7 Repositories
Python ABSA-QUAD Libraries
Jremesh-tools - Blender addon for quad remeshing
JRemesh Tools Blender 2.8 - 3.x addon for quad remeshing. Currently it is a wrap
MRC approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA)
B-MRC MRC approach for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) Paper: Bidirectional Machine Reading Comprehension for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extracti
Additional environments compatible with OpenAI gym
Decentralized Control of Quadrotor Swarms with End-to-end Deep Reinforcement Learning A codebase for training reinforcement learning policies for quad
Code for EMNLP 2021 paper: "Learning Implicit Sentiment in Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training"
SCAPT-ABSA Code for EMNLP2021 paper: "Learning Implicit Sentiment in Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training" Overvie
Code for our paper Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction as Paraphrase Generation in EMNLP 2021.
Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction (ASQP) This repo contains the annotated data and code for our paper Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction as Paraphrase Ge
Implementation of paper Does syntax matter? A strong baseline for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with RoBERTa.
RoBERTaABSA This repo contains the code for NAACL 2021 paper titled Does syntax matter? A strong baseline for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with RoB
This is our ARTS test set, an enriched test set to probe Aspect Robustness of ABSA.
This is the repository for our 2020 paper "Tasty Burgers, Soggy Fries: Probing Aspect Robustness in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis". Data We provide