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Poisson Image Editing - A Parallel Implementation Jiayi Weng (jiayiwen), Zixu Chen (zixuc) Poisson Image Editing is a technique that can fuse two imag
Navier-Stokes-numerical-solution-using-Python- Python script for Linear, Non-Linear Convection, Burger’s & Poisson Equation in 1D & 2D, 1D D
visa-cli A python script to lookup Passport Index Dataset Installation pip install visa-cli Usage usage: visa-cli [-h] [-d DESTINATION_COUNTRY] [-f]
img_sussifier A python script to convert images to animated sus among us crewmate twerk jifs as seen on r/196 Examples How to use install python pip i
asset_snapshot A Blender python script for getting asset browser custom preview images for objects and collections. Installation: Click the code butto
ONNX msg_chn_wacv20 depth completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20 model in
TFLite-msg_chn_wacv20-depth-completion Python script for performing depth completion from sparse depth and rgb images using the msg_chn_wacv20. model
yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt_cpp Introduction This repo is a C++ version of yolov5_deepsort_tensorrt. And packing all C++ programs into .so files, using P
download-celebA-HQ Python script to download and create the celebA-HQ dataset. WARNING from the author. I believe this script is broken since a few mo
Chord Recognition Demo application The demo application is written in C# with .NETCore. As of July 9, 2020, the only version available is for windows
Bayesian-Torch is a library of neural network layers and utilities extending the core of PyTorch to enable the user to perform stochastic variational inference in Bayesian deep neural networks. Bayesian-Torch is designed to be flexible and seamless in extending a deterministic deep neural network architecture to corresponding Bayesian form by simply replacing the deterministic layers with Bayesian layers.
We propose a hierarchical core-fringe learning framework to measure fine-grained domain relevance of terms – the degree that a term is relevant to a broad (e.g., computer science) or narrow (e.g., deep learning) domain.
Power Core Simulator Power Core Simulator is a simulator based off the Roblox game "Pinewood Builders Computer Core". In this simulator, you can choos
arxiv-sanity, but very lite, simply providing the core value proposition of the ability to tag arxiv papers of interest and have the program recommend similar papers.
ppReader-Kernel Intro Core identification module of AI powerful point reading system platform. Usage 硬件: Windows10、GPU:nvdia GTX 1060 、普通RBG相机 软件: con
[AI6101] Introduction to AI & AI Ethics is a core course of MSAI, SCSE, NTU, Singapore. The repository corresponds to the AI6101 of Semester 1, AY2021-2022, starting from 08/2021. The instructors of this course are Prof. Bo An, Prof. Yu Han, and Dr. Melvin Chen.
AlphaBot2-Pi-Core AlphaBot2 Pi Core software for interfacing with the various components. This project is currently a W.I.P. I will update this readme
Rate Limit Semaphore Rate limit semaphore for async-style (any core) There are t
CORE This is the official PyTorch implementation for the paper: Yupeng Hou, Binbin Hu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wayne Xin Zhao. CORE: Simple and Effective Sess