12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
A complete end-to-end machine learning portal that covers processes starting from model training to the model predicting results using FastAPI.
Machine Learning Portal Goal Application Workflow Process Design Live Project Goal A complete end-to-end machine learning portal that covers processes
A lightweight solution for local Particle development.
neopo A lightweight solution for local Particle development. Features Builds Particle projects locally without any overhead. Compatible with Particle
A webmining CLI tool & library for python.
minet is a webmining command line tool & library for python (= 3.6) that can be used to collect and extract data from a large variety of web sources
PdpCLI is a pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool which enables you to build a pandas pipeline from a configuration file.
PdpCLI Quick Links Introduction Installation Tutorial Basic Usage Data Reader / Writer Plugins Introduction PdpCLI is a pandas DataFrame processing CL
Fish shell tool for managing Python virtual environments
VirtualFish VirtualFish is a Python virtual environment manager for the Fish shell. You can get started by reading the documentation. (It’s quite shor
Python package with library and CLI tool for analyzing SeaFlow data
Seaflowpy A Python package for SeaFlow flow cytometer data. Table of Contents Install Read EVT/OPP/VCT Files Command-line Interface Configuration Inte
pyGinit is a command line tools that help you to initialize your current project a local git repo and remote repo
pyGinit pyGinit is a command line tools that help you to initialize your current project a local git repo and remote repo Requirements Requirements be
A simple API wrapper for Discord interactions.
Your ultimate Discord interactions library for discord.py. About | Installation | Examples | Discord | PyPI About What is discord-py-interactions? dis
Raspberry Pi Based Serial Console Server, with PushBullet Notification of IP changes, Automatic VPN termination, custom menu, Power Outlet Control, and a lot more
ConsolePi Acts as a serial Console Server, allowing you to remotely connect to ConsolePi via Telnet/SSH/bluetooth to gain Console Access to devices co
Python and data science snippets on the command line
Python Snippet Tool A tool to get Python and data science snippets at Data Science Simplified on the command line. You can read my article to learn ho
A simple command-line tracert implementation in Python 3 using ICMP packets
Traceroute A simple command-line tracert implementation in Python 3 using ICMP packets Details Traceroute is a networking tool designed for tracing th
Create animated ASCII-art for the command line almost instantly!
clippy Create and play colored 🟥 🟩 🟦 or colorless ⬛️ ⬜️ animated, or static, ASCII-art in the command line! clippy can help if you are wanting to;
Python API and CLI for the ikea IDÅSEN desk.
idasen This is a heavily modified fork of rhyst/idasen-controller. The IDÅSEN is an electric sitting standing desk with a Linak controller sold by ike
DocumentPy is a Python application that runs in a command-line interface environment, made for creating HTML documents.
DocumentPy DocumentPy is a Python application that runs in a command-line interface environment, made for creating HTML documents. Usage DocumentPy, a
Shazam is a Command Line Application that checks the integrity of the file by comparing it with a given hash.
SHAZAM - Check the file's integrity Shazam is a Command Line Application that checks the integrity of the file by comparing it with a given hash. Crea
Bonjour Software pypahe is a Python Package Helper command-line tool.
pypahe Bonjour Software pypahe is a Python Package Helper command-line tool. Requirements Docker runtime Usage print the latest available version of a
🔆 A Python module for controlling power and brightness of the official Raspberry Pi 7
rpi-backlight A Python module for controlling power and brightness of the official Raspberry Pi 7" touch display. Note: This GIF was created using the
AthenaCLI is a CLI tool for AWS Athena service that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
Introduction AthenaCLI is a command line interface (CLI) for the Athena service that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting, and is a proud me
A super simple terminal command shortener 🐟
pcmd A super simple terminal command shortener 🐟 Source code : https://github.com/j0fiN/pcmd Documentation : https://j0fin.github.io/pcmd About Durin
HSPyLib is a Python library that will elevate your experience to another level.
HomeSetup Python Library - HSPyLib Your mature python application HSPyLib is a Python library that will elevate your experience to another level. It r
tox-server is a command line tool which runs tox in a loop and calls it with commands from a remote CLI.
Tox Server tox-server is a command line tool which runs tox in a loop and calls it with commands from a remote CLI. It responds to commands via ZeroMQ
A CLI tool that scans through a directory and organizes all loose files into folders by file type.
Organizer CLI Organizer CLI is a python command line tool that goes through a given directory and organizes all un-folder bound files into folders by
A Python package for a basic CLI and GUI user interface
Bun Bun (Basic user interface) is a small Python package for a basic user interface. Table of contents Introduction Installation Usage Known issues an
twtxt is a decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers.
twtxt twtxt is a decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers. So you want to get some thoughts out on the internet in a convenient and
Fonts used to be an install-and-forget thing, but many of are now updated regularly.
Your font manager. Fonts used to be an install-and-forget thing, but many of are now updated regularly. fontman helps you keep track of the fonts you
A minimal and ridiculously good looking command-line-interface toolkit.
Pyceo Pyceo is a Python package for creating beautiful, composable, and ridiculously good looking command-line-user-interfaces without having to write
Command-line interface to PyPI Stats API to get download stats for Python packages
pypistats Python 3.6+ interface to PyPI Stats API to get aggregate download statistics on Python packages on the Python Package Index without having t
MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python that is designed to bypass antivirus software on Windows and Linux/Mac in the future
MsfMania MsfMania is a command line tool developed in Python that is designed to bypass antivirus software on Windows and Linux/Mac in the future. Sum
A CLI Application to detect plagiarism in Source Code Files.
Plag Description A CLI Application to detect plagiarism in Source Code Files. Features Compare source code files for plagiarism. Extract code features
This is a CLI utility that allows you to view RedFlagDeals.com on the command line.
RFD Description Motivation Installation Usage View Hot Deals View and Sort Hot Deals Search Advanced View Posts Shell Completion bash zsh Description
Command line tool for monitoring changes of File entities scoped in a Synapse File View
Synapse Monitoring Provides tools for monitoring and keeping track of File entity changes in Synapse with the use of File Views. Learn more about File
A command line tool to create a graph representing your Ansible playbook tasks and roles
Ansible Playbook Grapher ansible-playbook-grapher is a command line tool to create a graph representing your Ansible playbook plays, tasks and roles.
Splitgraph command line client and python library
Splitgraph Overview Splitgraph is a tool for building, versioning and querying reproducible datasets. It's inspired by Docker and Git, so it feels fam
⚙ A lightweight command line interface library for creating commands.
⚙ A lightweight command line interface library for creating cli commands. About | Installation | Usage | Features | Contributors | License About Next:
Tiny command-line utility for mapping broken keys to other positions.
brokenkey Tiny command-line utility for mapping broken keys to other positions. Installation Clone this repository using git: git clone https://github
A command line tool to query source code from your current Python env
wxc wxc (pronounced "which") allows you to inspect source code in your Python environment from the command line. It is based on the inspect module fro
Ralph is a command-line tool to fetch, extract, convert and push your tracking logs from various storage backends to your LRS or any other compatible storage or database backend.
Ralph is a command-line tool to fetch, extract, convert and push your tracking logs (aka learning events) from various storage backends to your
pyNPS - A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget
Currently, all the work is being done inside the refactoring branch. pyNPS - A cli Linux and Windows Nopaystation client made with python 3 and wget P
A terminal tool for git. When we use git, do you feel very uncomfortable with too long commands
PIGIT A terminal tool for git. When we use git, do you feel very uncomfortable with too long commands. For example: git status --short, this project c
Command-line script to upload videos to Youtube using theYoutube APIv3.
Introduction Command-line script to upload videos to Youtube using theYoutube APIv3. It should work on any platform (GNU/Linux, BSD, OS X, Windows, ..
Cloudkeeper is “housekeeping for clouds” - find leaky resources, manage quota limits, detect drift and clean up.
Cloudkeeper Housekeeping for Clouds! Table of contents Overview Docker based quick start Cloning this repository Component list Contact License Overvi
A CLI Spigot plugin manager that adheres to Unix conventions and Python best practices.
Spud A cross-platform, Spigot plugin manager that adheres to the Unix philosophy and Python best practices. Some focuses of the project are: Easy and
Python package and CLI for user-friendly integration with SAS Viya
sasctl A user-friendly Python interface for SAS Viya. Full documentation: https://sassoftware.github.io/python-sasctl Table of Contents Overview Prere
Python's missing debug print command and other development tools.
python devtools Python's missing debug print command and other development tools. For more information, see documentation. Install Just pip install de
Investing library and command-line interface inspired by the Bogleheads philosophy
Lakshmi (Screenshot of the lak command in action) Background This project is inspired by Bogleheads forum. Bogleheads focus on a simple but powerful p
Command line, configuration and persistence utilities
Zensols Utilities Command line, configuration and persistence utilities generally used for any more than basic application. This general purpose libra
bsp_tool provides a Command Line Interface for analysing .bsp files
bsp_tool Python library for analysing .bsp files bsp_tool provides a Command Line Interface for analysing .bsp files Current development is focused on
spotifytools is a Python command line tool
spotifytools spotifytools is a Python command line tool Documentation The documentation is available on the following link Releases Instalation instru
Chinese NER(Named Entity Recognition) using BERT(Softmax, CRF, Span)
Chinese NER(Named Entity Recognition) using BERT(Softmax, CRF, Span)
Python Library For Ethical Hacker
Python Library For Ethical Hacker
TAug :: Time Series Data Augmentation using Deep Generative Models
TAug :: Time Series Data Augmentation using Deep Generative Models Note!!! The package is under development so be careful for using in production! Fea
It is automated instagram follower bot.
Instagram-Follower-Bot It is automated instagram follower bot. In This project I've used Selenium and Python. Work-Flow When I run my code. It's gonna
A simple tool to extract python code from a Jupyter notebook, and then run pylint on it for static analysis.
Jupyter Pylinter A simple tool to extract python code from a Jupyter notebook, and then run pylint on it for static analysis. If you find this tool us
A Bot Upload file|video To Telegram using given Links.
A Bot Upload file|video To Telegram using given Links.
A command line tool made in Python for the popular rhythm game
osr!name A command line tool made in Python for the popular rhythm game "osu!" that changes the player name of a .osr file (replay file). Example: Not
Python3 wrapper for the Sibyl System antispam API for telegram
SibylSystem-Py Python3 wrapper for the Sibyl System antispam API for telegram Installation pip install sibylsystem Usage from SibylSystem import
This is a repository filled with scripts that were made with Python, and designed to exploit computer systems.
PYTHON-EXPLOITATION This is a repository filled with scripts that were made with Python, and designed to exploit computer systems. Networking tcp_clin
This python code will get requests from SET (The Stock Exchange of Thailand) a previously-close stock price and return it in Thai Baht currency using beautiful soup 4 HTML scrapper.
This python code will get requests from SET (The Stock Exchange of Thailand) a previously-close stock price and return it in Thai Baht currency using beautiful soup 4 HTML scrapper.
A document scanner application for laptops/desktops developed using python, Tkinter and OpenCV.
DcoumentScanner A document scanner application for laptops/desktops developed using python, Tkinter and OpenCV. Directly install the .exe file to inst
Testing Calculations in Python, using OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
Testing Calculations in Python, using OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) Create environment with venv python3 -m venv venv Activate environment . venv
Freecodecamp Scientific Computing with Python Certification; Solution for Challenge 2: Time Calculator
Assignment Write a function named add_time that takes in two required parameters and one optional parameter: a start time in the 12-hour clock format
Search Shodan for Minecraft server IPs to grief
GriefBuddy This script searches Shodan for Minecraft server IPs to grief. This will return all servers connected to the public internet which Shodan h
Bagas Mirror&Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Based on python-aria-mirror-bot
- [ MAYBE UPDATE & ADD MORE MODULE ] Bagas Mirror&Leech Bot Bagas Mirror&Leech Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring file
HeadHunter parser
HHparser Description Program for finding work at HeadHunter service Features Find job Parse vacancies Dependencies python pip geckodriver firefox Inst
Image inpainting using Gaussian Mixture Models
dmfa_inpainting Source code for: MisConv: Convolutional Neural Networks for Missing Data (to be published at WACV 2022) Estimating conditional density
Open source single image super-resolution toolbox containing various functionality for training a diverse number of state-of-the-art super-resolution models. Also acts as the companion code for the IEEE signal processing letters paper titled 'Improving Super-Resolution Performance using Meta-Attention Layers’.
Deep-FIR Codebase - Super Resolution Meta Attention Networks About This repository contains the main coding framework accompanying our work on meta-at
[peer review] An Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution Approach for 3D MR Images using Implicit Neural Representation
ArSSR This repository is the pytorch implementation of our manuscript "An Arbitrary Scale Super-Resolution Approach for 3-Dimensional Magnetic Resonan
TCPNet - Temporal-attentive-Covariance-Pooling-Networks-for-Video-Recognition
Temporal-attentive-Covariance-Pooling-Networks-for-Video-Recognition This is an implementation of TCPNet. Introduction For video recognition task, a g
This repository is the official implementation of Using Time-Series Privileged Information for Provably Efficient Learning of Prediction Models
Using Time-Series Privileged Information for Provably Efficient Learning of Prediction Models Link to paper Abstract We study prediction of future out
Simple Static Site Inductor Made in Python
sssimp 🐍 Simple Static Site Inductor Made in Python How to use Create a folder called input, inside create a folder called content and an empty file
Analyze metadata of your Python project.
Analyze metadata of your Python projects Setup: Clone repo py-m venv venv (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt specify the folders which you want to
PyDottie is a version of Dottie.js written in Python 3.
PyDottie is a version of Dottie.js written in Python 3.
D-dos attack GUI tool written in python using tkinter module
ddos D-dos attack GUI tool written in python using tkinter module #to use this tool on android, do the following on termux. *. apt update *. apt upgra
A tool written in Python used to instalock agents in VALORANT using the local API.
Valorant Instalock Tool v2.1.0 by Mr. SOSA A tool written in Python used to instalock agents in VALORANT using the local API. This is NOT a hotkey pro
Advanced Number Validator Using telnyx api
Number Validator Python v1.0.0 Number Validator Using telnyx api DISCLAIMER This Tool is only for educational purposes You'll be responsible yourself
Face recognition with trained classifiers for detecting objects using OpenCV
Face_Detector Face recognition with trained classifiers for detecting objects using OpenCV Libraries required to be installed using pip Command: cv2 n
A project to build an AI voice assistant using Python . The Voice assistant interacts with the humans to perform basic tasks.
AI_Personal_Voice_Assistant_Using_Python A project to build an AI voice assistant using Python . The Voice assistant interacts with the humans to perf
The producer-consumer problem implemented with threads in Python
This was developed using a Python virtual environment, I would strongly recommend to do the same if you want to clone this repository. How to run this
Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet Download text file, Buy PDF, Fork me on GitHub or Check out FAQ. Contents 1. Collections: List, Dictionary, Set, Tuple
A multipurpose python module
pysherlock pysherlock is a Python library for dealing with web scraping using images, it's a Python application of the rendertron headless browser API
PepeSniper is an open-source Discord Nitro auto claimer/redeemer made in python.
PepeSniper is an open-source Discord Nitro auto claimer made in python. It sure as hell is not the fastest sniper out there but it gets the job done in a timely and stable manner. It also supports hosting on heroku for 24/7 sniping without your PC
a reccurrent neural netowrk that when trained on a peice of text and fed a starting prompt will write its on 250 character text using LSTM layers
RNN-Playwrite a reccurrent neural netowrk that when trained on a peice of text and fed a starting prompt will write its on 250 character text using LS
A repository to spoof ARP table of any devices and successfully establish Man in the Middle(MITM) attack using Python3 in Linux
arp_spoofer A repository to spoof ARP table of any devices and successfully establish Man in the Middle(MITM) attack using Python3 in Linux Usage: git
Python script for finding duplicate images within a folder.
Python script for finding duplicate images within a folder.
Salted Crypto Python library
Salted Crypto Python library. Allows to encrypt and decrypt files and directories using popular cryptographic algorithms with salty key(s).
Driver Buddy Reloaded is an IDA Pro Python plugin that helps automate some tedious Windows Kernel Drivers reverse engineering tasks.
Driver Buddy Reloaded Quickstart Table of Contents Installation Usage About Driver Buddy Reloaded Finding DispatchDeviceControl Labelling WDM & WDF St
Python software to download videos from Tiktok without rights
download-video-tiktok Python software to download videos from Tiktok without rights to install pip install requests Follow us telegram : https://t.me
Python Function to manage users via SCIM
Python Function to manage users via SCIM This script helps you to manage your v2 users. You can add and delete users or groups, add users to groups an
A simple terminal-based localhost chat application written in python
Chat House A simple terminal-based localhost chat application written in python How to Use? Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/heksadecimal/c
These are After Effects and Python files that were made in the process of creating the video for the contest.
spirograph These are After Effects and Python files that were made in the process of creating the video for the contest. In the python file you can qu
A Gomoku game GUI using pygame where the user can choose to play against another player or an AI using minimax with alpha-beta pruning
Gomoku A GUI based Gomoku game using pygame where the user can choose to play against another player or an AI using minimax with alpha-beta pruning. R
A simple telegram Bot, Upload Media File| video To telegram using the direct download link. (youtube, Mediafire, google drive, mega drive, etc)
URL-Uploader (Bot) A Bot Upload file|video To Telegram using given Links. Features: 👉 Only Auth Users (AUTH_USERS) Can Use The Bot 👉 Upload YTDL Sup
A repository to detect the ARP spoofing in any devices and prevent Man in the Middle(MITM) attack using Python3
arp_spoof_detector A repository to detect the ARP spoofing in any devices and prevent Man in the Middle(MITM) attack using Python3 Usage: git clone ht
A simple python implementation of Decision Tree.
DecisionTree A simple python implementation of Decision Tree, using Gini index. Usage: import DecisionTree node = DecisionTree.trainDecisionTree(lab
Iris species predictor app is used to classify iris species created using python's scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages.
Iris Species Predictor Iris species predictor app is used to classify iris species using their sepal length, sepal width, petal length and petal width
A python script that helps you understand why your E-Mail ended up in Spam
decode-spam-headers.py Whether you are trying to understand why a specific e-mail ended up in SPAM/Junk for your daily Administrative duties or for yo
A simple telegram bot to help you to remove forward tag from post from any messages . Maded in python3 using @Pyrogram . Developed by @Kunal-Diwan
Frwd-Tag-Remover Telegram Bot to Remove forward tag from any Post . If you need any more modes in repo or If you find out any bugs, mention in @Develo
Repository for learning Python (Python Tutorial)
Repository for learning Python (Python Tutorial) Languages and Tools 🧰 Overview 📑 Repository for learning Python (Python Tutorial) Languages and Too
A python script to generate wallpaper
wallpaper eits Warning You need to set the path to Robot Mono font in the source code. (Settings are in the main function) Usage A script that given a
A Python library for miHoYo bbs and HoYoLAB Community
A Python library for miHoYo bbs and HoYoLAB Community. genshin 原神签到小助手