11321 Repositories
Python Simple-Virus-With-Python Libraries
A Python wrapper for the Yelp API v2
python-yelp-v2 A Python wrapper for the Yelp API v2. The structure for this was inspired by the python-twitter library, and some internal methods are
Python library for interacting with the Wunderlist 2 REST API
Overview Wunderpy2 is a thin Python library for accessing the official Wunderlist 2 API. What does a thin library mean here? Only the bare minimum of
Wordnik Python public library
Python 2.7 client for Wordnik.com API Overview This is a Python 2.7 client for the Wordnik.com v4 API. For more information, see http://developer.word
A Python wrapper for the WooCommerce API.
WooCommerce API - Python Client A Python wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API. Easily interact with the WooCommerce REST API using this library. Insta
Python wrapper library for World Weather Online API
pywwo Python wrapper library for World Weather Online API using lxml.objectify How to use from pywwo import * setKey('your_key', 'free') w=LocalWeat
Python interface to the World Bank Indicators and Climate APIs
wbpy A Python interface to the World Bank Indicators and Climate APIs. Readthedocs Github source World Bank API docs The Indicators API lets you acces
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Python. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/python/azure/ or our versioned developer docs at https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk-for-python.
Azure SDK for Python This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Python. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public
Python wrapper for Wikipedia
Wikipedia API Wikipedia-API is easy to use Python wrapper for Wikipedias' API. It supports extracting texts, sections, links, categories, translations
🤖 A fully featured, easy to use Python wrapper for the Walmart Open API
Wapy Wapy is a fully featured Python wrapper for the Walmart Open API. Features Easy to use, object oriented interface to the Walmart Open API. (Produ
Модуль для создания скриптов для ВКонтакте | vk.com API wrapper
vk_api vk_api – Python модуль для создания скриптов для ВКонтакте (vk.com API wrapper) Документация Примеры Чат в Telegram Документация по методам API
vk.com API python wrapper
Python vk.com API wrapper This is a vk.com (the largest Russian social network) python API wrapper. The goal is to support all API methods (current an
:lock: Python 2.7/3.X client for HashiCorp Vault
hvac HashiCorp Vault API client for Python 3.x Tested against the latest release, HEAD ref, and 3 previous minor versions (counting back from the late
Python module and command line script client for http://urbandictionary.com
py-urbandict py-urbandict is a client for urbandictionary.com. Project page on github: https://github.com/novel/py-urbandict PyPI: https://pypi.org/pr
Unirest in Python: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.
Unirest for Python Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages, built and maintained by Mashape, who also maintain
Simple integrate of API udemy.com with python
Pyudemy Simple integrate of API udemy.com with python Quick start $ pip install pyudemy or $ python setup.py install Authentication To make any calls
Twitter for Python!
Tweepy: Twitter for Python! Installation The easiest way to install the latest version from PyPI is by using pip: pip install tweepy You can also use
A super awesome Twitter API client for Python.
birdy birdy is a super awesome Twitter API client for Python in just a little under 400 LOC. TL;DR Features Future proof dynamic API with full REST an
A Python wrapper around the Twitter API.
Python Twitter A Python wrapper around the Twitter API. By the Python-Twitter Developers Introduction This library provides a pure Python interface fo
A Python module for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML.
twilio-python The default branch name for this repository has been changed to main as of 07/27/2020. Documentation The documentation for the Twilio AP
A Python Library to interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth
Tumblpy Tumblpy is a Python library to help interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth Features Retrieve user information and blog information Common T
A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
PyTumblr Installation Install via pip: $ pip install pytumblr Install from source: $ git clone https://github.com/tumblr/pytumblr.git $ cd pytumblr $
Wrapper around the latest Tuenti API
python-tuenti Overview Wrapper around the latest Tuenti API. Installation Install using pip, including any optional packages you want... $ pip install
Python API wrapper around Trello's API
A wrapper around the Trello API written in Python. Each Trello object is represented by a corresponding Python object. The attributes of these objects
:cloud: Python API for ThePirateBay.
Unofficial Python API for ThePirateBay. Build Status Test Coverage Version Downloads (30 days) Installation $ pip install ThePirateBay Note that ThePi
Python client for the Echo Nest API
Pyechonest Tap into The Echo Nest's Musical Brain for the best music search, information, recommendations and remix tools on the web. Pyechonest is an
A Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API
tesserocr A simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the tesseract-ocr API for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). tesserocr integrates directly with
A python API wrapper for temp-mail.org
temp-mail Python API Wrapper for temp-mail.ru service. Temp-mail is a service which lets you use anonymous emails for free. You can view full API spec
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse We have a vibrant community of developers helping each other in our Telegram group. Join us! Stay tuned fo
:evergreen_tree: Python module for communicating with the Taiga API
python-taiga A python wrapper for the Taiga REST API. Documentation: https://python-taiga.readthedocs.io/ Usage: : https://python-taiga.readthedocs.io
Python bindings to the Syncthing REST interface.
python-syncthing Python bindings to the Syncthing REST interface. Python API Documentation Syncthing Syncthing REST Documentation Syncthing Forums $ p
Python library for the Stripe API.
Stripe Python Library The Stripe Python library provides convenient access to the Stripe API from applications written in the Python language. It incl
Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP.
stanfordcorenlp stanfordcorenlp is a Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP. It provides a simple API for text processing tasks such as Tokenization, Par
A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API
Spotipy A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API Documentation Spotipy's full documentation is online at Spotipy Documentation. Installat
Python wrapper for the Sportradar APIs ⚽️🏈
Sportradar APIs This is a Python wrapper for the sports APIs provided by Sportradar. You'll need to sign up for an API key to use the service. Sportra
A Python wrapper around the Soundcloud API
soundcloud-python A friendly wrapper around the Soundcloud API. Installation To install soundcloud-python, simply: pip install soundcloud Or if you'r
Python client for the Socrata Open Data API
sodapy sodapy is a python client for the Socrata Open Data API. Installation You can install with pip install sodapy. If you want to install from sour
SmartFile API Client (Python).
A SmartFile Open Source project. Read more about how SmartFile uses and contributes to Open Source software. Summary This library includes two API cli
A Flask inspired, decorator based API wrapper for Python-Slack.
A Flask inspired, decorator based API wrapper for Python-Slack. About Tangerine is a lightweight Slackbot framework that abstracts away all the boiler
Full-featured Python interface for the Slack API
This repository is archived and will not receive any updates It's time to say goodbye. I'm archiving Slacker. It's been getting harder to find time to
Skyscanner Python SDK
Skyscanner Python SDK Important As of May 1st, 2020, the project is deprecated and no longer maintained. The latest update in v1.1.5 includes changing
The official Python library for Shodan
shodan: The official Python library and CLI for Shodan Shodan is a search engine for Internet-connected devices. Google lets you search for websites,
The Official Twilio SendGrid Led, Community Driven Python API Library
The default branch name for this repository has been changed to main as of 07/27/2020. This library allows you to quickly and easily use the SendGrid
A client interface for Scrapinghub's API
Client interface for Scrapinghub API The scrapinghub is a Python library for communicating with the Scrapinghub API. Requirements Python 2.7 or above
:snake: Python SDK to query Scaleway APIs.
Scaleway SDK Python SDK to query Scaleway's APIs. Stable release: Development: Installation The package is available on pip. To install it in a virtua
A Python interface module to the SAS System. It works with Linux, Windows, and mainframe SAS. It supports the sas_kernel project (a Jupyter Notebook kernel for SAS) or can be used on its own.
A Python interface to MVA SAS Overview This module creates a bridge between Python and SAS 9.4. This module enables a Python developer, familiar with
Rotten Tomatoes API for Python
rottentomatoes.py rottentomatoes offers an easy-to-use Python wrapper to interact with the Rotten Tomatoes API. Before you try and use the API, make s
PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
PRAW: The Python Reddit API Wrapper PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a Python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's AP
The Python SDK for the Rackspace Cloud
pyrax Python SDK for OpenStack/Rackspace APIs DEPRECATED: Pyrax is no longer being developed or supported. See openstacksdk and the rackspacesdk plugi
PyMed is a Python library that provides access to PubMed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't have time to maintain this library (as some of you might have noticed). The PubMed API is a little chaotic, without a clear do
Polar devices Python API and CLI.
loophole - Polar devices API About Python API for Polar devices. Command line interface included. Tested with: A360 Loop M400 Installation pip install
Official python API for Phish.AI public and private API to detect zero-day phishing websites
phish-ai-api Summary Official python API for Phish.AI public and private API to detect zero-day phishing websites How it Works (TLDR) Essentially we h
A Python library for PagerDuty.
Pygerduty Python Library for PagerDuty's REST API and Events API. This library was originally written to support v1 and is currently being updated to
A Python wrapper around the OpenWeatherMap web API
PyOWM A Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs What is it? PyOWM is a client Python wrapper library for OpenWeatherMap (OWM) web APIs. It allow
Python binding to the OneTimeSecret API
Thin Python binding for onetimesecret.com API. Unicode-safe. Description of API itself you can find here: https://onetimesecret.com/docs/api Usage:
A Python Client for News API
newsapi-python A Python client for the News API. License Provided under MIT License by Matt Lisivick. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRAN
An API Client package to access the APIs for NBA.com
nba_api An API Client package to access the APIs for NBA.com Development Version: v1.1.9 nba_api is an API Client for www.nba.com. This package is mea
all-in-one wrapper for NASA API's
=========== About bowshock is an all-in-one wrapper for NASA API's. Here is a list of currently supported API's : NASA Earth API NASA APOD (Astronomy
Simple integrate of API musixmatch.com with python
Python Musixmatch Simple integrate of API musixmatch.com with python Quick start $ pip install pymusixmatch or $ python setup.py install Authenticatio
Official Python client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and consume machine learning models for language processing from your Python apps.
MonkeyLearn API for Python Official Python client for the MonkeyLearn API. Build and run machine learning models for language processing from your Pyt
A Python API to retrieve and read MLB GameDay data
mlbgame mlbgame is a Python API to retrieve and read MLB GameDay data. mlbgame works with real time data, getting information as games are being playe
Mixcloud API wrapper for Python and Async IO
aiomixcloud Mixcloud API wrapper for Python and Async IO aiomixcloud is a wrapper library for the HTTP API of Mixcloud. It supports asynchronous opera
Wrapper around the Mega API
python-mega Overview Wrapper around the Mega API. Based on the work of Julien Marchand. Installation Install using pip, including any optional package
Unofficial Medium Python Flask API and SDK
PyMedium - Unofficial Medium API PyMedium is an unofficial Medium API written in python flask. It provides developers to access to user, post list and
Simple library for logging to Loggly
#Hoover A python wrapper used to hit the Loggly. API For more information on Hoover see http://wiki.loggly.com/hooverguide ##Install With this git rep
A Python Library to interface with LinkedIn API, OAuth and JSON responses
#Overview Here's another library based on the LinkedIn API, OAuth and JSON responses. Hope this documentation explains everything you need to get star
Python interface to the LinkedIn API
Python LinkedIn Python interface to the LinkedIn API This library provides a pure Python interface to the LinkedIn Profile, Group, Company, Jobs, Sear
👨💼Linkedin API for Python
linkedin_api 👨💼 Linkedin API for Python No "official" API access required - just use a valid Linkedin account! Programmatically send messages, get
Python binding for Microsoft LightGBM
pyLightGBM: python binding for Microsoft LightGBM Features: Regression, Classification (binary, multi class) Feature importance (clf.feature_importanc
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
Light Gradient Boosting Machine LightGBM is a gradient boosting framework that uses tree based learning algorithms. It is designed to be distributed a
The official Python client library for the Kite Connect trading APIs
The Kite Connect API Python client - v3 The official Python client for communicating with the Kite Connect API. Kite Connect is a set of REST-like API
Python JIRA Library is the easiest way to automate JIRA. Support for py27 was dropped on 2019-10-14, do not raise bugs related to it.
Jira Python Library This library eases the use of the Jira REST API from Python and it has been used in production for years. As this is an open-sourc
:snake: A simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API made for Python = 3.5
itunespy itunespy is a simple library to fetch data from the iTunes Store API made for Python 3.5 and beyond. Important: Since version 1.6 itunespy no
An api, written in Python, for Investopedia's paper trading stock simulator.
investopedia-trading-api An API, written in Python, for Investopedia's paper trading stock simulator. Pull requests welcome. This library is now Pytho
Python wrapper for the Intercom API.
python-intercom Not officially supported Please note that this is NOT an official Intercom SDK. The third party that maintained it reached out to us t
Python Client for Instagram API
This project is not actively maintained. Proceed at your own risk! python-instagram A Python 2/3 client for the Instagram REST and Search APIs Install
light wrapper for indeed.com api
Simple wrapper for indeed api. go to indeed.com - register for api publisher token example from indeed import IndeedApi token = 'your token' api =
The simple way of using Imgur.
PyImgur The simple way of using Imgur. You can upload images, download images, read comments, update your albums, message people and more. In fact, yo
A Python library wrapping the iFixit (Dozuki) API.
A Python library wrapping the iFixit API. Status Working, but incomplete. Fully tested and documented. Hacking I highly recommend using virtualenv: [$
Python SDK for IEX Cloud
iexfinance Python SDK for IEX Cloud. Architecture mirrors that of the IEX Cloud API (and its documentation). An easy-to-use toolkit to obtain data for
python3.5+ hubspot client based on hapipy, but modified to use the newer endpoints and non-legacy python
A python wrapper around HubSpot's APIs, for python 3.5+. Built initially around hapipy, but heavily modified. Check out the documentation here! (thank
Unofficial Python wrapper for official Hacker News API
haxor Unofficial Python wrapper for official Hacker News API. Installation pip install haxor Usage Import and initialization: from hackernews import H
Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to GoPro via WiFi.
GoPro API for Python Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to GoPro cameras via WiFi. Compatibility: HERO3 HERO3+ HERO4 (including HERO Se
Google Sheets Python API v4
pygsheets - Google Spreadsheets Python API v4 A simple, intuitive library for google sheets which gets your work done. Features: Open, create, delete
🔍 Google Search unofficial API for Python with no external dependencies
Python Google Search API Unofficial Google Search API for Python. It uses web scraping in the background and is compatible with both Python 2 and 3. W
An unofficial client library for Google Music.
gmusicapi: an unofficial API for Google Play Music gmusicapi allows control of Google Music with Python. from gmusicapi import Mobileclient api = Mob
A command line interface for accessing google drive
Drive Cli Get the ability to access Google Drive without leaving your terminal. Inspiration Google Drive has become a vital part of our day to day lif
Get some python in google cloud functions
[NOTE]: This is a highly experimental (and proof of concept) library so do not expect all python packages to work flawlessly. Also, cloud functions ar
A Google Charts API for Python, meant to be used as an alternative to matplotlib.
GooPyCharts A Google Charts API for Python 2 and 3, meant to be used as an alternative to matplotlib. Syntax is similar to MATLAB. The goal of this pr
Python wrapper for the GitLab API
Python GitLab python-gitlab is a Python package providing access to the GitLab server API. It supports the v4 API of GitLab, and provides a CLI tool (
:globe_with_meridians: A Python wrapper for the Geocodio geolocation service API
Py-Geocodio Python wrapper for Geocodio geocoding API. Full documentation on Read the Docs. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 0.2.0 please
Download song lyrics and metadata from Genius.com 🎶🎤
LyricsGenius: a Python client for the Genius.com API lyricsgenius provides a simple interface to the song, artist, and lyrics data stored on Genius.co
The Foursquare API client for Python
foursquare Python client for the foursquare API. Philosophy: Map foursquare's endpoints one-to-one Clean, simple, Pythonic calls Only handle raw data,
A thin Python Wrapper for the Dark Sky (formerly forecast.io) weather API
Dark Sky Wrapper This is a wrapper for the Dark Sky (formerly forecast.io) API. It allows you to get the weather for any location, now, in the past, o
A Python Library to interface with Flickr REST API, OAuth & JSON Responses
Python-Flickr Python-Flickr is A Python library to interface with Flickr REST API & OAuth Features Photo Uploading Retrieve user information Common Fl
A light wrapper around FedEx's SOAP API.
Python FedEx SOAP API Module Author: Greg Taylor, Radek Wojcik Maintainer: Python FedEx Developers License: BSD Status: Stable What is it? A light wra
Evernote SDK for Python
Evernote SDK for Python Evernote API version 1.28 This SDK is intended for use with Python 2.X For Evernote's beta Python 3 SDK see https://github.com
Python lib for Embedly
embedly-python Python library for interacting with Embedly's API. To get started sign up for a key at embed.ly/signup. Install Install with Pip (recom
Python wrapper for eBay API
python-ebay - Python Wrapper for eBay API This project intends to create a simple python wrapper around eBay APIs. Development and Download Sites The
Embed the Duktape JS interpreter in Python
Introduction Pyduktape is a python wrapper around Duktape, an embeddable Javascript interpreter. On top of the interpreter wrapper, pyduktape offers e
The Official Dropbox API V2 SDK for Python
The offical Dropbox SDK for Python. Documentation can be found on Read The Docs. Installation Create an app via the Developer Console. Install via pip