[NeurIPS 2021]: Are Transformers More Robust Than CNNs? (Pytorch implementation & checkpoints)


Are Transformers More Robust Than CNNs?

Pytorch implementation for NeurIPS 2021 Paper: Are Transformers More Robust Than CNNs?

Our implementation is based on DeiT.


Transformer emerges as a powerful tool for visual recognition. In addition to demonstrating competitive performance on a broad range of visual benchmarks, recent works also argue that Transformers are much more robust than Convolutions Neural Networks (CNNs). Nonetheless, surprisingly, we find these conclusions are drawn from unfair experimental settings, where Transformers and CNNs are compared at different scales and are applied with distinct training frameworks. In this paper, we aim to provide the first fair & in-depth comparisons between Transformers and CNNs, focusing on robustness evaluations.

With our unified training setup, we first challenge the previous belief that Transformers outshine CNNs when measuring adversarial robustness. More surprisingly, we find CNNs can easily be as robust as Transformers on defending against adversarial attacks, if they properly adopt Transformers' training recipes. While regarding generalization on out-of-distribution samples, we show pre-training on (external) large-scale datasets is not a fundamental request for enabling Transformers to achieve better performance than CNNs. Moreover, our ablations suggest such stronger generalization is largely benefited by the Transformer's self-attention-like architectures per se, rather than by other training setups. We hope this work can help the community better understand and benchmark the robustness of Transformers and CNNs.

Pretrained models

We provide both pretrained vanilla models and adversarially trained models.

Vanilla Training

Main Results

Pretrained Model ImageNet ImageNet-A ImageNet-C Stylized-ImageNet
Res50-Ori download link 76.9 3.2 57.9 8.3
Res50-Align download link 76.3 4.5 55.6 8.2
Res50-Best download link 75.7 6.3 52.3 10.8
DeiT-Small download link 76.8 12.2 48.0 13.0

Model Size


  • ResNets fully aligned (with DeiT's training recipe) model, denoted as res*:
Model Size Pretrained Model ImageNet ImageNet-A ImageNet-C Stylized-ImageNet
Res18* 11.69M download link 67.83 1.92 64.14 7.92
Res50* 25.56M download link 76.28 4.53 55.62 8.17
Res101* 44.55M download link 77.97 8.84 49.19 11.60
  • ResNets best model (for Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization), denoted as res-best:
Model Size Pretrained Model ImageNet ImageNet-A ImageNet-C Stylized-ImageNet
Res18-best 11.69M download link 66.81 2.03 62.65 9.45
Res50-best 25.56M download link 75.74 6.32 52.25 10.77
Res101-best 44.55M download link 77.83 11.49 47.35 13.28


Model Size Pretrained Model ImageNet ImageNet-A ImageNet-C Stylized-ImageNet
DeiT-Mini 9.98M download link 72.89 8.19 54.68 9.88
DeiT-Small 22.05M download link 76.82 12.21 47.99 12.98

Model Distillation

Architecture Pretrained Model ImageNet ImageNet-A ImageNet-C Stylized-ImageNet
Teacher DeiT-Small download link 76.8 12.2 48.0 13.0
Student Res50*-Distill download link 76.7 5.2 54.2 9.8
Teacher Res50* download link 76.3 4.5 55.6 8.2
Student DeiT-S-Distill download link 76.2 10.9 49.3 11.9

Adversarial Training

Pretrained Model Clean Acc PGD-100 Auto Attack
Res50-ReLU download link 66.77 32.26 26.41
Res50-GELU download link 67.38 40.27 35.51
DeiT-Small download link 66.50 40.32 35.50

Vanilla Training

Data preparation

Download and extract ImageNet train and val images from http://image-net.org/. The directory structure is the standard layout for the torchvision, and the training and validation data is expected to be in the train folder and val folder respectively:



Install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Training Scripts

To train a ResNet model on ImageNet run:

bash script/res.sh

To train a DeiT model on ImageNet run:

bash script/deit.sh

Generalization to Out-of-Distribution Sample

Data Preparation

Download and extract ImageNet-A, ImageNet-C, Stylized-ImageNet val images:


Evaluation Scripts

To evaluate pre-trained models, run:

bash script/generation_to_ood.sh

It is worth noting that for ImageNet-C evaluation, the error rate is calculated based on the Noise, Blur, Weather and Digital categories.

Adversarial Training

To perform adversarial training on ResNet run:

bash script/advres.sh

To do adversarial training on DeiT run:

bash scripts/advdeit.sh

Robustness to Adversarial Example

PGD Attack Evaluation

To evaluate the pre-trained models, run:

bash script/eval_advtraining.sh

AutoAttack Evaluation

./autoattack contains the AutoAttack public package, with a little modification to best support ImageNet evaluation.

cd autoattack/
bash autoattack.sh

Patch Attack Evaluation

Please refer to PatchAttack


If you use our code, models or wish to refer to our results, please use the following BibTex entry:

  title     = {Are Transformers More Robust Than CNNs?},
  author    = {Bai, Yutong and Mei, Jieru and Yuille, Alan and Xie, Cihang},
  booktitle = {Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
  year      = {2021},
  • The adversarial training script is showing strange trend

    The adversarial training script is showing strange trend

    Hi The adversarial training script is showing strage trend, after certain epochs top-1 accuracy has fallen to 1.6% from around 21%. Is it normal?

    I used the script for adv training as: python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=5672 --use_env main_adv_deit.py --model deit_small_patch16_224_adv --batch-size 128 --data-path /datasets/imagenet-ilsvrc2012 --attack-iter 1 --attack-epsilon 4 --attack-step-size 4 --epoch 100 --reprob 0 --no-repeated-aug --sing singln --drop 0 --drop-path 0 --start_epoch 0 --warmup-epochs 10 --cutmix 0 --output_dir save/deit_adv/deit_small_patch16_224

    Here is the training log (till 40 epochs): {"train_lr": 1.0000000000000031e-06, "train_loss": 6.885785259502969, "test_0_loss": 6.7725973782139715, "test_0_acc1": 0.806, "test_0_acc5": 2.804, "test_5_loss": 6.844994894602477, "test_5_acc1": 0.55, "test_5_acc5": 1.958, "epoch": 0, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 1.0000000000000031e-06, "train_loss": 6.885785259502969, "test_0_loss": 6.7725973782139715, "test_0_acc1": 0.806, "test_0_acc5": 2.804, "test_5_loss": 6.844994894602477, "test_5_acc1": 0.55, "test_5_acc5": 1.958, "epoch": 0, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 1.0000000000000031e-06, "train_loss": 6.846427675869634, "test_0_loss": 6.689390176393554, "test_0_acc1": 1.192, "test_0_acc5": 4.378, "test_5_loss": 6.844994894602477, "test_5_acc1": 0.55, "test_5_acc5": 1.958, "epoch": 1, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.00020090000000000288, "train_loss": 6.701197089479981, "test_0_loss": 5.865309043488896, "test_0_acc1": 5.43, "test_0_acc5": 14.672, "test_5_loss": 6.844994894602477, "test_5_acc1": 0.55, "test_5_acc5": 1.958, "epoch": 2, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.00040079999999998546, "train_loss": 6.543532955179588, "test_0_loss": 5.340847122768371, "test_0_acc1": 9.812, "test_0_acc5": 23.782, "test_5_loss": 6.844994894602477, "test_5_acc1": 0.55, "test_5_acc5": 1.958, "epoch": 3, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0006006999999999715, "train_loss": 6.4769038225916455, "test_0_loss": 5.03732673006796, "test_0_acc1": 13.248, "test_0_acc5": 29.602, "test_5_loss": 6.844994894602477, "test_5_acc1": 0.55, "test_5_acc5": 1.958, "epoch": 4, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0008006000000000287, "train_loss": 6.315360357340196, "test_0_loss": 5.300121459301969, "test_0_acc1": 10.944, "test_0_acc5": 25.546, "test_5_loss": 6.55244832365313, "test_5_acc1": 2.756, "test_5_acc5": 7.6525, "epoch": 5, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0010004999999999689, "train_loss": 6.190600837687318, "test_0_loss": 4.9149362563476755, "test_0_acc1": 14.35, "test_0_acc5": 31.418, "test_5_loss": 6.55244832365313, "test_5_acc1": 2.756, "test_5_acc5": 7.6525, "epoch": 6, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0012004000000000647, "train_loss": 6.088374964529566, "test_0_loss": 5.50498779843575, "test_0_acc1": 10.254, "test_0_acc5": 24.242, "test_5_loss": 6.55244832365313, "test_5_acc1": 2.756, "test_5_acc5": 7.6525, "epoch": 7, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0014002999999999238, "train_loss": 6.08913704293142, "test_0_loss": 4.774700349977363, "test_0_acc1": 14.72, "test_0_acc5": 32.384, "test_5_loss": 6.55244832365313, "test_5_acc1": 2.756, "test_5_acc5": 7.6525, "epoch": 8, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0016001999999999618, "train_loss": 6.150533516344121, "test_0_loss": 5.227625224198276, "test_0_acc1": 10.67, "test_0_acc5": 25.058, "test_5_loss": 6.55244832365313, "test_5_acc1": 2.756, "test_5_acc5": 7.6525, "epoch": 9, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018001000000000126, "train_loss": 6.101692359891536, "test_0_loss": 5.141786843786161, "test_0_acc1": 11.414, "test_0_acc5": 26.346, "test_5_loss": 6.756372647642403, "test_5_acc1": 2.309, "test_5_acc5": 6.5675, "epoch": 10, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.001951301233713633, "train_loss": 6.093319233182332, "test_0_loss": 4.774902591320924, "test_0_acc1": 14.368, "test_0_acc5": 31.786, "test_5_loss": 6.756372647642403, "test_5_acc1": 2.309, "test_5_acc5": 6.5675, "epoch": 11, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.001941176365109525, "train_loss": 6.128870297345421, "test_0_loss": 5.251185640492503, "test_0_acc1": 11.492, "test_0_acc5": 26.726, "test_5_loss": 6.756372647642403, "test_5_acc1": 2.309, "test_5_acc5": 6.5675, "epoch": 12, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0019301276034588222, "train_loss": 6.053121808859752, "test_0_loss": 4.758080562108309, "test_0_acc1": 16.252, "test_0_acc5": 34.882, "test_5_loss": 6.756372647642403, "test_5_acc1": 2.309, "test_5_acc5": 6.5675, "epoch": 13, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0019181658525555538, "train_loss": 6.0439764577136055, "test_0_loss": 4.586510399862962, "test_0_acc1": 16.69, "test_0_acc5": 35.526, "test_5_loss": 6.756372647642403, "test_5_acc1": 2.309, "test_5_acc5": 6.5675, "epoch": 14, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0019053029172036828, "train_loss": 5.91496213320062, "test_0_loss": 4.488940908904268, "test_0_acc1": 17.398, "test_0_acc5": 36.698, "test_5_loss": 7.4814025707452325, "test_5_acc1": 1.2555, "test_5_acc5": 4.2435, "epoch": 15, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018915514915675221, "train_loss": 6.002524321551898, "test_0_loss": 4.450921233922186, "test_0_acc1": 17.934, "test_0_acc5": 37.114, "test_5_loss": 7.4814025707452325, "test_5_acc1": 1.2555, "test_5_acc5": 4.2435, "epoch": 16, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018769251466436458, "train_loss": 5.878266204508851, "test_0_loss": 4.308091710831062, "test_0_acc1": 20.404, "test_0_acc5": 41.2, "test_5_loss": 7.4814025707452325, "test_5_acc1": 1.2555, "test_5_acc5": 4.2435, "epoch": 17, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018614383168689135, "train_loss": 5.789360093222343, "test_0_loss": 4.410817133793065, "test_0_acc1": 18.154, "test_0_acc5": 38.082, "test_5_loss": 7.4814025707452325, "test_5_acc1": 1.2555, "test_5_acc5": 4.2435, "epoch": 18, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018451062858745686, "train_loss": 5.750880390286541, "test_0_loss": 4.467262921391278, "test_0_acc1": 19.266, "test_0_acc5": 39.462, "test_5_loss": 7.4814025707452325, "test_5_acc1": 1.2555, "test_5_acc5": 4.2435, "epoch": 19, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018279451714032378, "train_loss": 5.764791792602562, "test_0_loss": 4.67896575738586, "test_0_acc1": 17.392, "test_0_acc5": 37.15, "test_5_loss": 7.557907587735987, "test_5_acc1": 0.9905, "test_5_acc5": 3.1575, "epoch": 20, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0018099719094030393, "train_loss": 5.759131700348416, "test_0_loss": 4.419680974762636, "test_0_acc1": 19.966, "test_0_acc5": 40.798, "test_5_loss": 7.557907587735987, "test_5_acc1": 0.9905, "test_5_acc5": 3.1575, "epoch": 21, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0017912042373137494, "train_loss": 5.710006896111605, "test_0_loss": 4.2751427415236405, "test_0_acc1": 20.356, "test_0_acc5": 41.114, "test_5_loss": 7.557907587735987, "test_5_acc1": 0.9905, "test_5_acc5": 3.1575, "epoch": 22, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0017716606765619972, "train_loss": 5.68051082098322, "test_0_loss": 4.154385426833091, "test_0_acc1": 21.638, "test_0_acc5": 43.102, "test_5_loss": 7.557907587735987, "test_5_acc1": 0.9905, "test_5_acc5": 3.1575, "epoch": 23, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0017513605142823508, "train_loss": 5.693617649811158, "test_0_loss": 4.25816687512535, "test_0_acc1": 20.994, "test_0_acc5": 41.96, "test_5_loss": 7.557907587735987, "test_5_acc1": 0.9905, "test_5_acc5": 3.1575, "epoch": 24, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0017303237842843694, "train_loss": 5.6821105527839695, "test_0_loss": 4.421267043301026, "test_0_acc1": 19.116, "test_0_acc5": 39.094, "test_5_loss": 8.897946262237587, "test_5_acc1": 0.514, "test_5_acc5": 1.892, "epoch": 25, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.001708571247280513, "train_loss": 5.69677297047955, "test_0_loss": 4.398700253595852, "test_0_acc1": 19.178, "test_0_acc5": 39.536, "test_5_loss": 8.897946262237587, "test_5_acc1": 0.514, "test_5_acc5": 1.892, "epoch": 26, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0016861243703990647, "train_loss": 5.740358965097666, "test_0_loss": 4.446112109237348, "test_0_acc1": 19.972, "test_0_acc5": 40.84, "test_5_loss": 8.897946262237587, "test_5_acc1": 0.514, "test_5_acc5": 1.892, "epoch": 27, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0016630053059970855, "train_loss": 5.712303198760838, "test_0_loss": 4.1932648324234245, "test_0_acc1": 21.566, "test_0_acc5": 42.98, "test_5_loss": 8.897946262237587, "test_5_acc1": 0.514, "test_5_acc5": 1.892, "epoch": 28, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0016392368698000565, "train_loss": 5.74558376472631, "test_0_loss": 4.124165606513972, "test_0_acc1": 21.932, "test_0_acc5": 43.39, "test_5_loss": 8.897946262237587, "test_5_acc1": 0.514, "test_5_acc5": 1.892, "epoch": 29, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0016148425183847566, "train_loss": 5.3731044158518175, "test_0_loss": 4.680003530995935, "test_0_acc1": 15.374, "test_0_acc5": 33.588, "test_5_loss": 11.426024395688863, "test_5_acc1": 0.1075, "test_5_acc5": 0.45, "epoch": 30, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0015898463260310706, "train_loss": 4.259690835869474, "test_0_loss": 5.981102620495181, "test_0_acc1": 5.786, "test_0_acc5": 14.55, "test_5_loss": 11.426024395688863, "test_5_acc1": 0.1075, "test_5_acc5": 0.45, "epoch": 31, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0015642729609628443, "train_loss": 4.075305948785836, "test_0_loss": 5.933592574686403, "test_0_acc1": 4.598, "test_0_acc5": 13.066, "test_5_loss": 11.426024395688863, "test_5_acc1": 0.1075, "test_5_acc5": 0.45, "epoch": 32, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.001538147661004018, "train_loss": 4.167220209940351, "test_0_loss": 6.295307500501207, "test_0_acc1": 3.228, "test_0_acc5": 9.566, "test_5_loss": 11.426024395688863, "test_5_acc1": 0.1075, "test_5_acc5": 0.45, "epoch": 33, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.001511496208671658, "train_loss": 4.134730825523774, "test_0_loss": 5.972504679850104, "test_0_acc1": 3.806, "test_0_acc5": 11.758, "test_5_loss": 11.426024395688863, "test_5_acc1": 0.1075, "test_5_acc5": 0.45, "epoch": 34, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0014843449057311518, "train_loss": 4.365966309007885, "test_0_loss": 6.5958606600380065, "test_0_acc1": 2.156, "test_0_acc5": 7.3, "test_5_loss": 12.839466273136347, "test_5_acc1": 0.002, "test_5_acc5": 0.0035, "epoch": 35, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.00145672054724078, "train_loss": 4.49492947772729, "test_0_loss": 6.905164708865429, "test_0_acc1": 1.588, "test_0_acc5": 5.264, "test_5_loss": 12.839466273136347, "test_5_acc1": 0.002, "test_5_acc5": 0.0035, "epoch": 36, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0014286503951072877, "train_loss": 4.562651729769558, "test_0_loss": 6.958603466617245, "test_0_acc1": 1.594, "test_0_acc5": 5.226, "test_5_loss": 12.839466273136347, "test_5_acc1": 0.002, "test_5_acc5": 0.0035, "epoch": 37, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0014001621511816529, "train_loss": 4.620032903101804, "test_0_loss": 6.883705623624269, "test_0_acc1": 1.946, "test_0_acc5": 5.582, "test_5_loss": 12.839466273136347, "test_5_acc1": 0.002, "test_5_acc5": 0.0035, "epoch": 38, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0013712839299212382, "train_loss": 4.635755813831715, "test_0_loss": 7.244386745887312, "test_0_acc1": 0.964, "test_0_acc5": 3.976, "test_5_loss": 12.839466273136347, "test_5_acc1": 0.002, "test_5_acc5": 0.0035, "epoch": 39, "n_parameters": 22050664} {"train_lr": 0.0013420442306441068, "train_loss": 4.83734727265547, "test_0_loss": 7.3013705145603405, "test_0_acc1": 1.686, "test_0_acc5": 4.768, "test_5_loss": 14.802937962195847, "test_5_acc1": 0.0, "test_5_acc5": 0.0, "epoch": 40, "n_parameters": 22050664}

    opened by ksouvik52 8
  • Is epsilon 4/255 or 8/255 in adversarial training?

    Is epsilon 4/255 or 8/255 in adversarial training?

    Hi, Thanks for this excellent work! You stated in your paper "with the constrain that maximum per-pixel change epsilon = 4/255". However, in this implementation, the argument attack-epsilon (4) is multiplied by an Image Scale which is 2/255, and the real epsilon should be 8/255 instead of 4/255?

    opened by ShihuaHuang95 5
  • About the output of autoattack. And the program will be killed by themself.

    About the output of autoattack. And the program will be killed by themself.

    When I use your code of autoatteck, the output I get is very different, and the program will be killed by them self. After output the APGD-CE accuracy, the terminal output Killed. the part output of mine :

    apgd-ce - 1/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 2/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 3/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 4/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 5/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 6/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 7/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 8/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 9/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 10/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 11/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 12/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 13/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 14/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 15/147 - 256 out of 256 successfully perturbed

    the follow is the part output of yours(autoattack/log)

    apgd-ce - 1/65 - 193 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 2/65 - 116 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 3/65 - 245 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 4/65 - 283 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 5/65 - 210 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 6/65 - 193 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 7/65 - 101 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 8/65 - 204 out of 512 successfully perturbed
    apgd-ce - 9/65 - 264 out of 512 successfully perturbed

    Thanks for your reply

    opened by 1104662797 3
  • Unknown model (deit_small_patch16_224)

    Unknown model (deit_small_patch16_224)

    Cannot create DeiT Small model.

    I have timm=0.3.2 installed. I try to evaluate DeiT Small on ImageNet and get the following error.

    [xxx@xxx vit-vs-cnn]$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python imagenet_robust.py -a 'deit_small_patch16_224' --test-batch 256  --data data_path  --evaluate --imagenet-a --ckpt ckpt/deitsmall.pth --sing singln
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/research/domain_sim/vit-vs-cnn/imagenet_robust.py", line 394, in <module>
      File "/home/research/domain_sim/vit-vs-cnn/imagenet_robust.py", line 233, in main
        model = create_model(
      File "/home/anaconda3/envs/domain2/lib/python3.9/site-packages/timm/models/factory.py", line 59, in create_model
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown model (%s)' % model_name)
    RuntimeError: Unknown model (deit_small_patch16_224)
    opened by natanielruiz 2
  • Pre-trained Model link not working- Adversarial Training DeiT-small

    Pre-trained Model link not working- Adversarial Training DeiT-small

    Thank you for sharing your awesome work.

    I've tried to download the pre-trained model of DeiT-small (Adversarial Training).

    The current link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U5XmAUQkSlw5Q1ZhsVriBEOQEk-bPfFU/view?usp=sharing does not have a pth file so I'm a little bit confused.

    It would be great if you update the link.

    Thank you

    opened by jongwook-Han 1
  • Adversarial training is not working

    Adversarial training is not working

    Hi, as you suggested in the earlier thread, we tried with the exact same settings and argument that you provided to do train on deit tiny adversarially. However, it is still not working, only 18% accuracy after 52 epochs.

    {"train_lr": 9.999999999999953e-07, "train_loss": 6.91152723201459, "test_0_loss": 6.872483930142354, "test_0_acc1": 0.26, "test_0_acc5": 1.12, "test_5_loss": 6.9177000566849856, "test_5_acc1": 0.1805, "test_5_acc5": 0.6765, "epoch": 0, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 9.999999999999953e-07, "train_loss": 6.900039605433039, "test_0_loss": 6.850005263940539, "test_0_acc1": 0.362, "test_0_acc5": 1.578, "test_5_loss": 6.9177000566849856, "test_5_acc1": 0.1805, "test_5_acc5": 0.6765, "epoch": 1, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.00040089999999999305, "train_loss": 6.754413659242894, "test_0_loss": 6.145018349987379, "test_0_acc1": 3.726, "test_0_acc5": 10.93, "test_5_loss": 6.9177000566849856, "test_5_acc1": 0.1805, "test_5_acc5": 0.6765, "epoch": 2, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0008008000000000196, "train_loss": 6.625597798519379, "test_0_loss": 5.638628653967449, "test_0_acc1": 7.224, "test_0_acc5": 18.596, "test_5_loss": 6.9177000566849856, "test_5_acc1": 0.1805, "test_5_acc5": 0.6765, "epoch": 3, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.001200700000000036, "train_loss": 6.560625480233337, "test_0_loss": 5.315861636678607, "test_0_acc1": 10.064, "test_0_acc5": 23.916, "test_5_loss": 6.9177000566849856, "test_5_acc1": 0.1805, "test_5_acc5": 0.6765, "epoch": 4, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0016005999999999657, "train_loss": 6.54946454628099, "test_0_loss": 5.134192888048774, "test_0_acc1": 11.984, "test_0_acc5": 27.634, "test_5_loss": 5.716198673022533, "test_5_acc1": 6.383, "test_5_acc5": 16.22425, "epoch": 5, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0020004999999999914, "train_loss": 6.542691466810225, "test_0_loss": 5.129832990186304, "test_0_acc1": 12.648, "test_0_acc5": 28.482, "test_5_loss": 5.716198673022533, "test_5_acc1": 6.383, "test_5_acc5": 16.22425, "epoch": 6, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002400399999999976, "train_loss": 6.536189370113406, "test_0_loss": 5.018598655821495, "test_0_acc1": 13.942, "test_0_acc5": 31.118, "test_5_loss": 5.716198673022533, "test_5_acc1": 6.383, "test_5_acc5": 16.22425, "epoch": 7, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002800300000000059, "train_loss": 6.503189501430777, "test_0_loss": 4.9134670785048495, "test_0_acc1": 15.256, "test_0_acc5": 33.352, "test_5_loss": 5.716198673022533, "test_5_acc1": 6.383, "test_5_acc5": 16.22425, "epoch": 8, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0032002000000000983, "train_loss": 6.5094980549373975, "test_0_loss": 4.851811613246408, "test_0_acc1": 15.578, "test_0_acc5": 34.102, "test_5_loss": 5.716198673022533, "test_5_acc1": 6.383, "test_5_acc5": 16.22425, "epoch": 9, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0036000999999999585, "train_loss": 6.511975479259384, "test_0_loss": 5.143745462633598, "test_0_acc1": 13.898, "test_0_acc5": 30.834, "test_5_loss": 5.7486809707954, "test_5_acc1": 7.313, "test_5_acc5": 17.87725, "epoch": 10, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0039023577500088853, "train_loss": 6.418486285981515, "test_0_loss": 5.218988336208, "test_0_acc1": 12.054, "test_0_acc5": 27.72, "test_5_loss": 5.7486809707954, "test_5_acc1": 7.313, "test_5_acc5": 17.87725, "epoch": 11, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003882057134063648, "train_loss": 6.32594983450038, "test_0_loss": 5.0386335921455325, "test_0_acc1": 14.276, "test_0_acc5": 31.454, "test_5_loss": 5.7486809707954, "test_5_acc1": 7.313, "test_5_acc5": 17.87725, "epoch": 12, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0038599040893470705, "train_loss": 6.353343641300567, "test_0_loss": 4.799374374913163, "test_0_acc1": 16.064, "test_0_acc5": 34.754, "test_5_loss": 5.7486809707954, "test_5_acc1": 7.313, "test_5_acc5": 17.87725, "epoch": 13, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0038359204782395374, "train_loss": 6.200804713199274, "test_0_loss": 5.33436276099656, "test_0_acc1": 11.77, "test_0_acc5": 26.914, "test_5_loss": 5.7486809707954, "test_5_acc1": 7.313, "test_5_acc5": 17.87725, "epoch": 14, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0038101299696696937, "train_loss": 6.372054211956134, "test_0_loss": 5.132588769103652, "test_0_acc1": 14.968, "test_0_acc5": 32.62, "test_5_loss": 5.900749441910766, "test_5_acc1": 6.776, "test_5_acc5": 16.361, "epoch": 15, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0037825580157558377, "train_loss": 6.417677939938699, "test_0_loss": 4.666486162294277, "test_0_acc1": 15.988, "test_0_acc5": 34.454, "test_5_loss": 5.900749441910766, "test_5_acc1": 6.776, "test_5_acc5": 16.361, "epoch": 16, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0037532318266873923, "train_loss": 6.26336412826221, "test_0_loss": 5.38978447795143, "test_0_acc1": 12.402, "test_0_acc5": 28.042, "test_5_loss": 5.900749441910766, "test_5_acc1": 6.776, "test_5_acc5": 16.361, "epoch": 17, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003722180343872929, "train_loss": 6.142464170686537, "test_0_loss": 4.77877281021782, "test_0_acc1": 15.232, "test_0_acc5": 33.184, "test_5_loss": 5.900749441910766, "test_5_acc1": 6.776, "test_5_acc5": 16.361, "epoch": 18, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0036894342113766073, "train_loss": 6.004803928301679, "test_0_loss": 5.506222593730944, "test_0_acc1": 10.49, "test_0_acc5": 24.774, "test_5_loss": 5.900749441910766, "test_5_acc1": 6.776, "test_5_acc5": 16.361, "epoch": 19, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0036550257456777735, "train_loss": 6.135914517725877, "test_0_loss": 5.406659782199775, "test_0_acc1": 11.604, "test_0_acc5": 27.232, "test_5_loss": 6.950556825081355, "test_5_acc1": 2.013, "test_5_acc5": 5.54425, "epoch": 20, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0036189889037779527, "train_loss": 6.093383449254086, "test_0_loss": 5.010170250158621, "test_0_acc1": 13.934, "test_0_acc5": 30.648, "test_5_loss": 6.950556825081355, "test_5_acc1": 2.013, "test_5_acc5": 5.54425, "epoch": 21, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0035813592496895356, "train_loss": 6.059879529152176, "test_0_loss": 5.371730933796497, "test_0_acc1": 10.762, "test_0_acc5": 25.292, "test_5_loss": 6.950556825081355, "test_5_acc1": 2.013, "test_5_acc5": 5.54425, "epoch": 22, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.00354217391933767, "train_loss": 6.073066240544323, "test_0_loss": 5.048453500617107, "test_0_acc1": 13.242, "test_0_acc5": 29.126, "test_5_loss": 6.950556825081355, "test_5_acc1": 2.013, "test_5_acc5": 5.54425, "epoch": 23, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0035014715839127445, "train_loss": 6.08733743352951, "test_0_loss": 5.331494154414533, "test_0_acc1": 10.974, "test_0_acc5": 25.072, "test_5_loss": 6.950556825081355, "test_5_acc1": 2.013, "test_5_acc5": 5.54425, "epoch": 24, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003459292411705762, "train_loss": 6.1378554502646505, "test_0_loss": 5.264302222605172, "test_0_acc1": 10.784, "test_0_acc5": 25.304, "test_5_loss": 7.786235228686171, "test_5_acc1": 0.8985, "test_5_acc5": 2.83875, "epoch": 25, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0034156780284671424, "train_loss": 6.1356256470786965, "test_0_loss": 5.568371077798074, "test_0_acc1": 8.102, "test_0_acc5": 19.622, "test_5_loss": 7.786235228686171, "test_5_acc1": 0.8985, "test_5_acc5": 2.83875, "epoch": 26, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003370671476327724, "train_loss": 6.071214107396029, "test_0_loss": 5.589009375886435, "test_0_acc1": 9.484, "test_0_acc5": 22.578, "test_5_loss": 7.786235228686171, "test_5_acc1": 0.8985, "test_5_acc5": 2.83875, "epoch": 27, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.00332431717132075, "train_loss": 5.972238908568732, "test_0_loss": 5.707102177010388, "test_0_acc1": 7.978, "test_0_acc5": 19.746, "test_5_loss": 7.786235228686171, "test_5_acc1": 0.8985, "test_5_acc5": 2.83875, "epoch": 28, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0032766608595485736, "train_loss": 6.1025936421539955, "test_0_loss": 5.42314580428013, "test_0_acc1": 11.556, "test_0_acc5": 26.76, "test_5_loss": 7.786235228686171, "test_5_acc1": 0.8985, "test_5_acc5": 2.83875, "epoch": 29, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0032277495720376523, "train_loss": 6.084920492580087, "test_0_loss": 5.923481827123914, "test_0_acc1": 6.536, "test_0_acc5": 16.768, "test_5_loss": 7.121632807848168, "test_5_acc1": 1.17125, "test_5_acc5": 3.44575, "epoch": 30, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003177631578323426, "train_loss": 6.115835655793298, "test_0_loss": 5.460594815469596, "test_0_acc1": 9.702, "test_0_acc5": 23.214, "test_5_loss": 7.121632807848168, "test_5_acc1": 1.17125, "test_5_acc5": 3.44575, "epoch": 31, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003126356338814952, "train_loss": 6.0647800623846475, "test_0_loss": 5.592425890023786, "test_0_acc1": 10.268, "test_0_acc5": 23.954, "test_5_loss": 7.121632807848168, "test_5_acc1": 1.17125, "test_5_acc5": 3.44575, "epoch": 32, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0030739744559831173, "train_loss": 6.054409027099609, "test_0_loss": 5.690968008889499, "test_0_acc1": 9.494, "test_0_acc5": 22.702, "test_5_loss": 7.121632807848168, "test_5_acc1": 1.17125, "test_5_acc5": 3.44575, "epoch": 33, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.003020537624422026, "train_loss": 6.063710031606597, "test_0_loss": 4.698054779361473, "test_0_acc1": 15.238, "test_0_acc5": 32.862, "test_5_loss": 7.121632807848168, "test_5_acc1": 1.17125, "test_5_acc5": 3.44575, "epoch": 34, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0029660985798329645, "train_loss": 5.910670252202703, "test_0_loss": 5.064415029280474, "test_0_acc1": 13.038, "test_0_acc5": 29.468, "test_5_loss": 7.283367584701997, "test_5_acc1": 1.14525, "test_5_acc5": 3.321, "epoch": 35, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0029107110469803756, "train_loss": 5.995033393136794, "test_0_loss": 4.890588184388418, "test_0_acc1": 14.9, "test_0_acc5": 32.556, "test_5_loss": 7.283367584701997, "test_5_acc1": 1.14525, "test_5_acc5": 3.321, "epoch": 36, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002854429686672256, "train_loss": 5.9739233070044975, "test_0_loss": 5.277839526410142, "test_0_acc1": 12.19, "test_0_acc5": 28.048, "test_5_loss": 7.283367584701997, "test_5_acc1": 1.14525, "test_5_acc5": 3.321, "epoch": 37, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002797310041816381, "train_loss": 5.918417158744318, "test_0_loss": 5.211479980214925, "test_0_acc1": 13.658, "test_0_acc5": 30.232, "test_5_loss": 7.283367584701997, "test_5_acc1": 1.14525, "test_5_acc5": 3.321, "epoch": 38, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002739408482605983, "train_loss": 5.925514445745116, "test_0_loss": 5.419682004859031, "test_0_acc1": 10.596, "test_0_acc5": 24.802, "test_5_loss": 7.283367584701997, "test_5_acc1": 1.14525, "test_5_acc5": 3.321, "epoch": 39, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002680782150889308, "train_loss": 5.883729684505341, "test_0_loss": 5.13738645015431, "test_0_acc1": 13.256, "test_0_acc5": 29.476, "test_5_loss": 7.820061174479342, "test_5_acc1": 1.0445, "test_5_acc5": 3.129, "epoch": 40, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0026214889037779947, "train_loss": 5.8768603530623835, "test_0_loss": 5.099718636911188, "test_0_acc1": 14.214, "test_0_acc5": 32.066, "test_5_loss": 7.820061174479342, "test_5_acc1": 1.0445, "test_5_acc5": 3.129, "epoch": 41, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002561587256548306, "train_loss": 5.914836130887389, "test_0_loss": 5.2416254764783865, "test_0_acc1": 11.636, "test_0_acc5": 26.856, "test_5_loss": 7.820061174479342, "test_5_acc1": 1.0445, "test_5_acc5": 3.129, "epoch": 42, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0025011363248938225, "train_loss": 5.900150206830386, "test_0_loss": 5.101568935318627, "test_0_acc1": 13.276, "test_0_acc5": 30.104, "test_5_loss": 7.820061174479342, "test_5_acc1": 1.0445, "test_5_acc5": 3.129, "epoch": 43, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.00244019576658606, "train_loss": 5.86289567250809, "test_0_loss": 4.907099856829994, "test_0_acc1": 14.74, "test_0_acc5": 32.012, "test_5_loss": 7.820061174479342, "test_5_acc1": 1.0445, "test_5_acc5": 3.129, "epoch": 44, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0023788257225985108, "train_loss": 5.835502566836721, "test_0_loss": 5.569610283303093, "test_0_acc1": 11.684, "test_0_acc5": 26.968, "test_5_loss": 7.334822424390113, "test_5_acc1": 1.49225, "test_5_acc5": 4.25875, "epoch": 45, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002317086757755297, "train_loss": 5.902843760119544, "test_0_loss": 5.3058019126750535, "test_0_acc1": 13.534, "test_0_acc5": 29.732, "test_5_loss": 7.334822424390113, "test_5_acc1": 1.49225, "test_5_acc5": 4.25875, "epoch": 46, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0022550398009607707, "train_loss": 5.798361852205248, "test_0_loss": 5.197937856175087, "test_0_acc1": 13.114, "test_0_acc5": 29.348, "test_5_loss": 7.334822424390113, "test_5_acc1": 1.49225, "test_5_acc5": 4.25875, "epoch": 47, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0021927460850704548, "train_loss": 5.73072993350353, "test_0_loss": 4.734242562521595, "test_0_acc1": 17.252, "test_0_acc5": 35.896, "test_5_loss": 7.334822424390113, "test_5_acc1": 1.49225, "test_5_acc5": 4.25875, "epoch": 48, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0021302670864610006, "train_loss": 5.69394142336125, "test_0_loss": 5.058369449217657, "test_0_acc1": 14.906, "test_0_acc5": 32.252, "test_5_loss": 7.334822424390113, "test_5_acc1": 1.49225, "test_5_acc5": 4.25875, "epoch": 49, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002067664464360847, "train_loss": 5.709019121363294, "test_0_loss": 4.3592056012351925, "test_0_acc1": 19.068, "test_0_acc5": 39.056, "test_5_loss": 10.509043875979218, "test_5_acc1": 0.72375, "test_5_acc5": 2.323, "epoch": 50, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.002005000000000026, "train_loss": 5.700551097960972, "test_0_loss": 4.753117966484123, "test_0_acc1": 15.846, "test_0_acc5": 33.87, "test_5_loss": 10.509043875979218, "test_5_acc1": 0.72375, "test_5_acc5": 2.323, "epoch": 51, "n_parameters": 5717416} {"train_lr": 0.0019423355356391193, "train_loss": 5.7724813230031975, "test_0_loss": 4.528603377741876, "test_0_acc1": 18.206, "test_0_acc5": 37.726, "test_5_loss": 10.509043875979218, "test_5_acc1": 0.72375, "test_5_acc5": 2.323, "epoch": 52, "n_parameters": 5717416}

    opened by ksouvik52 12
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Clova AI Research 97 Dec 23, 2022
PyTorch implementation of the Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network - up to 16 times faster than NVIDIA's cuDNN LSTM

Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) for PyTorch Updated to support multi-GPU environments via DataParallel - see the the multigpu_dataparallel.py ex

Salesforce 1.3k Dec 28, 2022