2 Repositories
Python nikto Libraries
A Python tool used to automate the execution of the following tools : Nmap , Nikto and Dirsearch but also to automate the report generation during a Web Penetration Testing
📡 WebMap A Python tool used to automate the execution of the following tools : Nmap , Nikto and Dirsearch but also to automate the report generation
tools下有几个工具,所以项目文件比较大,如果下载总是中断的话建议拆开下载各个项目然后直接拷贝dockefile和recon.py即可 0x01 hscan介绍 hscan是什么 hscan是一款旨在使用一条命令替代渗透前的多条扫描命令,通过集成crawlergo扫描和xray扫描、dirsear