3 Repositories
Python icse2022 Libraries
Contains the code and data for our #ICSE2022 paper titled as "CodeFill: Multi-token Code Completion by Jointly Learning from Structure and Naming Sequences"
CodeFill This repository contains the code for our paper titled as "CodeFill: Multi-token Code Completion by Jointly Learning from Structure and Namin
VarCLR: Variable Semantic Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning
VarCLR: Variable Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning New: Paper accepted by ICSE 2022. Preprint at arXiv! This repository contain
VarCLR: Variable Semantic Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning
VarCLR: Variable Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning New: Paper accepted by ICSE 2022. Preprint at arXiv! This repository contain