Official Chainer implementation of GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (ACMMM 2019, oral)


GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (ACMMM 2019, oral)

[Project] [Paper] [Demo] [Related Work: A2RL (for Auto Image Cropping)] [Colab]
Official Chainer implementation of GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending


source destination mask composited blended

The author's implementation of GP-GAN, the high-resolution image blending algorithm described in:
"GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending"
Huikai Wu, Shuai Zheng, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang

Given a mask, our algorithm can blend the source image and the destination image, generating a high-resolution and realsitic blended image. Our algorithm is based on deep generative models Wasserstein GAN.

Contact: Hui-Kai Wu ([email protected])


  title   = {GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending},
  author  = {Wu, Huikai and Zheng, Shuai and Zhang, Junge and Huang, Kaiqi},
  journal = {ACMMM},
  year    = {2019}

Getting started

  • The code is tested with python==3.5 and chainer==6.3.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  • Download the code from GitHub:

    git clone
    cd GP-GAN
  • Install the requirements:

    pip install -r requirements/test/requirements.txt
  • Download the pretrained model blending_gan.npz or unsupervised_blending_gan.npz from Google Drive, and then put them in the folder models.

  • Run the script for blending_gan.npz:

    python --src_image images/test_images/src.jpg --dst_image images/test_images/dst.jpg --mask_image images/test_images/mask.png --blended_image images/test_images/result.png

    Or run the script for unsupervised_blending_gan.npz:

    python --src_image images/test_images/src.jpg --dst_image images/test_images/dst.jpg --mask_image images/test_images/mask.png --blended_image images/test_images/result.png --supervised False
  • Type python --help for a complete list of the arguments.

Train GP-GAN step by step

Train Blending GAN

  • Download Transient Attributes Dataset here.

  • Crop the images in each subfolder:

    python --data_root [Path for imageAlignedLD in Transient Attributes Dataset]
  • Train Blending GAN:

    python --data_root [Path for cropped aligned images of Transient Attributes Dataset]
  • Training Curve

  • Visual Result

    Training Set Validation Set

Training Unsupervised Blending GAN

  • Requirements

    pip install git+git://
  • Download the hdf5 dataset of outdoor natural images: ourdoor_64.hdf5 (1.4G), which contains 150K landscape images from MIT Places dataset.

  • Train unsupervised Blending GAN:

    python --data_root [Path for outdoor_64.hdf5]
  • Training Curve

  • Samples after training

Visual results

Mask Copy-and-Paste Modified-Poisson Multi-splines Supervised GP-GAN Unsupervised GP-GAN
  • Save a trained model

    Save a trained model

    Hello Hukai Wu.. The available pretrained model is saved as .npz file. During training for every epoch, separately for generator, discriminator and snapshot a .npz file is getting saved. How to save full trained model in .npz format?

    opened by supritbansod 8
  • Error while loading pretrained weights

    Error while loading pretrained weights

    I got the following error while loading the blending_GAN.npz for resuming the training. I want to fine tune the data on a different dataset. Its training on it from scratch but cannot load the provided weights

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 178, in <module>
      File "", line 170, in main
        chainer.serializers.load_npz(args.resume, trainer)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/chainer/serializers/", line 243, in load_npz
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/chainer/", line 83, in load
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/chainer/training/", line 388, in serialize
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/chainer/training/updaters/", line 265, in serialize
        iterator.serialize(serializer['iterator:' + name])
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/chainer/iterators/", line 218, in serialize
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/chainer/serializers/", line 176, in __call__
        dataset = self.npz[key]
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 266, in __getitem__
        raise KeyError("%s is not a file in the archive" % key)
    KeyError: 'updater/iterator:main/current_position is not a file in the archive'

    Note : The weight file was renamed for convenience, the path is correct.

    opened by trancenoid 8
  • Blending result of supervised GP-GAN

    Blending result of supervised GP-GAN


    Thanks for sharing your work.

    I have run the latest code and got the test result (supervised GP-GAN) like the following image: Result

    The result looks like it does not work properly. Is this an issue?

    opened by NTU-P04922004 8
  • requirements for test

    requirements for test

    installed cupy 6.3.0 and chainer 6.3.0 as requested, getting the following error for running

    File "cupy/core/core.pyx", line 2284, in cupy.core.core.tensordot_core File "cupy/core/core.pyx", line 2383, in cupy.core.core.tensordot_core File "cupy/cuda/cublas.pyx", line 927, in cupy.cuda.cublas.sgemmEx File "cupy/cuda/cublas.pyx", line 308, in cupy.cuda.cublas.check_status cupy.cuda.cublas.CUBLASError: CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED

    List of modules installed:

    chainer==6.3.0 cupy==6.3.0 cycler==0.10.0 decorator==4.4.2 fastrlock==0.5 filelock==3.0.12 imageio==2.9.0 kiwisolver==1.3.1 matplotlib==3.3.3 networkx==2.5 numpy==1.19.4 Pillow==8.0.1 pkg-resources==0.0.0 protobuf==3.7.1 pyparsing==2.4.7 python-dateutil==2.8.1 PyWavelets==1.1.1 scikit-image==0.15.0 scipy==1.5.4 six==1.15.0 typing==3.6.6 typing-extensions==3.6.6

    opened by nadavru1029 5
  • ValueError: axes don't match array

    ValueError: axes don't match array

    Upon selecting 2 images of the same size I run into this error for the Can someone guide. What could be the possible error I am committing?

    opened by aradhyamathur 5
  • What's the purpose of laplacian/gaussian_param?

    What's the purpose of laplacian/gaussian_param?

    First of all, thanks for the great work which point out a framework for high resolution on GAN!!

    But I don't understand what's the purpose of the functions "laplacian_param" and "gaussian_param" in

    Could you give me some hint?

    opened by u10116032 5
  • Hi, Thank you for your work.I just want to ask something when I run your code for my work it gave me nothing and it just stuck here like this.

    Hi, Thank you for your work.I just want to ask something when I run your code for my work it gave me nothing and it just stuck here like this.

    python --image_size 640 --src_image im2.jpg --dst_image im1.jpg --mask_image mask_screenshot_05.09.2022.png --blended_image images/test_images/result.jpg
    Input arguments: nef: 64 ngf: 64 nc: 3 nBottleneck: 4000 ndf: 64 image_size: 640 color_weight: 1 sigma: 0.5 gradient_kernel: normal smooth_sigma: 1 supervised: True nz: 100 n_iteration: 2 gpu: 0 g_path: models/blending_gan.npz unsupervised_path: models/unsupervised_blending_gan.npz list_path: result_folder: blending_result src_image: im2.jpg dst_image: im1.jpg mask_image: mask_screenshot_05.09.2022.png blended_image: images/test_images/result.jpg

    I waited for so long and I didn't,t get output result

    opened by noreenanwar 4
  • Problems installing via Docker File

    Problems installing via Docker File

    Successfully built the docker container. Running your test script (in docker) or doing import chainer in the python3 console results in following output. However importing other installed packages works (like numpy).

    >>> import chainer Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/chainer/", line 10, in <module> from chainer import backends # NOQA File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/chainer/backends/", line 1, in <module> from chainer.backends import cuda # NOQA File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/chainer/backends/", line 45, in <module> from chainer.backends import _cpu File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/chainer/backends/", line 8, in <module> import chainerx File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/chainerx/", line 28, in <module> from chainerx.creation.from_data import asanyarray # NOQA ImportError: No module named 'chainerx.creation'

    Following the installation for chainerX resulted in output that suggests that everything is properly installed.

    Did I miss something? I executed following command in the docker image: python3 --src_image images/test_images/src.jpg --dst_image images/test_images/dst.jpg --mask_image images/test_images/mask.png --blended_image images/test_images/result.png

    How I used docker: Built the image with docker image build -t gp-gan:1.0 .Then I started the container via docker container run -dit --name gp-gan gp-gan:1.0 and then attached via docker attach gp-gan

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

    opened by mowolf 4
  • Parameters for reproducing Figure 10.

    Parameters for reproducing Figure 10.

    Hi - thanks for making an implementation of your work available. Could you share the CLI input arguments that were used for creating the bear/beach example from Figure 10 please? Using the images from here, I haven't been able to obtain comparable results with the default parameter settings. I can reproduce the results in images/test_images correctly with the default params. Thanks in advance!

    opened by giles-shaw 3
  • Pretrained model is not accessible

    Pretrained model is not accessible

    Hello! I was tried to look on the performance of pretrained model throw all available links (GitHub and Colab), but it seems the model weights are under private configuration at the moment. Can you help in accessing please?

    Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 16 36 51 (2)
    opened by akhmedov 3
  • image width height different causing error

    image width height different causing error

    Hi @wuhuikai , I have image with 600x799, and I initially just not modify the image size, and get following error: copy_paste_init = obj_im_pyramid[0] * mask_init + bg_im_pyramid[0] * (1 - mask_init) ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (64,64,4) (64,64,3)

    Then due to there is no separate width, height argument, I pass in --image_size=800, and the python execution hangs after it print out input arguments. Any idea what I did wrong?

    opened by shiyingZhang90 3
  • [Urgent!!!] When I use my own datasets, after I run the sheet

    [Urgent!!!] When I use my own datasets, after I run the sheet "", the command line seems to be stuck and no any errors!

    When I use my own datasets, after I run the sheet "", the command line seems to be stuck like this:

    Input arguments:
            nef: 64
            ngf: 64
            nc: 3
            nBottleneck: 4000
            ndf: 64
            lr_d: 0.0002
            lr_g: 0.002
            beta1: 0.5
            l2_weight: 0.999
            gpu: 1
            n_epoch: 25
            data_root: steel_plates
            load_size: 64
            image_size: 64
            ratio: 0.5
            val_ratio: 0.05
            d_iters: 5
            clamp_lower: -0.01
            clamp_upper: 0.01
            experiment: encoder_decoder_blending_result
            test_folder: samples
            workers: 4
            batch_size: 64
            test_size: 64
            train_samples: 150000
            test_samples: 256
            manual_seed: 5
            snapshot_interval: 1
            print_interval: 1
            plot_interval: 10
    Create & Init models ...
            Init G network ...
            Init D network ...
            Copy models to gpu 1 ...
    Init models done ...
    Load images from steel_plates ...
            21 folders in total, 1 val folders ...
            Trainset contains 150000 image files
            Valset contains 256 image files
    Saving samples to encoder_decoder_blending_result/samples ...

    And, when I kill this script, the command line shown like this:

    ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 183, in <module>
      File "", line 164, in main
        train_batch = [trainset[idx][0] for idx in range(args.test_size)]
      File "", line 164, in <listcomp>
        train_batch = [trainset[idx][0] for idx in range(args.test_size)]
      File "/home/wyy/anaconda3/envs/python36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/chainer/dataset/", line 67, in __getitem__
        return self.get_example(index)
      File "/ssd3/wyy/projects/GP-GAN/", line 84, in get_example
        obj_croped = self._crop(obj, rw, rh, sx, sy)
      File "/ssd3/wyy/projects/GP-GAN/", line 66, in _crop
        im = resize(im, (rw, rh), order=1, preserve_range=False, mode='constant')
      File "/home/wyy/anaconda3/envs/python36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/skimage/transform/", line 148, in resize
        cval=cval, mode=ndi_mode)
      File "/home/wyy/anaconda3/envs/python36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/ndimage/", line 299, in gaussian_filter
        mode, cval, truncate)
      File "/home/wyy/anaconda3/envs/python36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/ndimage/", line 217, in gaussian_filter1d
        return correlate1d(input, weights, axis, output, mode, cval, 0)
      File "/home/wyy/anaconda3/envs/python36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/ndimage/", line 95, in correlate1d

    Is the size of the image in my dataset (5000x3000) too large? Or is it something else? I look forward to your reply and would appreciate it.

    opened by TheWangYang 2
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