4 Repositories
Python aircraft Libraries
Aircraft design optimization made fast through modern automatic differentiation
Aircraft design optimization made fast through modern automatic differentiation. Plug-and-play analysis tools for aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, trajectory design, and much more.
A program that analyzes data from inertia measurement units installed in aircraft and generates g-exceedance curves.
A program that analyzes data from inertia measurement units installed in aircraft and generates g-exceedance curves.
A program that analyzes data from inertia measurement units installeed in aircraft and generates g-exceedance curves
A program that analyzes data from inertia measurement units installeed in aircraft and generates g-exceedance curves
Exploratory analysis and data visualization of aircraft accidents and incidents in Brazil.
Exploring aircraft accidents in Brazil Occurrencies with aircraft in Brazil are investigated by the Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aircraf