Code for "Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments".




Yu Zhang, Qingrong Xia, Shilin Zhou, Yong Jiang, Zhenghua Li, Guohong Fu, Min Zhang. Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments. 2021. [arxiv]


The following packages should be installed:

Run the following scripts to obtain the training data. Please make sure PTB and OntoNotes are available:

bash scripts/ PTB=<path-to-ptb>             SRL=data
bash scripts/ ONTONOTES=<path-to-ontonotes> SRL=data


Try the following commands to train first-order CRF and second-order CRF2o models:

python -u   train -b -c configs/   -d 0 -f char lemma -p exp/
# CRF2o
python -u train -b -c configs/ -d 0 -f char lemma -p exp/
# BERT finetuning
python -u   train -b -c configs/   -d 0 -p exp/   --batch-size=1000 --encoder bert --bert bert-large-cased 
# CRF2o
python -u train -b -c configs/ -d 0 -p exp/ --batch-size=1000 --encoder bert --bert bert-large-cased

To do evaluation:

# end-to-end
python -u   evaluate -c configs/  -d 0 -p exp/    --data data/conll05/test.conllu
# w/ gold predicates
python -u   evaluate -c configs/  -d 0 -p exp/    --data data/conll05/test.conllu --prd

To make predictions:

python -u   predict  -c configs/   -d 0 -p exp/   --data data/conll05/test.conllu --pred pred.conllu
bash scripts/ pred=pred.conllu gold=data/conll05/test.conllu


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via emails.

  • RuntimeError while using the train script

    RuntimeError while using the train script


    I have preprocessed the Conll05 data and am trying to train the SRL model using your train scripts but I am bumping into a RuntimeError. Here's the stack trace:

      File "/home/sanchit/crfsrl/crfsrl/", line 133, in _train
        s_edge, s_role = self.model(words, feats)
      File "/home/sanchit/crfsrl/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl
        return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/home/sanchit/crfsrl/crfsrl/", line 162, in forward
        s_role = self.role_attn(role_d, role_h).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    RuntimeError: number of dims don't match in permute

    So I printed the s_role's shape ([1, 26, 26]) before permuting it and it's a 3d tensor, unlike the operation that is being performed above. Can you have a look at this? Thanks a lot!

    opened by sanchit-ahuja 4
  • Error while generating ConLL dataset objects for training the model

    Error while generating ConLL dataset objects for training the model


    I have been getting an assertion error when trying to generate data for the ConLL training.

    Converting data/conll05/train.prop to conllu format
      0%|                                                                          | 49/989860 [00:01<9:20:53, 29.41it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "scripts/", line 76, in <module>
        process(args.prop, args.file)
      File "scripts/", line 61, in process
      File "scripts/", line 41, in prop2conllu
        assert len(prds) == len(args)

    Can you please have a look at this? The command that I used to run the script: bash scripts/ PTB=ptb SRL=data

    opened by sanchit-ahuja 4
  • Error when training with conll12

    Error when training with conll12

    When I run the following command,

    python -u train -b -c configs/ -d 0 -p exp/ --batch-size=1000 --encoder bert --bert bert-large-cased --cache --binarize

    I suffer from the error below:

    tdteach@tdteach-u2004:~/workspace/crfsrl$ python -u train -b -c configs/ -d 0 -p exp/ --batch-size=1000 --encoder bert --bert bert-large-cased --cache --binarize 2022-07-16 17:21:18 INFO ---------------------+------------------------------- Param | Value
    ---------------------+------------------------------- bert | bert-large-cased
    n_bert_layers | 4
    mix_dropout | 0.0
    bert_pooling | mean
    encoder_dropout | 0.1
    n_edge_mlp | 500
    n_role_mlp | 100
    mlp_dropout | 0.1
    lr | 5e-05
    lr_rate | 20
    mu | 0.9
    nu | 0.9
    eps | 1e-12
    weight_decay | 0
    clip | 5.0
    min_freq | 2
    fix_len | 20
    epochs | 10
    warmup | 0.1
    update_steps | 1
    batch_size | 1000
    prd | False
    mode | train
    path | exp/ device | 0
    seed | 1
    threads | 16
    workers | 0
    cache | True
    binarize | True
    amp | False
    feat | None
    build | True
    checkpoint | False
    finetune | False
    encoder | bert
    max_len | None
    buckets | 32
    train | /home/tdteach/.cache/supar/data/srl/conll12/train.conllu dev | /home/tdteach/.cache/supar/data/srl/conll12/dev.conllu test | /home/tdteach/.cache/supar/data/srl/conll12/test.conllu embed | glove-6b-100

    2022-07-16 17:21:18 INFO Building the fields Using bos_token, but it is not set yet. 2022-07-16 17:21:19 INFO CoNLL(
    (words): SubwordField(vocab_size=28996, pad=[PAD], unk=[UNK], bos=[CLS]) (edges): ChartField(use_vocab=False) (roles): ChartField(vocab_size=1, unk=O) (spans): RawField() ) 2022-07-16 17:21:19 INFO Building the model 2022-07-16 17:21:25 INFO CRFSemanticRoleLabelingModel( (encoder): TransformerEmbedding(bert-large-cased, n_layers=4, n_out=1024, stride=256, pooling=mean, pad_index=0, finetune=True) (encoder_dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False) (edge_mlp_d): MLP(n_in=1024, n_out=500, dropout=0.1) (edge_mlp_h): MLP(n_in=1024, n_out=500, dropout=0.1) (role_mlp_d): MLP(n_in=1024, n_out=100, dropout=0.1) (role_mlp_h): MLP(n_in=1024, n_out=100, dropout=0.1) (edge_attn): Biaffine(n_in=500, bias_x=True) (role_attn): Biaffine(n_in=100, bias_x=True, bias_y=True) )

    2022-07-16 17:21:27 INFO Loading the data 2022-07-16 17:21:27 INFO Seeking to cache the data to /home/tdteach/.cache/supar/data/srl/conll12/ first Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 43, in main() File "", line 39, in main init(parser) File "/media/tdteach/LinuxWork/workspace/crfsrl/supar/cmds/", line 34, in init parse(0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1, args) File "/media/tdteach/LinuxWork/workspace/crfsrl/supar/cmds/", line 54, in parse parser.train(**args) File "/media/tdteach/LinuxWork/workspace/crfsrl/crfsrl/", line 72, in train train = Dataset(self.transform, args.train, **args).build(batch_size, buckets, True, dist.is_initialized(), workers) File "/media/tdteach/LinuxWork/workspace/crfsrl/supar/utils/", line 160, in build with cache(self.transform.load(, **self.kwargs)) as chunks, mp.Pool(32) as pool: File "/home/tdteach/anaconda3/envs/allennlp/lib/python3.8/", line 113, in enter return next(self.gen) File "/media/tdteach/LinuxWork/workspace/crfsrl/supar/utils/", line 145, in cache sentences = binarize({'sentences': progress_bar(sentences)}, fs)[1]['sentences'] KeyError: 'sentences'

    opened by TDteach 3
  • Predict mode with --prob option throws RuntimeError

    Predict mode with --prob option throws RuntimeError

    Hello, @yzhangcs. Thank you for sharing your great work!! After training a model, I'm trying to get probabilities of each answers on "predict" mode. But, I got an error shown below from File "/crfsrl/crfsrl/", line 272, in _predict. I tried to cast the lens tensor into another type but it doesn't work. Would it be possible to get any advices to fix this ??

    preds['probs'].extend([prob[1:i, :i].cpu() for i, prob in zip(lens.softmax(-1).unbind())])
    RuntimeError: "host_softmax" not implemented for 'Long' 
    opened by RyosukeMitani 2
  • Trained model

    Trained model

    Hi! I was wondering if you plan to release a trained model any time soon? I do not have direct access to Ontonotes so training the model would be impossible for me :(

    opened by kanishkamisra 1
  • Comparison with predpatt?

    Comparison with predpatt?

    Hi, I truly believe dependency parsing has a huge potential for semantic role labeling/information extraction. Predpatt is some intersting prior work and I wonder how they compare on precision/recall, please benchmark!

    Moreover, regarding a way to further increase accuracy, I wonder if you could leverage Enhanced dependencies which predpatt unfortunately do not make use of.. despite their impressive expressive power. @yzhangcs

    opened by LifeIsStrange 1
  • Syntax errors while running script to extract data

    Syntax errors while running script to extract data

    Hi, I get the following error while running the first script to extract the data:

    [dnagaraj@tir crfsrl]$ bash scripts/ PTB=/projects/tir1/corpora/treebank_3 SRL=data PTB: /projects/tir1/corpora/treebank_3 SRL: data Extracting evaluation files Converting data/conll05/train.prop to conllu format File "scripts/", line 30 rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B-{label}')) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Converting data/conll05/dev.prop to conllu format File "scripts/", line 30 rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B-{label}')) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Converting data/conll05/test.prop to conllu format File "scripts/", line 30 rels[start-1] = '|'.join((rels[start-1], f'{prd}:B-{label}')) ^

    Please could you let me know why this is the case and what should I do to resolve this error. Thanks in advance :)

    opened by divija96 4
Yu Zhang
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