4 Repositories
Python microk8s Libraries
MicroK8s is a small, fast, single-package Kubernetes for developers, IoT and edge.
MicroK8s The smallest, fastest Kubernetes Single-package fully conformant lightweight Kubernetes that works on 42 flavours of Linux. Perfect for: Deve
This repository outlines deploying a local Kubeflow v1.3 instance on microk8s and deploying a simple MNIST classifier using KFServing.
Zero to Inference with Kubeflow Getting Started This repository houses all of the tools, utilities, and example pipeline implementations for exploring
A simple demonstration of how a django-based website can be set up for local development with microk8s
Django with MicroK8s Start Building Your Project This project provides a Django web app running as a single node Kubernetes cluster in microk8s. It is
This repository contains code examples and documentation for learning how applications can be developed with Kubernetes
BigBitBus KAT Components Click on the diagram to enlarge, or follow this link for detailed documentation Introduction Welcome to the BigBitBus Kuberne