3 Repositories
Python alphapose Libraries
DIP-football - A football video analyse system based on Yolov5, alphapose, Qt6
足球视频分析系统 作者 陆徐东 [email protected] 方天宬 [email protected] 简介 本项目是SJTU 21-22学年CS386 数字图像处理课程的大作业,本文是足球视频分析系统的参考文档。我们主要实现了以下功能: 基于Yolo v5和PastaNet搭建了足球视频的
Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System
News! Aug 2020: v0.4.0 version of AlphaPose is released! Stronger tracking! Include whole body(face,hand,foot) keypoints! Colab now available. Dec 201
1. Requirements CUDA 11.1 TensorRT 7.2.2 Python 3.8.5 Cython PyTorch 1.8.1 torchvision 0.9.1 numpy 1.17.4 (numpy版本过高会出报错 this issue ) python-package s