5 Repositories
Python invoice Libraries
CLI tool to generate pdf invoices written in python
invoicepy CLI invoice tool, store and print invoices as pdf. save companies and customers for later use. installation pip install invoicepy config co
API to help generating QR-code for ZATCA's e-invoice known as Fatoora with any programming language
You can try it @ api-fatoora api-fatoora API to help generating QR-code for ZATCA's e-invoice known as Fatoora with any programming language Disclaime
Key information extraction from invoice document with Graph Convolution Network
Key Information Extraction from Scanned Invoices Key information extraction from invoice document with Graph Convolution Network Related blog post fro
Machine Learning Model to predict the payment date of an invoice when it gets created in the system.
Payment-Date-Prediction Machine Learning Model to predict the payment date of an invoice when it gets created in the system.
Solution for Problem 1 by team codesquad for AIDL 2020. Uses ML Kit for OCR and OpenCV for image processing
CodeSquad PS1 Solution for Problem Statement 1 for AIDL 2020 conducted by @unifynd technologies. Problem Given images of bills/invoices, the task was