3 Repositories
Python coc Libraries
doq (python docstring generator) extension for coc.nvim
coc-pydocstring doq (python docstring generator) extension for coc.nvim Install CocInstall: :CocInstall coc-pydocstring vim-plug: Plug 'yaegassy/coc-p
27 Jan 4, 2023
Personal and work vim 8 configuration with submodules
vimfiles Windows Vim 8 configuration files based on the recommendations of Ruslan Osipov, Keep Your vimrc file clean and The musings of bluz71. :help
1 Aug 27, 2022
Pyright extension for coc.nvim
coc-pyright Pyright extension for coc.nvim Install :CocInstall coc-pyright Note: Pyright may not work as expected if can't detect project root correct
1.1k Jan 2, 2023