6 Repositories
Python netcat Libraries
Standalone script written in Python 3 for generating Reverse Shell one liner snippets and handles the communication between target and client using custom Netcat binaries
Standalone script written in Python 3 for generating Reverse Shell one liner snippets and handles the communication between target and client using custom Netcat binaries. It automates the boring stuff like URL encoding the command and setting up a listener.
netpy - more than implementation of netcat 🐍🔥
netpy - more than implementation of netcat 🐍🔥
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer tools for hacking. The theme of this repository is to bring some ready-made open-source tools for anyone new to the world of hacking. This
A begginer reverse shell tool python.
A begginer reverse shell tool python. Este programa é para apenas estudo e conhecimento. Não use isso em outra pessoas. Não me responsabilizo por uso
wssh ("wish") is a command-line utility/shell for WebSocket inpsired by netcat.
wssh ("wish") is a command-line utility/shell for WebSocket inspired by netcat
Python script to replace BTC adresses in the clipboard with similar looking ones, whose private key can be retrieved by a netcat listener or similar.
BTCStealer Python script to replace BTC adresses in the clipboard with similar looking ones, whose private key can be retrieved by a netcat listener o