Delving into Localization Errors for Monocular 3D Object Detection, CVPR'2021


Delving into Localization Errors for Monocular 3D Detection

By Xinzhu Ma, Yinmin Zhang, Dan Xu, Dongzhan Zhou, Shuai Yi, Haojie Li, Wanli Ouyang.


This repository is an official implementation of the paper 'Delving into Localization Errors for Monocular 3D Detection'. In this work, by intensive diagnosis experiments, we quantify the impact introduced by each sub-task and found the ‘localization error’ is the vital factor in restricting monocular 3D detection. Besides, we also investigate the underlying reasons behind localization errors, analyze the issues they might bring, and propose three strategies.




This repo is tested on our local environment (python=3.6, cuda=9.0, pytorch=1.1), and we recommend you to use anaconda to create a vitural environment:

conda create -n monodle python=3.6

Then, activate the environment:

conda activate monodle

Install Install PyTorch:

conda install pytorch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch

and other requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

Please download KITTI dataset and organize the data as follows:

      |ImageSets/ [already provided in this repo]

Training & Evaluation

Move to the workplace and train the network:

 cd #ROOT
 cd experiments/example
 python ../../tools/ --config config_patchnet.yaml

The model will be evaluated automatically if the training completed. If you only want evaluate your trained model (or the provided pretrained model) , you can modify the test part configuration in the .yaml file and use the following command:

python ../../tools/ --config config_patchnet.yaml --e

For ease of use, we also provide a pre-trained checkpoint, which can be used for evaluation directly. See the below table to check the performance.

AP40@Easy AP40@Mod. AP40@Hard
In original paper 17.45 13.66 11.68
In this repo 17.94 13.72 12.10


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

author = {Ma, Xinzhu and Zhang, Yinmin, and Xu, Dan and Zhou, Dongzhan and Yi, Shuai and Li, Haojie and Ouyang, Wanli},
title = {Delving into Localization Errors for Monocular 3D Object Detection},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2021}}


This repo benefits from the excellent work CenterNet. Please also consider citing it.


This project is released under the MIT License.


If you have any question about this project, please feel free to contact

  • How do I conduct the experiments in Table 1 mentioned in the paper?

    How do I conduct the experiments in Table 1 mentioned in the paper?

    How do I conduct the experiments in Table 1 mentioned in the paper?

    I change the below code but The result is so bad.

    How can I get the Table 1 result?


    def evaluate(label_path,
        dt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(result_path)
        if score_thresh > 0:
            dt_annos = kitti.filter_annos_low_score(dt_annos, score_thresh)
        val_image_ids = _read_imageset_file(label_split_file)
        gt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(label_path, val_image_ids)
        dt_annos = kitti.get_label_annos(label_path, val_image_ids)
        if coco:
            return get_coco_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_class)
            return get_official_eval_result(gt_annos, dt_annos, current_class)

    Result: 2021-08-13 18:43:24,476 INFO Car AP@0.70, 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP:100.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000 bev AP:0.0865, 0.1172, 0.2115 3d AP:0.0865, 0.1172, 0.2115 aos AP:100.00, 100.00, 100.00 Car AP_R40@0.70, 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP:100.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000 bev AP:0.0238, 0.0322, 0.0582 3d AP:0.0238, 0.0322, 0.0582 aos AP:100.00, 100.00, 100.00 Car AP@0.70, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP:100.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000 bev AP:0.0865, 0.1172, 0.2115 3d AP:0.0865, 0.1172, 0.2115 aos AP:100.00, 100.00, 100.00 Car AP_R40@0.70, 0.50, 0.50: bbox AP:100.0000, 100.0000, 100.0000 bev AP:0.0238, 0.0322, 0.0582 3d AP:0.0238, 0.0322, 0.0582 aos AP:100.00, 100.00, 100.00

    opened by sjg02122 17
  • Code & Result on nuScenes

    Code & Result on nuScenes

    Hi, I have reproduced your result on KITTI. I can't find your submission on the nuScenes leaderboard, so I wonder if you have done experiments on the nuScenes dataset. If yes, could you share your accuracy? Will you release the code for nuScenes?

    Thanks for your excellent work~

    opened by Treemann 11
  • question about training results?

    question about training results?

    Hi, @xinzhuma Thanks for your amazing work! I trained your code and got the following results: image Do you have any suggestions about unstable training results? I think you have made code reproducible in set_random_seed.

    opened by Senwang98 10
  • The detection results on val split is poor.

    The detection results on val split is poor.

    I train the model on single GPU and never use the distributed training. The batch size is set at 8. The detection results are as follows: Car AP@0.70, 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP:89.6069, 86.3804, 78.2012 bev AP:23.5712, 18.8870, 15.9993 3d AP:16.8725, 13.4053, 12.3370 aos AP:88.85, 84.82, 76.00 Car AP_R40@0.70, 0.70, 0.70: bbox AP:94.9005, 89.4963, 80.5794 bev AP:21.5961, 16.3269, 13.8877 3d AP:14.9669, 11.0160, 9.5246 aos AP:93.97, 87.69, 78.04

    opened by jichaofeng 8
  • Does the provided pretrianed model only train on Car?

    Does the provided pretrianed model only train on Car?

    Hi, @xinzhuma Many thanks for the great work! When I do the evaluation, it only tests on the Car. When I add the Pedestrian and Cyclist, the results are 0. So does the model only train on Car?

    opened by karenyun 7
  • Support 30 GPU and bug of random seed

    Support 30 GPU and bug of random seed

    Hi, @xinzhuma Q1: It seems that code can't run on 30x0 GPU. I guess your code can't support cuda11 now. image

    Q2:It can't set random seed to do further experiment. Since you have set fixed random seed now, but it is not really work as expected. Each time you train one model, the final results are different. Do you have any suggestions about it? thanks very much! (This is strange, because we always use this method to make model reproducted)

    opened by Senwang98 7
  • 训练代码图片预处理中flip时,x未取反,这是个bug吗?




    object.pos[0] = -object.pos[0]


    opened by DuZzzs 7
  • 多卡训练显卡利用率0%,训练很慢



    1. 测试预训练模型时,readme中的预训练模型是多卡训练的,单卡测试会报错。解决办法:在monodle/lib/helpers/ 加入:
        model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda()  # 强制让模型多卡
    1. 训练时,self.stats['train'] = {}这里会报错。解决办法:在amonodle/lib/helpers/前面加入self.stats={}
    2. 2080ti上,2块卡训练,batch_size=16,显卡利用率大部分时间是0%,训练很慢。在代码中没看到您用torch的Dataloader,不清楚怎么加num_workers。请问有遇到类似的问题吗?谢谢
    opened by DuZzzs 7
  • change backbone to DLA102, performance degradation

    change backbone to DLA102, performance degradation

    Hi, @xinzhuma Have you test backbone such as DLA102? When change config file dla34 to dla102, the 3D AP is only 10 which is 6% performance degradation compared to default config setting. Wishing for your reply.

    opened by Senwang98 6
  • a question about ablation study

    a question about ablation study

    We propose a method based on the monodle and need to do ablation study to evaluate the effect of our design. We obtain the different model when using the same code to train the network , so the detection results are vary largely. In this case, how to do the ablation study? Do you have a solution? We train the model on a single GPU.

    opened by jichaofeng 5
  • 请问关于远距离样本过滤,直接过滤不进行ignore处理,远距离样本不就当成负样本,这样不会有问题吗?


    您好,感谢您的优秀工作。关于Training Samples这块有一些疑问,我看代码中是直接按照距离进行了过滤,并没有进行ignore处理 image


    opened by yjcn 4
  • Instance level

    Instance level

    Hello, when reading the tag data, if I change the filter conditions of the instance level, does it mean that the distance of the model I trained focus is different, and will the level filtering hyperparameter affect the evaluation process?

    opened by shanqiu24 0
  • Image size

    Image size


    Thank you for your work. I have a question to ask you. I made my own dataset in KITTI format, but the image size is 1280 * 720. How do I need to modify the corresponding code

    opened by myfun-deep 0
  • Q


    Why is the accuracy of the moderate car reported in the paper is 12.28, but in this repository reports 13.66 and 13.72?Are the tables in this repository describing the results on the val set?

    opened by shanqiu24 1
  • Wonder


    why when I train monodle: (monodle) G:\WWProject\monodle\experiments\example>python ../../tools/ --config kitti_example.yaml 2022-10-11 10:46:15,326 INFO ################### Training ################## 2022-10-11 10:46:15,326 INFO Batch Size: 16 2022-10-11 10:46:15,326 INFO Learning Rate: 0.001250 Then it took more than half an hour to appear in the training epoch progress bar, I changed the original monodle to a single GPU run, mine is a single 3090 epochs: 0%| | 0/140 [00:00<?, ?it/s] iters: 0%| | 0/232 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

    opened by shanqiu24 0
  • error in implementing dim_aware_loss

    error in implementing dim_aware_loss

    Hi,thanks for your great work. when we use dim_aware_loss to train dim we found that there is some bug in dim_aware_loss.

    loss /= dimension may change the gradient direction of one of the parameters (h, w, l). For example, when h < 0, the gradient is of |h - h*| is negative, so that the graident changes to positive when divided by h and this will cause the loss to increase when using gradient descent to update parameters. The gradient direction of all parameters should not be changed after dividing by dimension. We recommand that this line be changed to loss/=torch.abs(dimension).

    opened by zhaokai5 0
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