5 Repositories
Python herokuapp Libraries
This is a API/Website to see the attendance recorded in your college website along with how many days you can take days off OR to attend class!!
Bunker-Website This is a GUI version of the Bunker-API along with some visualization charts to see your attendance progress. Website Link Check out th
FxBuzzly - Buzzly.art links do not embed in Discord, this fixes them (rudimentarily)
fxBuzzly Buzzly.art links do not embed in Discord, this fixes them (rudimentaril
DB-Drive-CSV - This is app is can be used to access CSV file as JSON from Google Drive.
DB Drive CSV This is app is can be used to access CSV file as JSON from Google Drive. How To Use Create file/ upload file to Google Drive There's 2 fi
An end-to-end regression problem of predicting the price of properties in Bangalore.
Bangalore-House-Price-Prediction An end-to-end regression problem of predicting the price of properties in Bangalore. Deployed in Heroku using Flask.
Telegram Voice Chat UserBot made with Pyrogram and MarshalX/tgcalls with playlist and Heroku support
Telegram Voice Chat UserBot A Telegram UserBot to Play Audio in Voice Chats. This is also the source code of the userbot which is being used for playi