4 Repositories
Python crypter Libraries
Anonymously Reverse shell over Tor Network using Hidden Services without portfortwarding
Anonymously Reverse shell over Tor Network using Hidden Services without portfortwarding Tor ağı ile Dark Web servislerini kullanarak anonim biçimde p
FileGuard - File crypter and packing utility
FILEGUARD FILEGUARD is a file crypter and packing utility. This project was orig
PeGuard - Windows PE crypter and packing utility
PEGUARD PEGUARD is a file crypter and packing utility. This project was original
Encrypt decrypt files - Programmed in Python | PySimpleGUI
Crypter Programmed in Python | PySimpleGUI If you like it give it a star How it works Crypter program use Fernet for encryption. Fernet guarantees tha