9 Repositories
Python phrases Libraries
I label phrases on a scale of five values: negative, somewhat negative, neutral, somewhat positive, positive
I label phrases on a scale of five values: negative, somewhat negative, neutral, somewhat positive, positive. Obstacles like sentence negation, sarcasm, terseness, language ambiguity, and many others make this task very challenging.
Words_And_Phrases - Just a repo for useful words and phrases that might come handy in some scenarios. Feel free to add yours
Words_And_Phrases Just a repo for useful words and phrases that might come handy in some scenarios. Feel free to add yours Abbreviations Abbreviation
The ability of computer software to identify words and phrases in spoken language and convert them to human-readable text
speech-recognition-py Speech recognition is the ability of computer software to identify words and phrases in spoken language and convert them to huma
A minimal python script for generating bip39 seed phrases, and corresponding Seed Signer Seed seed phrase qr code ready for offline printing.
A minimal python script for generating bip39 seed phrases, and corresponding Seed Signer Seed seed phrase qr code ready for offline printing.
A minimal python script for generating multiple onetime use bip39 seed phrases
seed_signer_ontimes WARNING This project has mainly been used for local development, and creation should be ran on a air-gapped machine. A minimal pyt
ACL'2021: Learning Dense Representations of Phrases at Scale
DensePhrases DensePhrases is an extractive phrase search tool based on your natural language inputs. From 5 million Wikipedia articles, it can search
The coda and data for "Measuring Fine-Grained Domain Relevance of Terms: A Hierarchical Core-Fringe Approach" (ACL '21)
We propose a hierarchical core-fringe learning framework to measure fine-grained domain relevance of terms – the degree that a term is relevant to a broad (e.g., computer science) or narrow (e.g., deep learning) domain.
This project provides an unsupervised framework for mining and tagging quality phrases on text corpora with pretrained language models (KDD'21).
UCPhrase: Unsupervised Context-aware Quality Phrase Tagging To appear on KDD'21...[pdf] This project provides an unsupervised framework for mining and
Learning Dense Representations of Phrases at Scale (Lee et al., 2020)
DensePhrases DensePhrases provides answers to your natural language questions from the entire Wikipedia in real-time. While it efficiently searches th