8 Repositories
Python arcface Libraries
A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite
FaceIDLight 📘 Description A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite with MTCNN-Face-Detection and ArcFace-Face-Rec
A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
deepface Deepface is a lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis (age, gender, emotion and race) framework for python. It is a hybrid
This application explain how we can easily integrate Deepface framework with Python Django application
deepface_suite This application explain how we can easily integrate Deepface framework with Python Django application install redis cache install requ
A deep learning library that makes face recognition efficient and effective
Distributed Arcface Training in Pytorch This is a deep learning library that makes face recognition efficient, and effective, which can train tens of
Deep Face Recognition in PyTorch
Face Recognition in PyTorch By Alexey Gruzdev and Vladislav Sovrasov Introduction A repository for different experimental Face Recognition models such
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project on MXNet and PyTorch
arcface-Paddle 基于Paddle框架的arcface复现 ArcFace-Paddle 本项目基于paddlepaddle框架复现ArcFace,并参加百度第三届论文复现赛,将在2021年5月15日比赛完后提供AIStudio链接~敬请期待 参考项目: InsightFace Padd