12792 Repositories
Python Attendance-Monitoring-with-Face-Recognition-using-Python Libraries
Shape Detection - It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python.
Shape Detection It's a shape detection project with OpenCV and Python. Setup pip install opencv-python for doing AI things. pip install simpleaudio fo
This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework
Django Rest Password Reset This python package provides a simple password reset strategy for django rest framework, where users can request password r
HTML Template Linter and Formatter. Use with Django, Jinja, Nunjucks and Handlebars templates.
Find common formatting issues and reformat HTML templates. Django · Jinja · Nunjucks · Handlebars · Mustache · GoLang Ps, --check it out on other temp
A Vietnamese personal card OCR website built with Django.
Django VietCardOCR Installation Creation of virtual environments is done by executing the command venv: python -m venv venv That will create a new fol
A Django web application to receive, virus check and validate transfers of digital archival records, and allow archivists to appraise and accession those records.
Aurora Aurora is a Django web application that can receive, virus check and validate transfers of digital archival records, and allows archivists to a
Django backend of Helium's planner application
Helium Platform Project Prerequisites Python (= 3.6) Pip (= 9.0) MySQL (= 5.7) Redis (= 3.2) Getting Started The Platform is developed using Pytho
Web app for keeping track of buildings in danger of collapsing in the event of an earthquake
Bulina Roșie 🇷🇴 Un cutremur în București nu este o situație ipotetică. Este o certitudine că acest lucru se va întâmpla. În acest context, la mai bi
GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.
Table of Contents What is GeoNode? Try out GeoNode Install Learn GeoNode Development Contributing Roadmap Showcase Most useful links Licensing What is
Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz
Graveyard: Place for Dead (and Undead) Graveyard is an attempt at open-source reimplementation of DraciDoupe.cz (referred to as DDCZ in this text). De
This repository has the lessons of the gamming programming course
learning-python-game-programming This repository has the lessons of the gamming programming course Na faculdade, estou fazendo a disciplina de program
Awesome Spectral Indices in Python.
Awesome Spectral Indices in Python: Numpy | Pandas | GeoPandas | Xarray | Earth Engine | Planetary Computer | Dask GitHub: https://github.com/davemlz/
Zero-dependency Cryptography Python Module with a self made method
TesohhCrypt TesohhCrypt is a zero-dependency Cryptography Python Module, with a method that i made. (likely someone already made a similar one, but i
Python script to stop qBittorrent from torrenting without VPN for users with static IP.
Python script to stop qBittorrent from torrenting without VPN for users with static IP.
A little Python application to auto tag your photos with the power of machine learning.
Tag Machine A little Python application to auto tag your photos with the power of machine learning. Report a bug or request a feature Table of Content
Python lib to control HottoH based stove devices
Project desciption This library can be used to discuss with HootoH based stove devices Actually tested and validated with a CMG Drum stove. To use thi
Helper script to bootstrap a Python environment with the tools required to build and install packages.
python-bootstrap Helper script to bootstrap a Python environment with the tools required to build and install packages. Usage $ python -m bootstrap.bu
AWS provides a Python SDK, "Boto3" ,which can be used to access the AWS-account from the local.
Boto3 - The AWS SDK for Python Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, which allows Python developers to wri
Python ML pipeline that showcases mltrace functionality.
mltrace tutorial Date: October 2021 This tutorial builds a training and testing pipeline for a toy ML prediction problem: to predict whether a passeng
python package sphinx template
python-package-sphinx-template python-package-sphinx-template
Python app to notify via slack channel the status_code change from an URL
Python app to notify, via slack channel you choose to be notified, for the status_code change from the URL list you setup to be checked every yy seconds
Writing Alfred copy/paste scripts in Python
Writing Alfred copy/paste scripts in Python This repository shows how to create Alfred scripts in Python. It assumes that you using pyenv for Python v
Software to help automate collecting crowdsourced annotations using Mechanical Turk.
Video Crowdsourcing Software to help automate collecting crowdsourced annotations using Mechanical Turk. The goal of this project is to enable crowdso
This is a web application to visualize various famous technical indicators and stocks tickers from user
Visualizing Technical Indicators Using Python and Plotly. Currently facing issues hosting the application on heroku. As soon as I am able to I'll like
A python script to send sms anonymously with SMS Gateway API. Works on command line terminal.
incognito-sms-sender A python script to send sms anonymously with SMS Gateway API. Works on command line terminal. Download and run script Go to API S
xxnx its a simple smtp tool for mails spaming
xxnx its a simple smtp tool for mails spaming what is smpt? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or smtp service. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is
This is a simple Python that will parse instanceStats GraphQL Query into a CSV
GraphQL Python Labs - by Gabs the CSE Table of Contents About The Project Getting Started Prerequisites Installation and Usage Roadmap Contributing Li
This python module allows to extract data from the RAW-file-format produces by devices from Thermo Fisher Scientific.
fisher_py This Python module allows access to Thermo Orbitrap raw mass spectrometer files. Using this library makes it possible to automate the analys
This is a Python program I wrote to simulate the solar system with 79 lines of code.
Solar System With Python This is a Python program I wrote to simulate the solar system with 79 lines of code. Required modules tkinter, math, time Why
Dependency injection lib for Python 3.8+
PyDI Dependency injection lib for python How to use To define the classes that should be injected and stored as bean use decorator @component @compone
Python Program that lets you write in your handwriting!
Handwriting with Python Python Program that lets you write in your handwriting! Inspired by: thaisribeiro.in How to run? Install Unidecode and Pillow
Prisma Client Python is an auto-generated and fully type-safe database client
Prisma Client Python is an unofficial implementation of Prisma which is a next-generation ORM that comes bundled with tools, such as Prisma Migrate, which make working with databases as easy as possible.
CPython extension implementing Shared Transactional Memory with native-looking interface
CPython extension implementing Shared Transactional Memory with native-looking interface
Table automatically extraction from PDF Document
PDF Table Extractor Table automatically extraction from PDF Document Our Icon 📌 Name : PDF Table Extractor 📌 Authors : Minku Koo Jiyong Park 📌 Deve
Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer
Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer Dependencies Dependencies for the frontend and backend are respectively listed in client/packa
Weather analysis with Python, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, and Flask
Surf's Up Weather analysis with Python, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, and Flask Overview The purpose of this analysis was to examine weather trends (precipitati
Convolutional neural network web app trained to track our infant’s sleep schedule using our Google Nest camera.
Machine Learning Sleep Schedule Tracker What is it? Convolutional neural network web app trained to track our infant’s sleep schedule using our Google
Pyrin is an application framework built on top of Flask micro-framework to make life easier for developers who want to develop an enterprise application using Flask
Pyrin A rich, fast, performant and easy to use application framework to build apps using Flask on top of it. Pyrin is an application framework built o
LittleBrother is a simple parental control application monitoring specific processes on Linux hosts to monitor and limit the play time of children.
Parental Control Application LittleBrother Overview LittleBrother is a simple parental control application monitoring specific processes (read "games"
A weather report application build with Python, Flask, and Geopy.
A weather report application build with Python, Flask, and Geopy. Requirements Python 3
A web application made with Flask that works with a weather service API to get the current weather from all over the world.
Weather App A web application made with Flask that works with a weather service API to get the current weather from all over the world. Uses data from
Sanic-RESTPlus is an extension for Sanic that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.
Sanic RestPlus Sanic-RESTPlus is an extension for Sanic that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Sanic-RESTPlus encourages best practices wit
A Python application to predict what is cooking
ez-cuisine-classifier A Python application to predict what is cooking Environment Python 3.9 Windows 10 Install python -m venv venv .\venv\Scripts\act
🟥This is an overview of how to set up and use DataStore3 in your Roblox experiences
Welcome to DataStore3 👋 This is an overview of how to set up and use DataStore3 in your Roblox experiences What is it? 🤔 DataStore3 is a service tha
Neo4j Movies Example application with Flask backend using the neo4j-python-driver
Neo4j Movies Application: Quick Start This example application demonstrates how easy it is to get started with Neo4j in Python. It is a very simple we
Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API
MrMat :: Python :: API :: Flask Boilerplate code for a Python Flask API This variant of a Python Flask API is code-first and using native Flask Featur
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos
Tubee is a web application, which runs actions when your subscribed channel upload new videos, think of it as a better IFTTT but built specifically for YouTube with many enhancements.
Learn REST API with Flask, Mysql and Docker
Learn REST API with Flask, Mysql and Docker A project for you to learn to work a flask REST api with docker and the mysql database manager! Table of C
📊 Python Flask game that consolidates data from Nasdaq, allowing the user to practice buying and selling stocks.
Web Trader Web Trader is a trading website that consolidates data from Nasdaq, allowing the user to search up the ticker symbol and price of any stock
Official PyTorch implementation of "Improving Face Recognition with Large AgeGaps by Learning to Distinguish Children" (BMVC 2021)
Inter-Prototype (BMVC 2021): Official Project Webpage This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Improving F
PyTorch framework for Deep Learning research and development.
Accelerated DL & RL PyTorch framework for Deep Learning research and development. It was developed with a focus on reproducibility, fast experimentati
Classifying cat and dog images using Kaggle dataset
PyTorch Image Classification Classifies an image as containing either a dog or a cat (using Kaggle's public dataset), but could easily be extended to
Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition
pytorch-vgg Some scripts to convert the VGG-16 and VGG-19 models [1] from Caffe to PyTorch. The converted models can be used with the PyTorch model zo
an implementation of Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Separable Convolution using PyTorch
This work has now been superseded by: https://github.com/sniklaus/revisiting-sepconv sepconv-slomo This is a reference implementation of Video Frame I
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) for image-based sequence recognition.
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network This software implements the Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN), a combination of CNN, RNN and CTC l
A python file which I wrote to allow the Dorna Robots API to draw an Image on a 3D plane
Dorna-Robotics-Internship Code In the directory "Code" is a python file which I wrote to allow the Dorna Robots API to draw an Image on a 3D plane. I
A python script to convert an ucompressed Gnucash XML file to a text file for Ledger and hledger.
README 1 gnucash2ledger gnucash2ledger is a Python script based on the Github Gist by nonducor (nonducor/gcash2ledger.py). This Python script will tak
Django database backed celery periodic task scheduler with support for task dependency graph
Djag Scheduler (Dj)ango Task D(AG) (Scheduler) Overview Djag scheduler associates scheduling information with celery tasks The task schedule is persis
A CLI application for storing contacts as a csv file written in Python.
Contacter A CLI application for storing contacts as a csv file written in Python. You can use this to save your contacts with a special relations tag
A totally unrealistic cell growth/reproduction simulation.
A totally unrealistic cell growth/reproduction simulation.
Python CLI for accessing CSCI320 PDM Database
p320_14 Python CLI for accessing CSCI320 PDM Database Authors: Aidan Mellin Dan Skigen Jacob Auger Kyle Baptiste Before running the application for th
An app made in Python using the PyTube and Tkinter libraries to download videos and MP3 audio.
yt-dl (GUI Edition) An app made in Python using the PyTube and Tkinter libraries to download videos and MP3 audio. How do I download this? Windows: Fi
A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon...
❤️ Shadow ❤️ A Powerful, Smart And Advance Group Manager ... Written with AioGram , Pyrogram and Telethon... ⭐️ Thanks to everyone who starred Shadow,
python script for getting mp3 files from yaoutube playlist
mp3-from-youtube-playlist python script for getting mp3 files from youtube playlist. Do your non-tech brown relatives ask you for downloading music fr
This is a simple rock paper scissor game created with python.
This is a simple rock paper scissor game created with python.
(A)sync client for sms.ru with pydantic responses
🚧 aioSMSru Send SMS Check SMS status Get SMS cost Get balance Get limit Get free limit Get my senders Check login/password Add to stoplist Remove fro
IGLS - Instagram Like Scraper CLI tool
IGLS - Instagram Like Scraper It's a web scraping command line tool based on python and selenium. Description This is a trial tool for learning purpos
A Pygame application which generates mazes using randomized DFS (Depth-First-Search)
Maze-Generator-with-Randomized-DFS A Pygame application which generates mazes using randomized DFS (Depth-First-Search)-(Iterative implementation). Ra
This will help to read QR codes using Raspberry Pi and Pi Camera
Raspberry-Pi-Generate-and-Read-QR-code This will help to read QR codes using Raspberry Pi and Pi Camera Install the required libraries first in your T
Video Instance Segmentation using Inter-Frame Communication Transformers (NeurIPS 2021)
Video Instance Segmentation using Inter-Frame Communication Transformers (NeurIPS 2021) Paper Video Instance Segmentation using Inter-Frame Communicat
The Official Repository for "Generalized OOD Detection: A Survey"
Generalized Out-of-Distribution Detection: A Survey 1. Overview This repository is with our survey paper: Title: Generalized Out-of-Distribution Detec
Library books management program, built with Flask, Python
Library books management program, With many features and good User Interface. built with Flask, Python. (Include Screenshots) and documentation on how to run it! Thank you :)
CRUD app to create and save code snippets, Flask/Python restful Api/backend and React/Typescript frontend
MS3 Cheat-Hub A cheatsheet hub. An app that organizes your code snippets into collections of cheat sheets and allows you to view, like and save others
1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun.
An unofficial API of 1cak.com 1cak - An Indonesian web that provide lot of fun. Endpoint Lol - 10 Recent stored posts on database Example: https://on
A course management web application
umber a course management web app built with python Flask, sqlite3, and git. installation Tested on Ubuntu 18 with python 3.5. # -- Install the system
iot-dashboard: Fully integrated architecture platform with a dashboard for Logistics Monitoring, Internet of Things.
Fully integrated architecture platform with a dashboard for Logistics Monitoring, Internet of Things. Written in Python. Flask applicati
Example Of Fine-Tuning BERT For Named-Entity Recognition Task And Preparing For Cloud Deployment Using Flask, React, And Docker
Example Of Fine-Tuning BERT For Named-Entity Recognition Task And Preparing For Cloud Deployment Using Flask, React, And Docker This repository contai
A flask app that turn image into ASCII art
ASCII art A flask app that turn image into ASCII art. This app has been deployed to https://motmaytinh.herokuapp.com Getting Started These instruction
Warren - Stock Price Predictor
Web app to predict closing stock prices in real time using Facebook's Prophet time series algorithm with a multi-variate, single-step time series forecasting strategy.
Set up a modern flask web server by running one command.
Build Flask App · Set up a modern flask web server by running one command. Installing / Getting started pip install build-flask-app Usage build-flask-
URL Shortener in Flask - Web service using Flask framework for Shortener URLs
URL Shortener in Flask Web service using Flask framework for Shortener URLs Install Create Virtual env $ python3 -m venv env Install requirements.txt
ConnectLearn is an easy to use and deploy Open-Source Project meant to make it easier for the right students to find the right teachers online.
ConnectLearn ConnectLearn is an easy to use and deploy Open-Source Project meant to make it easier for the right students to find the right teachers o
A simple Outline Server Access Key Copy and Paste Web Interface
Outline Keychain A simple Outline Server Access Key Copy and Paste Web Interface Developed for key and password export and copy & paste for other Shad
Otter is framework for creating microservices in Flask like fassion using RPC communication via message queue.
Otter Framework for microservices. Overview Otter is framework for creating microservices in Flask like fassion using RPC communication via message qu
NFT-Generator is the best way to generate thousands of NFTs quick and easily with Python.
NFT-Generator is the best way to generate thousands of NFTs quick and easily with Python. Just add your files, set your configuration and run the scri
AutoLoader is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.
AutoLoader AutoLoader is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python. AutoLoader is designed to autoload the other Pelican plugins
Official PyTorch implementation of "Improving Face Recognition with Large AgeGaps by Learning to Distinguish Children" (BMVC 2021)
Inter-Prototype (BMVC 2021): Official Project Webpage This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Improving F
A python based app to improve your presentation workflow
Presentation Remote A remote made for making presentations easier by enabling all the members to have access to change the slide and control the flow
Matrix trivia bot with python
Matrix-trivia-bot Getting started See SETUP.md for how to setup and run the template project. Project structure A reference of each file included in t
Features terminal for python
Features Terminal V1.0 (23/10/2021) Um programa para linux com diferentes ferramentas! Recursos: Criador de QR code Gerador de senhas Teste de velocid
A pixeldrain python package using pixeldrain official api
Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License License - https://github.com/FayasNoushad/Pixeldrain/blob/main/LICENSE In
Implementation of Apriori algorithms via Python
Installing run bellow command for installing all packages pip install -r requirements.txt Data Put csv data under this directory "infrastructure/data
Relative Uncertainty Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
Relative Uncertainty Learning for Facial Expression Recognition The official implementation of the following paper at NeurIPS2021: Title: Relative Unc
A python implementation of the windows 95 product key check.
Windows 95 Product Key Check Info: This is a python implementation of the windows 95 product key check. This was just a bit of fun and a massive 5 hou
Color Picker and Color Detection tool for METR4202
METR4202 Color Detection Help This is sample code that can be used for the METR4202 project demo. There are two files provided, both running on Python
This project helps to colorize grayscale images using multiple exemplars.
Multiple Exemplar-based Deep Colorization (Pytorch Implementation) Pretrained Model [Jitendra Chautharia](IIT Jodhpur)1,3, Prerequisites Python 3.6+ N
sync application configuration and settings across multiple multiplatform devices
sync application configuration and settings across multiple multiplatform devices ✨ Key Features • ⚗️ Installation • 📑 How To Use • 🤔 FAQ • 🛠️ Setu
This is a telegram bot built using the Oxford Dictionary API
Oxford Dictionaries Telegram Bot This is a telegram bot built using the Oxford Dictionary API Source: Oxford Dictionaries API Documentation Install En
Tools for investing in Python
InvestOps Original repository on GitHub Original author is Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen Introduction This is a Python package with simple and effective
McTrade is a bot exploiting Binance API, open source! built in python !
Open Source Crypto Trading Bot using Binance API Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequis
Simple Port Scanner script written in Python, plans is to expand upon this script to turn it into a GUI based pen testing suite
PortScanner Simple Port Scanner script written in Python, plans is to expand upon this script to turn it into a GUI based pen testing suite. #IMPORTAN