6 Repositories
Python decryptor Libraries
Простой шифратор работающий по ключам.
deCryptor Что это такое? Простой шифратор работающий по ключам и без них. Как пользоваться? СМОТРЕТЬ ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЕ Разработчики Роман Слабицкий - написа
A Simple File Encryptor/Decryptor
Ec: A Simple File Encryptor/Decryptor This has been made for educational reasons only, any constructive criticism/advice/comments are welcome! Also, p
Persian caesar and rot16 encryptor and decryptor
persian caesar and rot16 encrypt and decrypt how to install if you use windows python -m venv .venv .\.venv\Script\activate python -m pip install -r r
Encrypt decrypt files - Programmed in Python | PySimpleGUI
Crypter Programmed in Python | PySimpleGUI If you like it give it a star How it works Crypter program use Fernet for encryption. Fernet guarantees tha
Mysterium the first tool which permits you to retrieve the most part of a Python code even the .py or .pyc was extracted from an executable file, even it is encrypted with every existing encryptage. Mysterium don't make any difference between encrypted and non encrypted files, it can retrieve code from Pyarmor or .pyc files.
Mysterium the first tool which permits you to retrieve the most part of a Python code even the .py or .pyc was extracted from an executable file, even it is encrypted with every existing encryptage. Mysterium don't make any difference between encrypted and non encrypted files, it can retrieve code from Pyarmor or .pyc files.
Widevine MPD Content Downloader & Decryptor
Widevine-DL Encrypted MPD Manifest Content Downloader + Decryptor (not a Widevine Key Extractor!) Requirements ffmpeg, yt-dlp, aria2, widevine-l3-decr