677 Repositories
Python pypi-command-line Libraries
A Deep Learning based project for creating line art portraits.
ArtLine The main aim of the project is to create amazing line art portraits. Sounds Intresting,let's get to the pictures!! Model-(Smooth) Model-(Quali
BackgroundRemover lets you Remove Background from images and video with a simple command line interface
BackgroundRemover BackgroundRemover is a command line tool to remove background from video and image, made by nadermx to power https://BackgroundRemov
EODAG is a command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
EODAG (Earth Observation Data Access Gateway) is a command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
navigation_commander is a ROS package to command the robot to navigate autonomously to each table for food delivery inside a hotel.
navigation_commander navigation_commander is a ROS package to command the robot to navigate autonomously to each table for food delivery inside a hote
Inject custom C++ code into GameMaker Studio 2 YYC builds
YYC Boost Inject custom C++ code into GameMaker Studio 2 YYC builds! WARNING: This tool is currently in an early stage of development and it is not gu
Command line utility for converting images to seamless tiles
img2texture Command line utility for converting images to seamless tiles. The resulting tiles can be used as textures in games, compositing and 3D mod
Unofficial Open Corporates CLI: OpenCorporates is a website that shares data on corporations under the copyleft Open Database License. This is an unofficial open corporates python command line tool.
Unofficial Open Corporates CLI OpenCorporates is a website that shares data on corporations under the copyleft Open Database License. This is an unoff
A handy command-line utility for generating and sending iCalendar events
A handy command-line utility for generating and sending iCalendar events This simple command-line utility is designed to generate an iCalendar event,
A small command-line tool for interacting with GQL APIs
igqloo A small tool for interacting with GQL APIs Arguments, mutations, aliases are all supported. Other features, such as fragments, are left unsuppo
An helper library to scrape data from TikTok in one line, using the Influencer Hunters APIs.
TikTok Scraper An utility library to scrape data from TikTok hassle-free Go to the website » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About The Projec
A Python framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features.
Bolt for Python A Python framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Read the getting started guide and look at our co
PyPI package for scaffolding out code for decision tree models that can learn to find relationships between the attributes of an object.
Decision Tree Writer This package allows you to train a binary classification decision tree on a list of labeled dictionaries or class instances, and
Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4 and mkv file types.
Thumbnail Generator 🎬 What is This This is a Python application that can be used to generate video thumbnail for mp4 and mkv file types. Installation
Cross-platform command-line AV1 / VP9 / HEVC / H264 encoding framework with per scene quality encoding
Av1an A cross-platform framework to streamline encoding Easy, Fast, Efficient and Feature Rich An easy way to start using AV1 / HEVC / H264 / VP9 / VP
Simple command-line implementation of minesweeper
minesweeper This is a Python implementation of 2-D Minesweeper! Check out the tutorial here: https://youtu.be/Fjw7Lc9zlyU You start a game by running
Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.
Universal Reddit Scraper - A comprehensive Reddit scraping command-line tool written in Python.
Phishing-Detective is a command line application for Windows 10 built to detect a phishing site from two url's
Phishing-Detective Phishing-Detective is a command line application for Windows 10 built to detect a phishing site from two url's How it works A simpl
GPT-3 command line interaction
Writer_unblock Straight-forward command line interfacing with GPT-3. Finding yourself stuck at a conceptual stage? Spinning your wheels needlessly on
Repository sharing code and the model for the paper "Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes"
Rescoring Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Text Line Recognition with CTC-Prefixes Setup virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate pip instal
Command line tool for google dorks
CLI for google dorks This is the command line tool made with pytohn which allows the users to perform Google dorks easily Installation Install google
This module extends twarc to allow you to print out tweets as text for easy testing on the command line
twarc-text This module extends twarc to allow you to print out tweets as text for easy testing on the command line. Maybe it's useful for spot checkin
An utility library to scrape data from TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube, Twitter or Reddit in one line!
Social Media Scraper An utility library to scrape data from TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube, Twitter or Reddit in one line! Go to the website » Vie
Automatically give thanks to Pypi packages you use in your project!
Automatically give thanks to Pypi packages you use in your project!
A simple command for converting and processing data from your clipboard.
A generic text conversion/processing tool
LSD (Linux Spotify Downloader) is a command line tool for downloading or rather recording content on Spotify.
LSD (Linux Spotify Downloader) is a command line tool for downloading or rather recording content on Spotify.
Youtube as covert-channel - Control systems remotely and execute commands by uploading videos to Youtube
covert-tube A program to control systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube using Python to create the videos and the listener, emulating some ma
One line Brainfuck interpreter in Python
One line Brainfuck interpreter in Python
A simple command line dumper written in Python 3.
A simple command line dumper written in Python 3.
Document Web APIs made with Django Rest Framework
DRF Docs Document Web APIs made with Django Rest Framework. View Demo Contributors Wanted: Do you like this project? Using it? Let's make it better! S
TRREASURE_IMAGE is python lib by which you can hide anything in a .jpg image with Command-Line Interface[cli] feature
TRREASURE_IMAGE TRREASURE_IMAGE is a python third-party library with Command-Line Interface[cli] feature. Table of Contents General Info Python librar
PipeCat - A command line Youtube music player written in python.
A command line Youtube music player written in python. It's an app written for Linux. It also supports offline playlists that are stored in a
Command Line (CLI) Application to automate creation of tasks in Redmine, issues on Github and the sync process of them.
Task Manager Automation Tool (TMAT) CLI Command Line (CLI) Application to automate creation of tasks in Redmine, issues on Github and the sync process
googler is a power tool to Google (web, news, videos and site search) from the command-line.
googler is a power tool to Google (web, news, videos and site search) from the command-line.
distfit - Probability density fitting
Python package for probability density function fitting of univariate distributions of non-censored data
🌈 Beautify your command line interfaces.
Basics Install: pip install iridi Usage: import iridi # Create gradient text # iridi.print(message, colors, options) # Ask for input with gradient
Fast batch image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images.
imgp is a command line image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images.
wssh ("wish") is a command-line utility/shell for WebSocket inpsired by netcat.
wssh ("wish") is a command-line utility/shell for WebSocket inspired by netcat
A python package for fetching informations from GitHub API
Py-GitHub A python package for fetching informations from GitHub API Made with Python3 (C) @FayasNoushad Copyright permission under MIT License Licens
A Python Package for Portfolio Optimization using the Critical Line Algorithm
A Python Package for Portfolio Optimization using the Critical Line Algorithm
Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
Command line tool to keep track of your favorite playlists on YouTube and many other places.
A ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's powerful Codex AI in the command line.
A ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's powerful Codex AI in the command line.
Run an FFmpeg command and see the percentage progress and ETA.
Run an FFmpeg command and see the percentage progress and ETA.
🦕 Compile Deno executables and compress them for all platforms easily
Denoc Compile Deno executables and compress them for all platforms easily. Install You can install denoc from PyPI like any other package: pip install
Simple debugger and tester for dico-command.
dp Simple debugger and tester for dico-command. Installation pip install -U dico-dp Usage bot = dico_command.Bot(...) ... bot.load_module("dp") Comma
A powerful Minecraft command library.
Mecha A powerful Minecraft command library. from mecha import Mecha
A Python Package for Portfolio Optimization using the Critical Line Algorithm
PyCLA A Python Package for Portfolio Optimization using the Critical Line Algorithm Getting started To use PyCLA, clone the repo and install the requi
Convert the SVG code to PNG and replace the line by a call to the image in markdown
Convert the SVG code to PNG and replace the line by a call to the image in markdown
Run with one command grafana, prometheus, and a python script to collect and display cryptocurrency prices and track your wallet balance.
CryptoWatch Track your favorite crypto coin price and your wallet balance. Install Create .env: ADMIN_USER=admin ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin Configure you
Command line parser for common log format (Nginx default).
Command line parser for common log format (Nginx default).
moviepy-cli: Command line interface for MoviePy.
Moviepy-cli is designed to apply several video editing in a single command with Moviepy as an alternative to Video-cli.
A Scapy implementation of SMS-SUBMIT and (U)SIM Application Toolkit command packets.
A Scapy implementation of SMS-SUBMIT and (U)SIM Application Toolkit command packets.
A command line interface to buy things in stregsystemet
Stregsystemet-CLI This repository is the Stregsystemet CLI, to buy things in Stregsystemet, at AAU. Use of this cli-tool is at your own risk and there
Command Line For Truecaller Written In Python
Truecaller-CLI Command Line Version For Truecaller Written In Python Never Login With A Number Over And Over Or It Will Be Banned Because Program Is S
Load Django Settings from Environmental Variables with One Magical Line of Code
DjEnv: Django + Environment Load Django Settings Directly from Environmental Variables features modify django configuration without modifying source c
Line as a Visual Sentence: Context-aware Line Descriptor for Visual Localization
Line as a Visual Sentence with LineTR This repository contains the inference code, pretrained model, and demo scripts of the following paper. It suppo
A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, VueJS projects.
Cookiecutter A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python
A faster collectstatic command.
Collectfast A faster collectstatic command. Features Efficiently decide what files to upload using cached checksums Parallel file uploads Supported St
A Sublime Text plugin that displays inline images for single-line comments formatted like `// `.
Inline Images Sometimes ASCII art is not enough. Sometimes an image says more than a thousand words. This Sublime Text plugin can display images inlin
A stock information collector and parser for Taiwan and US market. Automatically send LINE message if the pre-defined rules are triggered.
agastock 開發動機 就在海運飆漲的2021年7月,差點跪在地上喜迎財富自由的當下,EPS超高好消息不斷的長榮竟然套在202元一去不回,有圖有真相(哭) 忽然體會到追高殺低不是辦法,魯蛇我得靠邏輯分析也能出頭天,經過三個月無數個不出門的周末,產出簡單的爬蟲和分析工具。 上過金融研訓院的量化交易
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli.
ABOUT A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt It use
🌌 A Python script to generate blog banners from command line.
Auto Blog Banner Generator A Python script to generate blog banners. This script is used at RavSam. The following image is an example of the blog bann
DYA ( Ditch YouTube API ) is a package created to power the user with YouTube Data API functionality without any API Key
Ditch YouTubeAPI (BETA) DYA ( Ditch YouTube API ) is a package created to power the user with YouTube Data API functionality without any API Key Detai
frogtrade9000 - a command-line Rich client for the freqtrade REST API
frogtrade9000 - a command-line Rich client for the freqtrade REST API I found FreqUI too cumbersome and slow on my Raspberry Pi 400 when running multi
Selene is a Python library and command line interface for training deep neural networks from biological sequence data such as genomes.
Selene is a Python library and command line interface for training deep neural networks from biological sequence data such as genomes.
Natural language computational chemistry command line interface.
nlcc Install pip install nlcc Must have Open-AI Codex key: export OPENAI_API_KEY=your key here then nlcc key bindings ctrl-w copy to clipboard (Note
flora-dev-cli (fd-cli) is command line interface software to interact with flora blockchain.
Install git clone https://github.com/Flora-Network/fd-cli.git cd fd-cli python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -e . --extra-index-u
Microsoft Azure CLI - Azure Command-Line Interface
A great cloud needs great tools; we're excited to introduce Azure CLI, our next generation multi-platform command line experience for Azure.
git-partial-submodule is a command-line script for setting up and working with submodules while enabling them to use git's partial clone and sparse checkout features.
Partial Submodules for Git git-partial-submodule is a command-line script for setting up and working with submodules while enabling them to use git's
Übersicht remote command execution 0day exploit
Übersicht RCE 0day Unauthenticated remote command execution 0day exploit for Übersicht. Description Übersicht is a desktop widget application for m
Python Library to Extract youtube video Tags without Youtube API
YoutubeTags Python Library to Extract youtube video Tags without Youtube API Installation pip install YoutubeTags Example import YoutubeTags from Yout
Scaffold django rest apis like a champion 🚀
scaffold django rest apis like a champion 🚀
CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification
CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for CTRL-C (Camera ca
Generate text line images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN)
Generate text line images for training deep learning OCR model (e.g. CRNN)
Command line util for grep.app - Search across a half million git repos
grepgithub Command line util for grep.app - Search across a half million git repos Grepgithub uses grep.app API to search GitHub repositories, providi
command line tool for frequent nmigen tasks (generate sources, show design)
nmigen-tool command line tool for frequent nmigen tasks (generate sources, show design) Usage: generate verilog: nmigen generate verilog nmigen_librar
jq for Python programmers Process JSON and HTML on the command-line with familiar syntax.
jq for Python programmers Process JSON and HTML on the command-line with familiar syntax.
Get COVID-19 vaccination schedules from booking.moh.gov.ge in the CLI
vaccination.py Get COVID-19 vaccination schedules from booking.moh.gov.ge in the CLI. Installation $ pip install vaccination Usage Make sure the Pytho
An introduction to hikari, complete with different examples for different command handlers.
An intro to hikari This repo provides some simple examples to get you started with hikari. Contained in this repo are bots designed with both the hika
GDBIGtools: A command line tools for GDBIG varaints browser
GDBIGtools: A command line tools for GDBIG varaints browser Introduction Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study Genome Research Database is based on thousands
commandpack - A package of modules for working with commands, command packages, files with command packages.
commandpack Help the project financially: Donate: https://smartlegion.github.io/donate/ Yandex Money: https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100115206129186 PayPal:
smartpassgen - A cross-platform package of modules for generating, secure storage and recovery of complex, cryptographic, smart passwords on the fly.
smartpassgen - A cross-platform package of modules for generating, secure storage and recovery of complex, cryptographic, smart passwords on the fly.
shred - A cross-platform library for securely deleting files beyond recovery.
shred Help the project financially: Donate: https://smartlegion.github.io/donate/ Yandex Money: https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100115206129186 PayPal: https:
scaffold django rest apis like a champion 🚀
dr_scaffold Scaffold django rest apis like a champion ⚡ . said no one before Overview This library will help you to scaffold full Restful API Resource
Convert ACSM files to DRM-free EPUB files with one command on Linux
Knock Convert ACSM files to DRM-free EPUB files using one command. This software does not utilize Adobe Digital Editions nor Wine. It is completely fr
Access hacksec.in from your command-line
Access hacksec.in from your command-line
Build reusable components in Django without writing a single line of Python.
Build reusable components in Django without writing a single line of Python. {% #quote %} {% quote_photo src="/project-hail-mary.jpg" %} {% #quot
A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Stream your favorite shows straight from the command line.
A command-line based, minimal torrent streaming client made using Python and Webtorrent-cli. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt It use
rclip - AI-Powered Command-Line Photo Search Tool
rclip is a command-line photo search tool based on the awesome OpenAI's CLIP neural network.
Open-source Monocular Python HawkEye for Tennis
Tennis Tracking 🎾 Objectives Track the ball Detect court lines Detect the players To track the ball we used TrackNet - deep learning network for trac
Monitor your ML jobs on mobile devices📱, especially for Google Colab / Kaggle
TF Watcher TF Watcher is a simple to use Python package and web app which allows you to monitor 👀 your Machine Learning training or testing process o
Low code JSON to extract data in one line
JSON Inline Low code JSON to extract data in one line ENG RU Installation pip install json-inline Usage Rules Modificator Description ?key:value Searc
cmdpxl: a totally practical command-line image editor
cmdpxl: a totally practical command-line image editor
The official command-line client for spyse.com
Spyse CLI The official command-line client for spyse.com. NOTE: This tool is currently in the early stage beta and shouldn't be used in production. Yo
Text based command line webcam photobooth app
Skunkbooth Why See it in action Usage Installation Run Media location Contributing Install Poetry Clone the repo Activate poetry shell Install dev dep
Bear-Shell is a shell based in the terminal or command prompt.
Bear-Shell is a shell based in the terminal or command prompt. You can navigate files, run python files, create files via the BearUtils text editor, and a lot more coming up!
cmdpxl: a totally practical command-line image editor
cmdpxl: a totally practical command-line image editor Features cmdpxl has many exciting functionalities, including Editing pixels one at a time! Savin
Amazon Scraper: A command-line tool for scraping Amazon product data
Amazon Product Scraper: 2021 Description A command-line tool for scraping Amazon product data to CSV or JSON format(s). Requirements Python 3 pip3 Ins
A Data Annotation Tool for Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection and Lane Line Detection.(In Development Stage)
Data-Annotation-Tool How to Run this Tool? To run this software, follow the steps: git clone https://github.com/Autonomous-Car-Project/Data-Annotation
📦 A command line utility to put text in a box.
boxie A command line utility to put text in a box. Installation pip install boxie If you are on Linux you may need to use sudo to access this globally