Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon. Can be runned via dmenu or rofi.
ps. for linux only
API options
Settings: ~/.config/moji_notif/
- history (history of wat happend dis present month and day)
- number_trivia (random number trivias)
- cat_fact (fun facts about cats! meow
🐱 ) - advice ("useful" advices somtimes nonsense :3)
- random
Python 3.8 or higher is required
To install, you can just run the following command:
$ git clone
$ cd moji_notif
$ sh # might need sudo to put da runner in /usr/bin
Required Packages
- dunst or any notification deamon (moji uses notify-send)
- mpv (for ringtone - it can be disabled)