiment_name
    opened by krikru 1
  • SIREN not converge

    SIREN not converge

    Hi, thanks for this great work. I recently adopted SIREN in my problem, but during training the loss becomes divergent. I've set the omega to 30 by default. Could you please give suggestion about this. Thanks!


    opened by zhangmozhe 1
  • a bug maybe with sine_init.

    a bug maybe with sine_init.

    from at line62, the sine_init is

    m.weight.uniform_(-np.sqrt(6 / num_input) / 30, np.sqrt(6 / num_input) / 30)

    but I think is:

    m.weight.uniform_(-np.sqrt(6 / num_input) * 30, np.sqrt(6 / num_input) * 30)

    follow is my test code with 101 sin layers, the std of outputs is stability equals 0.7 when * 30, and when I replace * factor with / factor, the std of output reduced to 0.

    import torch
    import numpy as np
    dim = 1000
    factor = 30
    alpha = 1
    x = torch.Tensor(np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.float32)).reshape([dim, 1])
    w = torch.Tensor(np.zeros([dim,dim], dtype=np.float32))
    inputs = torch.nn.init.normal_(x, 0, 1)
    weights = torch.nn.init.uniform_(w, -alpha/dim, alpha/dim)
    outputs = torch.sin(alpha*factor * weights@inputs)
    print(torch.mean(outputs), torch.std(outputs))
    weights = torch.nn.init.uniform_(w, -np.sqrt(6 / dim) * factor / alpha, np.sqrt(6 / dim) * factor / alpha)
    for _ in range(100):
        outputs = torch.sin(alpha*weights@outputs)
        print(torch.mean(outputs), torch.std(outputs))
    opened by kingstarcraft 1
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • Inconsistent written formula and implementation

    Inconsistent written formula and implementation

    In paper, it is written sin(\omega_0 W x + b).

    But in implementation, the explore_siren notebook as well as, the output of linear layer is multiplied to \omega_0. In other words, sin(\omega_0 (Wx+b)).

    I find this difference drastically changes the network convergence behavior. The actual implemented network performs much better.

    Could you clarify this issue?

    opened by hieu325 0
  • Class Siren foward coords requires grad?

    Class Siren foward coords requires grad?

    In Colab notebook implementation of Class Siren foward def forward(self, coords): coords = coords.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) # allows to take derivative w.r.t. input output = return output, coords

    why are coords set require_grad_(True)? Shouldn't the weights of the network only updated, not coordinates?

    opened by hpicsk 0
  • Finding the proper frequency multiplier

    Finding the proper frequency multiplier


    how do you usually initialize the frequency of the network (leaving aside the magic number 30)? As it is very much problem-dependent, I'm wondering if it is currently just a trial-and-error task or if there is a more reasonable approach, even if just for finding general scale (I saw you mentioned an value of 3000 for audio data in another issue).

    Thanks already in advance, and also for this nice code-base.

    opened by FabricioArendTorres 3
  • about representing shpe with SDF (points and normals)

    about representing shpe with SDF (points and normals)

    In Section 4 of supplementary material, it is mentioned that points with their normals are collected. Would you please explain which norm is calculated (Euclidean, etc)? Also, in which coordination system ( real-world or voxel coordination) the points are collected?

    opened by noushinha 0
  • [Inconsistency with paper] I reproduced audio signal by RELU + MLP.

    [Inconsistency with paper] I reproduced audio signal by RELU + MLP.

    To compare SIREN layer with RELU +MLP, we implement two models.

    1. audio signal (B, T, 1) --> Linear(B, T, 128) +RELU --> Linear(B, T, 128) +RELU --> Linear(B, T, 128) +RELU --> Linear(B, T, 1) --> reproduced signal (B, T, 1)

    2. audio signal (B, T, 1) -->SIREN layer --> SIREN layer -->SIREN layer --> Linear(B, T, 1) --> reproduced signal (B, T, 1)

    In your paper, RELU+MLP is not able to reproduce the audio signal, However, First model can reproduce audio signal even better than SIREN...

    SIREN is also very instability so i used lower learning rate. But the loss fluctuated.

    Could you explain why the siren is better than others in audio reproduction domain?

    opened by sh-lee-prml 1
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