8 Repositories
Python opendata Libraries
A reference implementation for processing the content.log files found at opendata.dwd.de/weather
A reference implementation for processing the content.log files found at opendata.dwd.de/weather.
Prometheus Exporter for data scraped from datenplattform.darmstadt.de
darmstadt-opendata-exporter Scrapes data from https://datenplattform.darmstadt.de and presents it in the Prometheus Exposition format. Pull requests w
PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
PatZilla is a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit with a modern user interface and access to multiple data sources.
Scraping script for stats on covid19 pandemic status in Chiba prefecture, Japan
About 千葉県の地域別の詳細感染者統計(Excelファイル) をCSVに変換し、かつ地域別の日時感染者集計値を出力するスクリプトです。 Requirement POSIX互換なシェル, e.g. GNU Bash (1) curl (1) python = 3.8 pandas = 1.1.
Empresas do Brasil (CNPJs)
Biblioteca em Python que coleta informações cadastrais de empresas do Brasil (CNPJ) obtidas de fontes oficiais (Receita Federal) e exporta para um formato legível por humanos (CSV ou JSON).
Finds, downloads, parses, and standardizes public bikeshare data into a standard pandas dataframe format
Finds, downloads, parses, and standardizes public bikeshare data into a standard pandas dataframe format.
A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data
VisiData v2.6.1 A terminal interface for exploring and arranging tabular data. VisiData supports tsv, csv, sqlite, json, xlsx (Excel), hdf5, and many
Home Assistant for Opendata CWB. Get the weather forecast of the city in Taiwan.
Home assistant support for Opendata CWB. The readme in Traditional Chinese. This integration is based on OpenWeatherMap (@csparpa, pyowm) to develop.