450 Repositories
Python google-docs Libraries
An extreme encryption for everyone, encrypt your text before sending to anyone.
An extreme encryption for everyone, encrypt your text before sending to anyone. Alphabets and numbers are going to be encrypted like a hell
Easy Google Translate: Unofficial Google Translate API
easygoogletranslate Unofficial Google Translate API. This library does not need an api key or something else to use, it's free and simple. You can eit
Implemented a Google Maps prototype that provides the shortest route in terms of distance
Implemented a Google Maps prototype that provides the shortest route in terms of distance, the fastest route, the route with the fewest turns, and a scenic route that avoids roads when provided a source and destination. The algorithms used were DFS, BFS, A*, and Iterative Depth First Search.
Traditional deepdream with VQGAN+CLIP and optical flow. Ready to use in Google Colab
VQGAN-CLIP-Video cat.mp4 policeman.mp4 schoolboy.mp4 forsenBOG.mp4
Google Search Results via SERP API pip Python Package
Google Search Results in Python This Python package is meant to scrape and parse search results from Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, Home depot, E
PYGA: Python Google Analytics (ga.js) - Data Collection API
PYGA: Python Google Analytics - Data Collection API pyga is an implementation of Google Analytics (ga.js) in Python; so that it can be used at server
Easy to use Google Pub/Sub
Relé makes integration with Google PubSub straightforward and easy. Motivation and Features The Publish-Subscribe pattern and specifically the Google
📷 An Instagram bot written in Python using Selenium on Google Chrome
📷 An Instagram bot written in Python using Selenium on Google Chrome. It will go through posts in hashtag(s) and like and comment on them.
ANKIT-OS/STYLISH-TEXT is a special repository. Its Is A Telegram Bot Which Can Translate Your Text Into 100+ Language
🔥 ᴳᴼᴼᴳᴸᴱ⁻ᵀᴿᴬᴺᔆᴸᴬᵀᴱᴿ 🔥 The owner would not be responsible for any kind of bans due to the bot. • ⚡ INSTALLING ⚡ • • 🛠️ Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Aɴᴅ Tᴏᴏʟs 🔰 • If
Utility for Google Text-To-Speech batch audio files generator. Ideal for prompt files creation with Google voices for application in offline IVRs
Google Text-To-Speech Batch Prompt File Maker Are you in the need of IVR prompts, but you have no voice actors? Let Google talk your prompts like a pr
A hack to run custom shell commands when building documentation on Read the Docs.
readthedocs-custom-steps A hack to run custom steps when building documentation on Read the Docs. Important: This module should not be installed outsi
Cookiecutter to create a Google Function. Powered by Poetry, GitHub actions, and Google Cloud Platform
Cookiecutter Google Function Cookiecutter template for a Google Function. Powered by Poetry, and GitHub actions. Quickstart Install the latest Cookiec
Takes a string and puts it through different languages in Google Translate a requested amount of times, returning nonsense.
PythonTextObfuscator Takes a string and puts it through different languages in Google Translate a requested amount of times, returning nonsense. Requi
Aria & Qbittorent Mirror Bot
Eunha Mirror Eunha Mirror is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Features su
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords
Chromepass - Hacking Chrome Saved Passwords and Cookies View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About the Project AV Detection Gett
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive
[] Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our beloved Google Drive. Deploying on Heroku Give Star &
Built for streamlining development of Google Assistant Actions
Apprentice Apprentice is a framework built for developing Google Actions via Dialogflow and Google Cloud (serverless) Functions. Includes: plug-and-pl
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions
⚡ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
Code for MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks
MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum for Very Deep Neural Networks This is the code for the paper: MentorNet: Learning Data-Driven Curriculum fo
Python samples for Google Cloud Platform products.
Google Cloud Platform Python Samples Python samples for Google Cloud Platform products. Setup Install pip and virtualenv if you do not already have th
This is the mail server that handles responses from the Contact Form
mailserver About This is the mail server that handles responses from the Contact Form Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key)
A script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks
Log4j dork scanner This is an auto script to search, scrape and scan for Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 affected files using Google dorks. Installation:
A telegram bot to translate 100+ Languages
🔥 GOOGLE TRANSLATER 🔥 The owner would not be responsible for any kind of bans due to the bot. • ⚡ INSTALLING ⚡ • • 🔰 Deploy To Railway 🔰 • • ✅ OFF
Complete system for facial identity system
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Simple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework
TensorFlow-Tutorials Introduction to deep learning based on Google's TensorFlow framework. These tutorials are direct ports of Newmu's Theano Tutorial
A module grouping multiple translation APIs
translatepy (originally: translate) An aggregation of multiple translation API Translate, transliterate, get the language of texts in no time with the
Automation that uses Github Actions, Google Drive API, YouTube Data API and youtube-dl together to feed BackJam app with new music
Automation that uses Github Actions, Google Drive API, YouTube Data API and youtube-dl together to feed BackJam app with new music
DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques
DaProfiler allows you to get emails, social medias, adresses, works and more on your target using web scraping and google dorking techniques, based in France Only. The particularity of this program is its ability to find your target's e-mail adresses.
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Complete system for facial identity system. Include one-shot model, database operation, features visualization, monitoring
Google Developer Profile Badge Scraper
Google Developer Profile Badge Scraper It is a Google Developer Profile Web Scraper which scrapes for specific badges in a user's Google Developer Pro
Transform a Google Drive server into a VFX pipeline ready server
Google Drive VFX Server VFX Pipeline About The Project Quick tutorial to setup a Google Drive Server for multiple machines access, and VFX Pipeline on
A script that automatically creates a branch name using google translation api and jira api
About google translation api와 jira api을 사용하여 자동으로 브랜치 이름을 만들어주는 스크립트 Setup 환경변수에 다음 3가지를 등록해야 한다. JIRA_USER : JIRA email (ex: username@domain.com) JIR
Unofficial implementation of Google's FNet: Mixing Tokens with Fourier Transforms
FNet: Mixing Tokens with Fourier Transforms Pytorch implementation of Fnet : Mixing Tokens with Fourier Transforms. Citation: @misc{leethorp2021fnet,
Filters to block and remove copycat-websites from DuckDuckGo and Google. Specific to dev websites like StackOverflow or GitHub.
uBlock-Origin-dev-filter Filters to block and remove copycat-websites from DuckDuckGo and Google. Specific to dev websites like StackOverflow or GitHu
A python package that extends Google Earth Engine.
A python package that extends Google Earth Engine GitHub: https://github.com/davemlz/eemont Documentation: https://eemont.readthedocs.io/ PyPI: https:
Filters to block and remove copycat-websites from DuckDuckGo and Google
uBlock Origin - Shitty Copy-Paste websites filter Filter for uBlock origin to remove spam-website results from DuckDuckGo and Google that just blatant
Markdown documentation generator from Google docstrings
mkgendocs A Python package for automatically generating documentation pages in markdown for Python source files by parsing Google style docstring. The
Making it easy to query APIs via SQL
Shillelagh Shillelagh (ʃɪˈleɪlɪ) is an implementation of the Python DB API 2.0 based on SQLite (using the APSW library): from shillelagh.backends.apsw
A bot written in python that send prefilled Google Forms. It supports multithreading for faster execution time.
GoogleFormsBot https://flassy.xyz https://github.com/Shawey/GoogleFormsBot Requirements: os (Default) ast (Default) threading (Default) configparser (
Google Scholar Web Scraping
Google Scholar Web Scraping This is a python script that asks for a user to input the url for a google scholar profile, and then it writes publication
pandas-gbq is a package providing an interface to the Google BigQuery API from pandas
pandas-gbq pandas-gbq is a package providing an interface to the Google BigQuery API from pandas Installation Install latest release version via conda
A Python DB-API and SQLAlchemy dialect to Google Spreasheets
Note: shillelagh is a drop-in replacement for gsheets-db-api, with many additional features. You should use it instead. If you're using SQLAlchemy all
Download a large file from Google Drive (curl/wget fails because of the security notice).
gdown Download a large file from Google Drive. Description Download a large file from Google Drive. If you use curl/wget, it fails with a large file b
Pseudo API for Google Trends
pytrends Introduction Unofficial API for Google Trends Allows simple interface for automating downloading of reports from Google Trends. Only good unt
FollowSpot is a comprehensive audition tracking fullstack web application for entertainment industry professionals.
FollowSpot is a comprehensive audition tracking fullstack web application for entertainment industry professionals. This app allows users to store information/media for all of their auditions while also compiling data and displaying statistics to help track progress.
A python-generated website for visualizing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) data for Greece.
COVID-19-Greece A python-generated website for visualizing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) data for Greece. Data sources Data provided by Johns Hopki
One-stop-shop for docs and test coverage of dbt projects.
dbt-coverage One-stop-shop for docs and test coverage of dbt projects. Why do I need something like this? dbt-coverage is to dbt what coverage.py and
Cached file system for online resources in Python
Minato Cache & file system for online resources in Python Features Minato enables you to: Download & cache online recsources minato supports the follo
Easy way to add GoogleMaps to Flask applications. maintainer: @getcake
Flask Google Maps Easy to use Google Maps in your Flask application requires Jinja Flask A google api key get here Contribute To contribute with the p
Interact and easily use Google Chat room webhooks.
Chat Webhooks Easily interact and send messages with Google Chat's webhooks feature. This API is small, but should be a nice framework for working wit
Unofficial PyTorch implementation of TokenLearner by Google AI
tokenlearner-pytorch Unofficial PyTorch implementation of TokenLearner by Ryoo et al. from Google AI (abs, pdf) Installation You can install TokenLear
Takes upcoming items from a Google Calendar and posts them to Slack.
Google Calendar to Slack by Jason Snell - jsnell@sixcolors.com This Python script scrapes upcoming items from Google Calendar HTML and posts them to S
🤖🧭Creates google-like navigation menu using python-telegram-bot wrapper
python telegram bot menu pagination Makes a google style pagination line for a list of items. In other words it builds a menu for navigation if you ha
Make dbt docs and Apache Superset talk to one another
dbt-superset-lineage Make dbt docs and Apache Superset talk to one another Why do I need something like this? Odds are rather high that you use dbt to
Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes
Kubeflow the cloud-native platform for machine learning operations - pipelines, training and deployment. Documentation Please refer to the official do
Interactive web apps created using geemap and streamlit
geemap-apps Introduction This repo demostrates how to build a multi-page Earth Engine App using streamlit and geemap. You can deploy the app on variou
A python package that adds "docs" command to disnake
About This extension's purpose is of adding a "docs" command, its purpose is to help documenting in chat. How To Load It from disnake.ext import comma
A Telegram bot to upload files from Telegram or Direct links to Google Drive.
Google Drive Uploader Telegram Bot A Telegram bot to upload files from Telegram or Direct links to Google Drive. Features Telegram files support. Dire
Sprint planner considering JIRA issues and google calendar meetings schedule.
Sprint planner Sprint planner is a Python script for planning your Jira tasks based on your calendar availability. Installation Use the package manage
Implementation of Google Brain's WaveGrad high-fidelity vocoder
WaveGrad Implementation (PyTorch) of Google Brain's high-fidelity WaveGrad vocoder (paper). First implementation on GitHub with high-quality generatio
A voice recognition assistant similar to amazon alexa, siri and google assistant.
kenyan-Siri Build an Artificial Assistant Full tutorial (video) To watch the tutorial, click on the image below Installation For windows users (run th
Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix tech interview questions
Algorithm and Data Structures Interview Questions HackerRank | Practice, Tutorials & Interview Preparation Solutions This repository consists of solut
A discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets
Bott This is a discord bot that utilizes Google's Rest API for Calendar, Drive, and Sheets. The bot first takes the sheet from the schedule manager in
Makes google's political ad database actually useful
Making Google's political ad transparency library suck less This is a series of scripts that takes Google's political ad transparency data and makes t
🔵Open many google dorks in a fasted way
Dorkinho 🔵 The author is not responsible for misuse of the tool, use it in good practices like Pentest and CTF OSINT challenges. Dorkinho is a script
IMDb + Auto + Unlimited Filter BoT
Telegram Movie Bot Features Auto Filter Manuel Filter IMDB Admin Commands Broadcast Index IMDB search Inline Search Random pics ids and User info Stat
Python script to download the celebA-HQ dataset from google drive
download-celebA-HQ Python script to download and create the celebA-HQ dataset. WARNING from the author. I believe this script is broken since a few mo
Algorithm for Cutting Stock Problem using Google OR-Tools. Link to the tool:
Cutting Stock Problem Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) deals with planning the cutting of items (rods / sheets) from given stock items (which are usually o
The open source extract transaction infomation by using OCR.
Transaction OCR Mã nguồn trích xuất thông tin transaction từ file scaned pdf, ở đây tôi lựa chọn tài liệu sao kê công khai của Thuy Tien. Mã nguồn có
This is a simple leaderboard for 30 days of Google Cloud program for students of ASIET
30daysleaderboard #Hacktoberfest - Please don't make changes in readme file. Only improvement in the project will be accepted. Update - Now if you run
Google Developer Profile Badge Scraper
Google Developer Profile Badge Scraper GDev Profile Badge Scraper is a Google Developer Profile Web Scraper which scrapes for specific badges in a use
A markdown template manager for writing API docs in python.
DocsGen-py A markdown template manager for writing API docs in python. Contents Usage API Reference Usage You can install the latest commit of this re
AI assistant built in python.the features are it can display time,say weather,open-google,youtube,instagram.
AI assistant built in python.the features are it can display time,say weather,open-google,youtube,instagram.
SQLi Google Dork Scanner (new version)
XGDork² - ViraX Google Dork Scanner SQLi Google Dork Scanner by ViraX @ 2021 for Python 2.7 - compatible Android(NoRoot) - Termux A simple 'naive' pyt
IMDb + Auto + Unlimited Filter BoT
Telegram Movie Bot Features Auto Filter Manuel Filter IMDB Admin Commands Broadcast Index IMDB search Inline Search Random pics ids and User info Stat
A hilarious program that translates text to Google's
Bork, bork, bork! A hilarious program that translates text in a file to Google's "bork bork bork' language. How to use Download the main.py file. Chan
A colab notebook for training Stylegan2-ada on colab, transfer learning onto your own dataset.
Stylegan2-Ada-Google-Colab-Starter-Notebook A no thrills colab notebook for training Stylegan2-ada on colab. transfer learning onto your own dataset h
Compare MLOps Platforms. Breakdowns of SageMaker, VertexAI, AzureML, Dataiku, Databricks, h2o, kubeflow, mlflow...
Compare MLOps Platforms. Breakdowns of SageMaker, VertexAI, AzureML, Dataiku, Databricks, h2o, kubeflow, mlflow...
Raven is a tool written in Python3 allowing you to generate an unique image with some text.
🐦 Raven is a tool written in Python3 allowing you to generate an unique image with some text. It does it by searching the text on Google, do
A Simple Google Translate Bot By VndGroup ❤️ Made With Python
VndGroup Google Translator Heroku Deploy ❤️ Functions This Bot Can Translate 95 Languages We Can Set Custom Language Group Support Mandatory Vars [+]
Qbittorrent / Aria2 Mirror & Leech Telegram Bot
This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to your Google Drive or Telegram. Based on python-aria-mirror-bot Feature
Who are we? We are the Hunters of all Torrent in this world.🗡️.Fork from SlamDevs
MIRROR HUNTER This Mirror Bot is a multipurpose Telegram Bot writen in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to our beloved Google Drive. Repo la
💬 Python scripts to parse Messenger, Hangouts, WhatsApp and Telegram chat logs into DataFrames.
Chatistics Python 3 scripts to convert chat logs from various messaging platforms into Pandas DataFrames. Can also generate histograms and word clouds
DeepFaceLab fork which provides IPython Notebook to use DFL with Google Colab
DFL-Colab — DeepFaceLab fork for Google Colab This project provides you IPython Notebook to use DeepFaceLab with Google Colaboratory. You can create y
Finetune gpt-2 in google colab
gpt-2-colab finetune gpt-2 in google colab sample result (117M) from retraining on A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Di
Multiple implementations for abstractive text summurization , using google colab
Text Summarization models if you are able to endorse me on Arxiv, i would be more than glad https://arxiv.org/auth/endorse?x=FRBB89 thanks This repo i
TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
BERT ***** New March 11th, 2020: Smaller BERT Models ***** This is a release of 24 smaller BERT models (English only, uncased, trained with WordPiece
Machine learning notebooks in different subjects optimized to run in google collaboratory
Notebooks Name Description Category Link Training pix2pix This notebook shows a simple pipeline for training pix2pix on a simple dataset. Most of the
Apply different text recognition services to images of handwritten documents.
Handprint The Handwritten Page Recognition Test is a command-line program that invokes HTR (handwritten text recognition) services on images of docume
Building house price data pipelines with Apache Beam and Spark on GCP
This project contains the process from building a web crawler to extract the raw data of house price to create ETL pipelines using Google Could Platform services.
A telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to Google Drive
owner of this repo :- AYUSH contact me :- AYUSH Slam Mirror Bot This is a telegram bot writen in python for mirroring files on the internet to our bel
A Python Oriented tool to Scrap WhatsApp Group Link using Google Dork it Scraps Whatsapp Group Links From Google Results And Gives Working Links.
WaGpScraper A Python Oriented tool to Scrap WhatsApp Group Link using Google Dork it Scraps Whatsapp Group Links From Google Results And Gives Working
Updated version of A discord token/password grabber thats grabs all of their tokens, passwords, credit card + alot more
Updated version of A discord token/password grabber thats grabs all of their tokens, passwords, credit card + alot more
Tensorflow implementation of "BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks"
BEGAN in Tensorflow Tensorflow implementation of BEGAN: Boundary Equilibrium Generative Adversarial Networks. Requirements Python 2.7 or 3.x Pillow tq
Google Maps crawler using Selenium
Google Maps Crawler using Selenium Built as part of the Antifragile Dev Project Selenium crawler that browses Google Maps as a regular user and stores
A simple Telegram bot can convert web docs, Telegraph links, etc. to Pdf !
A Telegram Bot to convert http Links to PDF
A "finish the lyrics" game using Spotify, YouTube Transcript, and YouTube Search APIs, coupled with visual machine learning
Singify Introducing Singify, the party game! Challenge your friend to who knows songs better. Play random songs from your very own Spotify playlist an
A Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring files on the Internet to Google Drive
No support is going to be provided of any kind, only maintaining this for vps user on request. This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for mirroring
A package to fetch sentinel 2 Satellite data from Google.
Sentinel 2 Data Fetcher Installation Create a Virtual Environment and activate it. python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate Install the Package via pi
MediaPipe is a an open-source framework from Google for building multimodal
MediaPipe is a an open-source framework from Google for building multimodal (eg. video, audio, any time series data), cross platform (i.e Android, iOS, web, edge devices) applied ML pipelines. It is performance optimized with end-to-end on device inference in mind.