Random Erasing Data Augmentation. Experiments on CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and Fashion-MNIST


Random Erasing Data Augmentation



black white random
i1 i2 i3
i4 i5 i6

This code has the source code for the paper "Random Erasing Data Augmentation".

If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={Random Erasing Data Augmentation},
author={Zhong, Zhun and Zheng, Liang and Kang, Guoliang and Li, Shaozi and Yang, Yi},
booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},

Other re-implementations

[Official Torchvision in Transform]

[Pytorch: Random Erasing for ImageNet]

[Python Augmentor]

[Person_reID CamStyle]

[Person_reID_baseline + Random Erasing + Re-ranking]

[Keras re-implementation]


Requirements for Pytorch (see Pytorch installation instructions)



ResNet-20 baseline on CIFAR10: python cifar.py --dataset cifar10 --arch resnet --depth 20

ResNet-20 + Random Erasing on CIFAR10: python cifar.py --dataset cifar10 --arch resnet --depth 20 --p 0.5


ResNet-20 baseline on CIFAR100: python cifar.py --dataset cifar100 --arch resnet --depth 20

ResNet-20 + Random Erasing on CIFAR100: python cifar.py --dataset cifar100 --arch resnet --depth 20 --p 0.5


ResNet-20 baseline on Fashion-MNIST: python fashionmnist.py --dataset fashionmnist --arch resnet --depth 20

ResNet-20 + Random Erasing on Fashion-MNIST: python fashionmnist.py --dataset fashionmnist --arch resnet --depth 20 --p 0.5

Other architectures

For ResNet: --arch resnet --depth (20, 32, 44, 56, 110)

For WRN: --arch wrn --depth 28 --widen-factor 10

Our results

You can reproduce the results in our paper:

Models  Base. +RE Base. +RE Base. +RE
ResNet-20  7.21 6.73 30.84 29.97 4.39 4.02
ResNet-32  6.41 5.66 28.50 27.18 4.16 3.80
ResNet-44  5.53 5.13 25.27 24.29 4.41 4.01
ResNet-56  5.31 4.89 24.82 23.69 4.39 4.13
ResNet-110  5.10 4.61 23.73 22.10 4.40 4.01
WRN-28-10  3.80 3.08 18.49 17.73 4.01 3.65

NOTE THAT, if you use the latest released Fashion-MNIST, the performance of Baseline and RE will slightly lower than the results reported in our paper. Please refer to the issue.

If you have any questions about this code, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Zhun Zhong

Liang Zheng

  • inconsistency of Fashion-MNIST results using resnet 20

    inconsistency of Fashion-MNIST results using resnet 20

    I ran your code several times on the dataset Fashion-MNIST using resnet20 with random erasing 0.5.

    I didn't get your reported error 4.02% ± 0.07 using your default code "python fashionmnist.py --dataset fashionmnist --arch resnet --depth 20 --p 0.5", the results are roughly 4.5% on average.

    Could you show me how can I get the result ~96% as you mentioned in your paper?

    Thanks a lot.

    opened by WayneDW 3
  • Cannot reproduce the result for fashion-mnist

    Cannot reproduce the result for fashion-mnist

    I trained a model for Fashion-MNIST. Unfortunately the performance is not as good as the result reported in the paper.

    The best accuracy is 95.8% to me, while the error is 3.65 in the paper when training WRN-28-10 for Fashion-MNIST.

    I wonder if the authors can provide the command line argument that used in the paper, so that people (like me) can reproduce the experiment.

    $ python fashionmnist.py --dataset fashionmnist --arch wrn --depth 28 --widen-factor 10 --p 0.5
    ==> Preparing dataset fashionmnist
    ==> creating model 'wrn'
        Total params: 36.48M
    Epoch: [1 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    fashionmnist.py:233: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
      losses.update(loss.data[0], inputs.size(0))
    fashionmnist.py:234: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
      top1.update(prec1[0], inputs.size(0))
    fashionmnist.py:235: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
      top5.update(prec5[0], inputs.size(0))
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.224s | Batch: 0.243s | Total: 0:01:53 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.7331 | top1:  72.4383 | top5:  98.0533
    fashionmnist.py:282: UserWarning: volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use `with torch.no_grad():` instead.
      inputs, targets = torch.autograd.Variable(inputs, volatile=True), torch.autograd.Variable(targets)
    fashionmnist.py:290: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
      losses.update(loss.data[0], inputs.size(0))
    fashionmnist.py:291: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
      top1.update(prec1[0], inputs.size(0))
    fashionmnist.py:292: UserWarning: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor. This will be an error in PyTorch 0.5. Use tensor.item() to convert a 0-dim tensor to a Python number
      top5.update(prec5[0], inputs.size(0))
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.073s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.4355 | top1:  83.4900 | top5:  99.8300
    Epoch: [2 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.4240 | top1:  84.0867 | top5:  99.7117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.4642 | top1:  82.3600 | top5:  99.6400
    Epoch: [3 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3611 | top1:  86.7067 | top5:  99.8050
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.5624 | top1:  79.2600 | top5:  99.8100
    Epoch: [4 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3359 | top1:  87.7300 | top5:  99.8383
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2716 | top1:  90.0700 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [5 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3178 | top1:  88.3983 | top5:  99.8600
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3080 | top1:  88.7900 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [6 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3052 | top1:  88.7367 | top5:  99.8583
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3981 | top1:  85.7300 | top5:  99.8600
    Epoch: [7 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2973 | top1:  89.1200 | top5:  99.8800
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2965 | top1:  89.2700 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [8 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2941 | top1:  89.3617 | top5:  99.8650
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2543 | top1:  90.7500 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [9 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2854 | top1:  89.6750 | top5:  99.8817
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3036 | top1:  89.0100 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [10 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2895 | top1:  89.5217 | top5:  99.8667
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2894 | top1:  89.3400 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [11 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2883 | top1:  89.4667 | top5:  99.8717
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3143 | top1:  87.8700 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [12 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2873 | top1:  89.5983 | top5:  99.8767
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2573 | top1:  90.3800 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [13 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.234s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2782 | top1:  89.8850 | top5:  99.8983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2432 | top1:  91.3700 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [14 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2713 | top1:  90.1100 | top5:  99.8967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2748 | top1:  89.7200 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [15 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.234s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2746 | top1:  90.0417 | top5:  99.8850
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2393 | top1:  91.4200 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [16 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2687 | top1:  90.2517 | top5:  99.8867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2789 | top1:  90.4100 | top5:  99.8700
    Epoch: [17 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2680 | top1:  90.2883 | top5:  99.9000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2640 | top1:  90.6800 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [18 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.234s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2677 | top1:  90.3050 | top5:  99.8867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2770 | top1:  90.3300 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [19 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.234s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2632 | top1:  90.4933 | top5:  99.8883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2481 | top1:  91.0300 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [20 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2624 | top1:  90.5117 | top5:  99.8883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2410 | top1:  91.5700 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [21 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2603 | top1:  90.5867 | top5:  99.8967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2186 | top1:  92.5400 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [22 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2587 | top1:  90.7067 | top5:  99.9000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2820 | top1:  89.6800 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [23 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2579 | top1:  90.5083 | top5:  99.9150
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3270 | top1:  88.7400 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [24 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2559 | top1:  90.6717 | top5:  99.9217
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.068s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2292 | top1:  91.7100 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [25 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2542 | top1:  90.8333 | top5:  99.9067
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2636 | top1:  90.0100 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [26 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2540 | top1:  90.8933 | top5:  99.9000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2247 | top1:  92.0800 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [27 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2531 | top1:  90.7483 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2564 | top1:  90.8900 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [28 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2546 | top1:  90.7483 | top5:  99.9117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3142 | top1:  89.7200 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [29 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2510 | top1:  90.9517 | top5:  99.9183
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2717 | top1:  90.0200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [30 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2495 | top1:  90.9550 | top5:  99.9183
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2766 | top1:  90.0800 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [31 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2529 | top1:  90.8617 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2128 | top1:  92.3100 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [32 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2469 | top1:  91.1750 | top5:  99.9050
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.4276 | top1:  83.9900 | top5:  99.8600
    Epoch: [33 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2478 | top1:  91.0650 | top5:  99.8983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2393 | top1:  91.3700 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [34 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2454 | top1:  91.0883 | top5:  99.9300
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2477 | top1:  90.9400 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [35 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2483 | top1:  90.9550 | top5:  99.9017
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2165 | top1:  92.4300 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [36 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2447 | top1:  91.1467 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3288 | top1:  88.5500 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [37 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2461 | top1:  91.0000 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2363 | top1:  91.3700 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [38 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2450 | top1:  91.1217 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3010 | top1:  88.8600 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [39 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2454 | top1:  91.1633 | top5:  99.9300
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2135 | top1:  92.3800 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [40 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2489 | top1:  90.9083 | top5:  99.9117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3074 | top1:  89.1100 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [41 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2484 | top1:  91.0883 | top5:  99.9050
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2024 | top1:  92.9400 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [42 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2479 | top1:  91.0250 | top5:  99.9217
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2520 | top1:  91.2400 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [43 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2423 | top1:  91.1833 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2406 | top1:  91.6800 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [44 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2446 | top1:  91.1267 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2616 | top1:  90.8400 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [45 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2511 | top1:  90.7767 | top5:  99.9017
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2965 | top1:  89.6300 | top5:  99.8600
    Epoch: [46 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2464 | top1:  91.1067 | top5:  99.9117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2545 | top1:  90.7500 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [47 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2419 | top1:  91.3117 | top5:  99.9017
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2284 | top1:  92.0000 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [48 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2428 | top1:  91.1717 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2543 | top1:  90.2500 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [49 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2387 | top1:  91.3400 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2053 | top1:  92.6700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [50 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2416 | top1:  91.1083 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2301 | top1:  91.9700 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [51 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2416 | top1:  91.1983 | top5:  99.9250
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2581 | top1:  90.8400 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [52 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2443 | top1:  91.2017 | top5:  99.9083
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2100 | top1:  92.2600 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [53 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2414 | top1:  91.2667 | top5:  99.9117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2372 | top1:  91.6000 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [54 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2417 | top1:  91.4067 | top5:  99.9033
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2182 | top1:  92.4000 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [55 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2431 | top1:  91.1033 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2601 | top1:  90.7800 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [56 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2433 | top1:  91.2333 | top5:  99.9217
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1988 | top1:  93.0300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [57 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2401 | top1:  91.3783 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3386 | top1:  88.7700 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [58 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2401 | top1:  91.2800 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2491 | top1:  90.6900 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [59 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2421 | top1:  91.2583 | top5:  99.9217
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2504 | top1:  90.9100 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [60 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2402 | top1:  91.3017 | top5:  99.9200
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2381 | top1:  91.4700 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [61 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2447 | top1:  91.0817 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3353 | top1:  87.9900 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [62 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2384 | top1:  91.3983 | top5:  99.9300
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2222 | top1:  92.1000 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [63 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2418 | top1:  91.2750 | top5:  99.9150
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2567 | top1:  90.9800 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [64 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2372 | top1:  91.4500 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2522 | top1:  91.0700 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [65 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2399 | top1:  91.2933 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3913 | top1:  85.2500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [66 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2389 | top1:  91.2683 | top5:  99.9067
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2375 | top1:  91.9500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [67 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2375 | top1:  91.3700 | top5:  99.9250
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3387 | top1:  88.0800 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [68 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2415 | top1:  91.1967 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2253 | top1:  91.7100 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [69 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2398 | top1:  91.3350 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2029 | top1:  92.8500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [70 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2391 | top1:  91.2267 | top5:  99.9417
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2420 | top1:  91.4200 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [71 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2365 | top1:  91.3500 | top5:  99.9200
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2272 | top1:  91.7900 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [72 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2360 | top1:  91.4800 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2120 | top1:  92.4500 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [73 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2383 | top1:  91.3700 | top5:  99.9100
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2247 | top1:  92.1500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [74 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2414 | top1:  91.2567 | top5:  99.9400
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2639 | top1:  90.3600 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [75 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2368 | top1:  91.4550 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3011 | top1:  89.2600 | top5:  99.8700
    Epoch: [76 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2386 | top1:  91.4017 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2539 | top1:  91.3800 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [77 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2393 | top1:  91.3683 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2681 | top1:  90.2500 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [78 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2347 | top1:  91.5383 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2214 | top1:  92.0800 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [79 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2388 | top1:  91.3367 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2464 | top1:  91.0400 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [80 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2378 | top1:  91.3800 | top5:  99.9467
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2196 | top1:  92.4200 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [81 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2417 | top1:  91.2183 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2716 | top1:  90.6700 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [82 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2393 | top1:  91.3300 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2639 | top1:  91.2500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [83 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2360 | top1:  91.4417 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3231 | top1:  89.4300 | top5:  99.8400
    Epoch: [84 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2386 | top1:  91.3150 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2418 | top1:  91.3000 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [85 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2384 | top1:  91.2550 | top5:  99.9350
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2139 | top1:  92.3100 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [86 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2382 | top1:  91.4917 | top5:  99.9400
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2260 | top1:  92.4200 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [87 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2361 | top1:  91.4900 | top5:  99.9100
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2359 | top1:  91.3300 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [88 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2384 | top1:  91.4567 | top5:  99.9000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2621 | top1:  90.7500 | top5:  99.8200
    Epoch: [89 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2346 | top1:  91.5283 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2029 | top1:  92.7100 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [90 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2385 | top1:  91.3933 | top5:  99.9183
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2258 | top1:  92.0700 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [91 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2342 | top1:  91.4667 | top5:  99.9300
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2749 | top1:  90.5400 | top5:  99.8400
    Epoch: [92 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.234s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2368 | top1:  91.4583 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2636 | top1:  91.0400 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [93 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2366 | top1:  91.4250 | top5:  99.9200
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2081 | top1:  92.7800 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [94 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2361 | top1:  91.4567 | top5:  99.9300
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3288 | top1:  88.7100 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [95 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2362 | top1:  91.4283 | top5:  99.9300
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2725 | top1:  90.6700 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [96 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2387 | top1:  91.3250 | top5:  99.9117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2274 | top1:  92.0000 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [97 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2361 | top1:  91.4533 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2073 | top1:  92.5200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [98 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2414 | top1:  91.1900 | top5:  99.9100
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2220 | top1:  91.9800 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [99 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2412 | top1:  91.2300 | top5:  99.9483
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2427 | top1:  91.4100 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [100 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2383 | top1:  91.4100 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2911 | top1:  89.6300 | top5:  99.8200
    Epoch: [101 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2362 | top1:  91.3300 | top5:  99.9250
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2823 | top1:  91.0000 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [102 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2345 | top1:  91.4333 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2747 | top1:  89.9800 | top5:  99.8100
    Epoch: [103 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2366 | top1:  91.4133 | top5:  99.9333
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2189 | top1:  92.0300 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [104 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2351 | top1:  91.4167 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2445 | top1:  91.1900 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [105 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2370 | top1:  91.3267 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2552 | top1:  90.7900 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [106 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2391 | top1:  91.3883 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1830 | top1:  93.6300 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [107 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2352 | top1:  91.4950 | top5:  99.9133
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2165 | top1:  92.1800 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [108 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2380 | top1:  91.4183 | top5:  99.9183
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3041 | top1:  89.1600 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [109 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2393 | top1:  91.3933 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2171 | top1:  92.4800 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [110 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2357 | top1:  91.4417 | top5:  99.9117
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2399 | top1:  91.2600 | top5:  100.0000
    Epoch: [111 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2369 | top1:  91.4117 | top5:  99.9067
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2501 | top1:  90.9600 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [112 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2369 | top1:  91.2967 | top5:  99.9200
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2045 | top1:  92.6100 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [113 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.248s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2348 | top1:  91.4950 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2324 | top1:  91.7700 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [114 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:56 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2385 | top1:  91.3567 | top5:  99.8967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2325 | top1:  91.3500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [115 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2355 | top1:  91.2417 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2273 | top1:  91.5300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [116 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2369 | top1:  91.4167 | top5:  99.9150
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2273 | top1:  92.1000 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [117 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2378 | top1:  91.3883 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2416 | top1:  90.8100 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [118 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2368 | top1:  91.3700 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2143 | top1:  92.0200 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [119 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2351 | top1:  91.3817 | top5:  99.9383
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2323 | top1:  91.8100 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [120 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2339 | top1:  91.5633 | top5:  99.9183
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2840 | top1:  89.7700 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [121 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2344 | top1:  91.5200 | top5:  99.9317
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2427 | top1:  91.0300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [122 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2402 | top1:  91.2400 | top5:  99.9200
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2291 | top1:  92.0900 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [123 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2354 | top1:  91.4683 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2340 | top1:  91.6100 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [124 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2343 | top1:  91.5433 | top5:  99.8950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2932 | top1:  90.0900 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [125 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2378 | top1:  91.3633 | top5:  99.9450
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2077 | top1:  92.5700 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [126 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2337 | top1:  91.5717 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2225 | top1:  91.9000 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [127 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2350 | top1:  91.4583 | top5:  99.9333
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2306 | top1:  91.5300 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [128 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2350 | top1:  91.4283 | top5:  99.9250
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2705 | top1:  90.2500 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [129 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2332 | top1:  91.5700 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2218 | top1:  92.0300 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [130 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2386 | top1:  91.3167 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2108 | top1:  92.8400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [131 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2321 | top1:  91.6767 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2593 | top1:  91.0300 | top5:  99.8500
    Epoch: [132 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2363 | top1:  91.3567 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2272 | top1:  91.8700 | top5:  99.8800
    Epoch: [133 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2397 | top1:  91.2867 | top5:  99.9100
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2404 | top1:  91.7300 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [134 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2352 | top1:  91.5950 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2118 | top1:  92.1500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [135 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2369 | top1:  91.4733 | top5:  99.9267
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2302 | top1:  92.2100 | top5:  99.9000
    Epoch: [136 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2375 | top1:  91.5867 | top5:  99.9167
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2122 | top1:  92.3200 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [137 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2366 | top1:  91.4033 | top5:  99.9417
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3695 | top1:  87.5800 | top5:  99.8900
    Epoch: [138 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2329 | top1:  91.5150 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2554 | top1:  91.3800 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [139 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2345 | top1:  91.4283 | top5:  99.9183
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2050 | top1:  92.7200 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [140 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2373 | top1:  91.4100 | top5:  99.9200
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.064s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2427 | top1:  91.8200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [141 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2366 | top1:  91.4500 | top5:  99.9350
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2626 | top1:  90.8700 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [142 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2347 | top1:  91.5450 | top5:  99.9350
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.3485 | top1:  88.7600 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [143 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2329 | top1:  91.5050 | top5:  99.9367
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2365 | top1:  91.8200 | top5:  99.8700
    Epoch: [144 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2345 | top1:  91.5067 | top5:  99.9250
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2126 | top1:  92.5700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [145 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2350 | top1:  91.5517 | top5:  99.9433
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1965 | top1:  92.7600 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [146 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2354 | top1:  91.3917 | top5:  99.9233
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2084 | top1:  92.8200 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [147 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2346 | top1:  91.5817 | top5:  99.9350
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2268 | top1:  91.8200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [148 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2365 | top1:  91.4417 | top5:  99.9400
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2263 | top1:  91.9700 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [149 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2346 | top1:  91.5017 | top5:  99.9400
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1839 | top1:  93.6400 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [150 | 300] LR: 0.100000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2376 | top1:  91.4083 | top5:  99.9283
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2294 | top1:  91.6700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [151 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1716 | top1:  93.8800 | top5:  99.9567
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1446 | top1:  94.8500 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [152 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.230s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1509 | top1:  94.6667 | top5:  99.9750
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1418 | top1:  95.0000 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [153 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1445 | top1:  94.7533 | top5:  99.9800
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1441 | top1:  95.0300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [154 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1374 | top1:  95.1467 | top5:  99.9800
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1418 | top1:  95.0700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [155 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1351 | top1:  95.0483 | top5:  99.9867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1393 | top1:  95.0900 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [156 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1313 | top1:  95.3400 | top5:  99.9833
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1428 | top1:  95.1600 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [157 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1295 | top1:  95.3350 | top5:  99.9850
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1418 | top1:  95.0600 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [158 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1268 | top1:  95.5400 | top5:  99.9833
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1455 | top1:  94.9400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [159 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1243 | top1:  95.5867 | top5:  99.9850
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1429 | top1:  95.0900 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [160 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1208 | top1:  95.6983 | top5:  99.9833
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1487 | top1:  95.0600 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [161 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1208 | top1:  95.6783 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1375 | top1:  95.2100 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [162 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1181 | top1:  95.8133 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1411 | top1:  95.2000 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [163 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1170 | top1:  95.7667 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1406 | top1:  95.2300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [164 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1164 | top1:  95.8217 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1460 | top1:  95.0000 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [165 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1168 | top1:  95.8483 | top5:  99.9867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1452 | top1:  94.9500 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [166 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1136 | top1:  95.9683 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1479 | top1:  95.2000 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [167 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1132 | top1:  95.8933 | top5:  99.9867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1423 | top1:  95.2300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [168 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1108 | top1:  96.0450 | top5:  99.9867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1521 | top1:  94.9300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [169 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1127 | top1:  96.0133 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1517 | top1:  94.9200 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [170 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1126 | top1:  95.9700 | top5:  99.9850
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1565 | top1:  94.8500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [171 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1103 | top1:  96.1033 | top5:  99.9867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1506 | top1:  95.3200 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [172 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1084 | top1:  96.0883 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1586 | top1:  94.5800 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [173 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1103 | top1:  96.0350 | top5:  99.9850
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1544 | top1:  95.0600 | top5:  100.0000
    Epoch: [174 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1115 | top1:  95.9500 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1437 | top1:  95.4200 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [175 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1100 | top1:  96.0017 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1629 | top1:  94.5500 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [176 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1072 | top1:  96.1467 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1714 | top1:  94.4600 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [177 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1070 | top1:  96.2250 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1497 | top1:  94.9800 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [178 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1069 | top1:  96.2317 | top5:  99.9767
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1515 | top1:  95.2400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [179 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1075 | top1:  96.1467 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1577 | top1:  94.7700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [180 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1058 | top1:  96.1717 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1495 | top1:  95.2300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [181 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1037 | top1:  96.2583 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1686 | top1:  94.7200 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [182 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1073 | top1:  96.1050 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1577 | top1:  95.0400 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [183 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1057 | top1:  96.2117 | top5:  99.9867
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1707 | top1:  94.8200 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [184 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1066 | top1:  96.2200 | top5:  99.9833
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1571 | top1:  94.9200 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [185 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1061 | top1:  96.1750 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.064s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1620 | top1:  94.7000 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [186 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1056 | top1:  96.2350 | top5:  99.9817
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1569 | top1:  95.0000 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [187 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1030 | top1:  96.2850 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1613 | top1:  94.8500 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [188 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1047 | top1:  96.2433 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1557 | top1:  95.0000 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [189 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1036 | top1:  96.2767 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1701 | top1:  94.5700 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [190 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1035 | top1:  96.1833 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1655 | top1:  94.5700 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [191 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1008 | top1:  96.3783 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1644 | top1:  94.9100 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [192 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1012 | top1:  96.3550 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1523 | top1:  95.2900 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [193 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0980 | top1:  96.5950 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1687 | top1:  94.7100 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [194 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1014 | top1:  96.4067 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1629 | top1:  94.6900 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [195 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1002 | top1:  96.4700 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1560 | top1:  95.1800 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [196 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0971 | top1:  96.6000 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1717 | top1:  94.7700 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [197 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0990 | top1:  96.4483 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1618 | top1:  95.0700 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [198 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0984 | top1:  96.6167 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1741 | top1:  94.8200 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [199 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0968 | top1:  96.5150 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1560 | top1:  95.2800 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [200 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0996 | top1:  96.4817 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1908 | top1:  94.1100 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [201 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0977 | top1:  96.4900 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1693 | top1:  94.9300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [202 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0959 | top1:  96.5683 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1711 | top1:  94.6100 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [203 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0977 | top1:  96.4850 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1863 | top1:  94.1700 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [204 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0964 | top1:  96.5267 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1712 | top1:  94.7400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [205 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0953 | top1:  96.6000 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1681 | top1:  95.0600 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [206 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0939 | top1:  96.6883 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1750 | top1:  94.7500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [207 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0971 | top1:  96.5600 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1643 | top1:  95.0300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [208 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0939 | top1:  96.6550 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.064s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1751 | top1:  94.5600 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [209 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0946 | top1:  96.6317 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.067s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1670 | top1:  94.7600 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [210 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0947 | top1:  96.5900 | top5:  99.9800
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1627 | top1:  94.9800 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [211 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0934 | top1:  96.7133 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1719 | top1:  94.8600 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [212 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0923 | top1:  96.6433 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1824 | top1:  94.5300 | top5:  100.0000
    Epoch: [213 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0919 | top1:  96.8167 | top5:  99.9833
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1674 | top1:  94.9400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [214 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0912 | top1:  96.8517 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1677 | top1:  94.7400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [215 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0912 | top1:  96.7800 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1703 | top1:  94.9600 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [216 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0928 | top1:  96.7667 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1619 | top1:  94.9600 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [217 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0905 | top1:  96.7950 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1825 | top1:  94.5100 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [218 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0933 | top1:  96.7133 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1886 | top1:  94.6100 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [219 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0893 | top1:  96.7733 | top5:  99.9883
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1745 | top1:  94.3700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [220 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0913 | top1:  96.7033 | top5:  99.9900
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2088 | top1:  93.9700 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [221 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0899 | top1:  96.8733 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1735 | top1:  94.7200 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [222 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0899 | top1:  96.8133 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1708 | top1:  94.8400 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [223 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0879 | top1:  96.9017 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.064s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1671 | top1:  94.8000 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [224 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0877 | top1:  96.8917 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1825 | top1:  94.4200 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [225 | 300] LR: 0.010000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0913 | top1:  96.7467 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1705 | top1:  94.8200 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [226 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0632 | top1:  97.8817 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1510 | top1:  95.5100 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [227 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0530 | top1:  98.2533 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1558 | top1:  95.6200 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [228 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0457 | top1:  98.4983 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1614 | top1:  95.5300 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [229 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0443 | top1:  98.5267 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1622 | top1:  95.5900 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [230 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0418 | top1:  98.6083 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1630 | top1:  95.5800 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [231 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0432 | top1:  98.6133 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1647 | top1:  95.4800 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [232 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0400 | top1:  98.7133 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1653 | top1:  95.5500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [233 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0392 | top1:  98.7033 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1648 | top1:  95.5900 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [234 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0383 | top1:  98.7433 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1688 | top1:  95.5400 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [235 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0370 | top1:  98.8433 | top5:  99.9933
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1683 | top1:  95.6700 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [236 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0362 | top1:  98.8500 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1723 | top1:  95.6300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [237 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0359 | top1:  98.8517 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1733 | top1:  95.6700 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [238 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0357 | top1:  98.8233 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1760 | top1:  95.5300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [239 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0358 | top1:  98.8517 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1742 | top1:  95.6900 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [240 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0341 | top1:  98.8633 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1779 | top1:  95.6600 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [241 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0349 | top1:  98.8650 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.071s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1771 | top1:  95.6300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [242 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0332 | top1:  98.9100 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1800 | top1:  95.6800 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [243 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0349 | top1:  98.8383 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1813 | top1:  95.6300 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [244 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0313 | top1:  99.0000 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1839 | top1:  95.6100 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [245 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0317 | top1:  98.9400 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1823 | top1:  95.6500 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [246 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0319 | top1:  98.9567 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1809 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [247 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0320 | top1:  98.9733 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1846 | top1:  95.6700 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [248 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0310 | top1:  98.9933 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1859 | top1:  95.6000 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [249 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0316 | top1:  98.9383 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1794 | top1:  95.7500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [250 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0309 | top1:  98.9717 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1838 | top1:  95.6600 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [251 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0313 | top1:  98.9983 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1900 | top1:  95.7000 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [252 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0317 | top1:  99.0250 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1847 | top1:  95.6600 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [253 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0306 | top1:  98.9817 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1885 | top1:  95.6700 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [254 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0316 | top1:  98.9500 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1884 | top1:  95.4400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [255 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0302 | top1:  99.0100 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1866 | top1:  95.5100 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [256 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0291 | top1:  99.0650 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1853 | top1:  95.6600 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [257 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0301 | top1:  99.0100 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1827 | top1:  95.6000 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [258 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0295 | top1:  99.0383 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1844 | top1:  95.7100 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [259 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0290 | top1:  99.0267 | top5:  99.9917
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1841 | top1:  95.6100 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [260 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0307 | top1:  98.9867 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1809 | top1:  95.6900 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [261 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0278 | top1:  99.0800 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1884 | top1:  95.5100 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [262 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0278 | top1:  99.0800 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1911 | top1:  95.4900 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [263 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0296 | top1:  99.0550 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1901 | top1:  95.5800 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [264 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0283 | top1:  99.0433 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1888 | top1:  95.4300 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [265 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0277 | top1:  99.0567 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1997 | top1:  95.4400 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [266 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.230s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0277 | top1:  99.0450 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1892 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [267 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0270 | top1:  99.0950 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1875 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [268 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0264 | top1:  99.1367 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1944 | top1:  95.5100 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [269 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0281 | top1:  99.0933 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1942 | top1:  95.4300 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [270 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0282 | top1:  99.0950 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1903 | top1:  95.6300 | top5:  99.9100
    Epoch: [271 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0263 | top1:  99.1450 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1964 | top1:  95.6000 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [272 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0267 | top1:  99.1200 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1912 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9200
    Epoch: [273 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0263 | top1:  99.1000 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1889 | top1:  95.5900 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [274 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0280 | top1:  99.0517 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1908 | top1:  95.6100 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [275 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0272 | top1:  99.0967 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1865 | top1:  95.6200 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [276 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0266 | top1:  99.0967 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1931 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9300
    Epoch: [277 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:54 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0258 | top1:  99.1850 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1928 | top1:  95.6400 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [278 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.245s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0265 | top1:  99.1350 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1931 | top1:  95.8000 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [279 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0264 | top1:  99.1433 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1924 | top1:  95.6600 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [280 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0262 | top1:  99.1283 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1945 | top1:  95.5500 | top5:  99.9400
    Epoch: [281 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0279 | top1:  99.0683 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1858 | top1:  95.7800 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [282 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0282 | top1:  99.0833 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1892 | top1:  95.7600 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [283 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0256 | top1:  99.1250 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1959 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [284 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0269 | top1:  99.1433 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1892 | top1:  95.7400 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [285 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0246 | top1:  99.2100 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1935 | top1:  95.6500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [286 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0260 | top1:  99.1450 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1984 | top1:  95.5100 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [287 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0262 | top1:  99.1183 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1970 | top1:  95.6800 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [288 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0253 | top1:  99.1483 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2011 | top1:  95.5300 | top5:  99.9800
    Epoch: [289 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0269 | top1:  99.1283 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1962 | top1:  95.6500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [290 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0248 | top1:  99.1950 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1990 | top1:  95.7000 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [291 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0252 | top1:  99.2133 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1970 | top1:  95.6700 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [292 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0260 | top1:  99.1783 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2004 | top1:  95.4500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [293 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0255 | top1:  99.1583 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1945 | top1:  95.7400 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [294 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.231s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0244 | top1:  99.2317 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1986 | top1:  95.7200 | top5:  99.9900
    Epoch: [295 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0247 | top1:  99.2000 | top5:  99.9967
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.2014 | top1:  95.4800 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [296 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0253 | top1:  99.1650 | top5:  99.9950
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1943 | top1:  95.5200 | top5:  99.9500
    Epoch: [297 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.246s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0247 | top1:  99.2200 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1941 | top1:  95.6200 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [298 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0239 | top1:  99.2350 | top5:  99.9983
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.065s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1980 | top1:  95.6500 | top5:  99.9600
    Epoch: [299 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.232s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0253 | top1:  99.1667 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.070s | Total: 0:00:07 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1886 | top1:  95.7300 | top5:  99.9700
    Epoch: [300 | 300] LR: 0.001000
    Processing |################################| (469/469) Data: 0.233s | Batch: 0.247s | Total: 0:01:55 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.0242 | top1:  99.1950 | top5:  100.0000
    Processing |################################| (100/100) Data: 0.066s | Batch: 0.069s | Total: 0:00:06 | ETA: 0:00:01 | Loss: 0.1942 | top1:  95.7000 | top5:  99.9500
    Best acc:
    tensor(95.8000, device='cuda:0')
    opened by Atry 3
  • 实现与论文叙述不一致


    看到您写的代码跟RandomResizeCrop很像,同时您的论文Algorithm 1中提到re = Rand(r1, r2), 可是实现代码中(transfrom.py)并没有r2,而是直接取了r1的倒数作为r2,RandomResizeCrop是上下限都可以设置的,想问一下,是不是有其他考虑?

    opened by mashuiping 2
  • RE-R in the paper

    RE-R in the paper

    Simple but effective, very interesting work! I wonder to which methods RE-R: erasing with random values corresponds; (1) region level randomization or (2) pixel level randomization.

    (1) img[2, x1:x1+h, y1:y1+w] = random.uniform(0, 1) (2) img[:, x1:x1+h, y1:y1+w] = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(3, h, w))

    Did you compare the two of them?

    opened by yu4u 2
  • Could you add a LICENSE.md?

    Could you add a LICENSE.md?

    @zhunzhong07 This repository looks very useful thanks for putting it up!

    Would you mind adding a license to this? Without a license it is impossible to legally clone or run this code. If you're not sure and would like a suggestion the Apache 2.0 license is a good option. A quick summary of apache 2.0 is available at tl;dr legal. This is the same license used by TensorFlow and it is compatible with the pytorch license. Here is the license text:

    Apache License, Version 2.0 Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/
    1. Definitions.
    "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
    "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.
    "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
    "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License.
    "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files.
    "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.
    "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
    "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
    "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
    "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.
    2. Grant of Copyright License.
    Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
    3. Grant of Patent License.
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    APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work
    To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives.
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    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    opened by ahundt 1
  • InvalidArgumentError: ValueError: low >= high

    InvalidArgumentError: ValueError: low >= high

    Hi zhunzhong, I think there is a bug in you code, `for attempt in range(100): area = img.size()[1] * img.size()[2]

            target_area = random.uniform(self.sl, self.sh) * area
            aspect_ratio = random.uniform(self.r1, 1/self.r1)
            h = int(round(math.sqrt(target_area * aspect_ratio)))
            w = int(round(math.sqrt(target_area / aspect_ratio)))
            if w <= img.size()[2] and h <= img.size()[1]:
                x1 = random.randint(0, img.size()[1] - h)
                y1 = random.randint(0, img.size()[2] - w)
                if img.size()[0] == 3:
                    img[0, x1:x1+h, y1:y1+w] = self.mean[0]
                    img[1, x1:x1+h, y1:y1+w] = self.mean[1]
                    img[2, x1:x1+h, y1:y1+w] = self.mean[2]
                    img[0, x1:x1+h, y1:y1+w] = self.mean[0]
                return img`

    should it be "if w < img.size()[2] and h < img.size()[1]:"? Otherwise if h == img.size()[1], random.randint(0, img.size()[1] - h) will raise "ValueError: low >= high".

    opened by shllhs 1
  • All trained model

    All trained model

    Hi @zhunzhong07 Thanks for your amazing work. Can you sharing your trained models for CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and Imagenet? I want all these models for my research work.


    opened by kmr2017 0
  • The resnet44/56/110 use BottleNeck,why n = (depth-2) // 6 ?

    The resnet44/56/110 use BottleNeck,why n = (depth-2) // 6 ?

    The resnet44/56/110 use BottleNeck,why n = (depth-2) // 6 ? The bottleNeck has three conv, for example the n of resnet44 is (44-2) // 6 = 7, if use bottleNeck, there are 21 convs in one stage(2-4), so it can't be resnet44!

    opened by b762927 0
  • Fashion-MNISST result update

    Fashion-MNISST result update

    Can you update the fashion-MNIST results in the paper or mention results in readme file? Mentioned results are inconsistent?

    or share fashion-MNIST dataset, on which you performed the experment?


    opened by TeerathChandani 0
Zhun Zhong
Zhun Zhong
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