3 Repositories
Python bcai Libraries
Source code for Fathony, Sahu, Willmott, & Kolter, "Multiplicative Filter Networks", ICLR 2021.
Multiplicative Filter Networks This repository contains a PyTorch MFN implementation and code to perform & reproduce experiments from the ICLR 2021 pa
Resources related to EMNLP 2021 paper "FAME: Feature-Based Adversarial Meta-Embeddings for Robust Input Representations"
FAME: Feature-based Adversarial Meta-Embeddings This is the companion code for the experiments reported in the paper "FAME: Feature-Based Adversarial
Companion code for the paper "Meta-Learning the Search Distribution of Black-Box Random Search Based Adversarial Attacks" by Yatsura et al.
META-RS This is the companion code for the paper "Meta-Learning the Search Distribution of Black-Box Random Search Based Adversarial Attacks" by Yatsu