4 Repositories
Python LastOrder-Dota2 Libraries
This is the key combo trainer for League of Legends and Dota 2 players.
This is the key combo trainer for League of Legends and Dota 2 players. Place the mouse cursor on the blue point and press the key combo from the upper-left side of the screen.
🤖 A discord bot for Dota2 community
BOTA BOT-A is a free Discord Dota 2 bot which provides comprehensive Information of every Dota 2 characters and exciting features for the community. P
Dota2 AI bot - Last Order Dota2 Solo AI
Last Order Dota2 Solo AI 该库提供一个由强化学习训练出的Dota2影魔solo智能体。该智能体通过自我对战的训练方式训练,从随机动作开始学习复杂的策略。玩家可以与该智能体进行影魔solo对战。 对战规则 1.物品方面不可以出凝魂之露,灵魂之戒,魔瓶,真眼。 2.不可以吃符,或
Steam_watcher 这是 prcbot/yobot 的自定义插件,可自动播报玩家的Steam游戏状态和DOTA2图文战报 都有些什么功能? 本插件可以在用户绑定后自动推送Steam游戏状态的更新和 Dota2 图文战报,以及提供一些手动查询功能 指令列表 atbot 表示需要@BOT ats