2421 Repositories
Python reference-based-super-resolution Libraries
A graph adversarial learning toolbox based on PyTorch and DGL.
GraphWar: Arms Race in Graph Adversarial Learning NOTE: GraphWar is still in the early stages and the API will likely continue to change. 🚀 Installat
Einshape: DSL-based reshaping library for JAX and other frameworks.
Einshape: DSL-based reshaping library for JAX and other frameworks. The jnp.einsum op provides a DSL-based unified interface to matmul and tensordot o
Python based framework for Automatic AI for Regression and Classification over numerical data.
Python based framework for Automatic AI for Regression and Classification over numerical data. Performs model search, hyper-parameter tuning, and high-quality Jupyter Notebook code generation.
[CVPR'20] TTSR: Learning Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution
TTSR Official PyTorch implementation of the paper Learning Texture Transformer Network for Image Super-Resolution accepted in CVPR 2020. Contents Intr
A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)
MassDNS A high-performance DNS stub resolver MassDNS is a simple high-performance DNS stub resolver targeting those who seek to resolve a massive amou
Python bindings for JIGSAW: a Delaunay-based unstructured mesh generator.
JIGSAW: An unstructured mesh generator JIGSAW is an unstructured mesh generator and tessellation library; designed to generate high-quality triangulat
Custom Plotly Dash components based on Mantine React Components library
Dash Mantine Components Dash Mantine Components is a Dash component library based on Mantine React Components Library. It makes it easier to create go
Neural network-based build time estimation for additive manufacturing
Neural network-based build time estimation for additive manufacturing Oh, Y., Sharp, M., Sprock, T., & Kwon, S. (2021). Neural network-based build tim
filetailor is a peer-based configuration management utility for plain-text files such as dotfiles.
filetailor filetailor is a peer-based configuration management utility for plain-text files (and directories) such as dotfiles. Files are backed up to
Torch-based tool for quantizing high-dimensional vectors using additive codebooks
Trainable multi-codebook quantization This repository implements a utility for use with PyTorch, and ideally GPUs, for training an efficient quantizer
ResNEsts and DenseNEsts: Block-based DNN Models with Improved Representation Guarantees
ResNEsts and DenseNEsts: Block-based DNN Models with Improved Representation Guarantees This repository is the official implementation of the empirica
Music Streaming Platform based on full implementation of DBSM
Symphony Music Streaming Platform based on full implementation of DBSM List of Commands Insert User (INSERT) Function to implement input in USER Get a
A Simple LSTM-Based Solution for "Heartbeat Signal Classification and Prediction" in Tianchi
LSTM-Time-Series-Prediction A Simple LSTM-Based Solution for "Heartbeat Signal Classification and Prediction" in Tianchi Contest. The Link of the Cont
Docker image for epicseven gvg qq chatbot based on Xunbot
XUN_Langskip XUN 是一个基于 NoneBot 和 酷Q 的功能型QQ机器人,目前提供了音乐点播、音乐推荐、天气查询、RSSHub订阅、使用帮助、识图、识番、搜番、上车、磁力搜索、地震速报、计算、日语词典、翻译、自我检查,权限等级功能,由于是为了完成自己在群里的承诺,一时兴起才做的,所
Replace sequence_IDs in gff3 based on given genome.fasta
gff-rename Replace the sequence IDs in a gff3 file with a set of provided sequence IDs from a genom.fasta. This is useful when a gff3 file is retrieve
Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel
Blind Image Super-resolution with Elaborate Degradation Modeling on Noise and Kernel This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of BSRDM w
This python algorithm creates a simple house floor plan based on a user-provided CSV file.
This python algorithm creates a simple house floor plan based on a user-provided CSV file. The algorithm generates possible router placements and evaluates where a signal will be reached in every room of the floor plan.
We have built a Voice based Personal Assistant for people to access files hands free in their device using natural language processing.
Voice Based Personal Assistant We have built a Voice based Personal Assistant for people to access files hands free in their device using natural lang
Python based league of legends orbwalker
League of Legends Orbwalker Usage Install python3 Create a python3 venv Install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt Get in game and run m
The project covers common metrics for super-resolution performance evaluation.
Super-Resolution Performance Evaluation Code The project covers common metrics for super-resolution performance evaluation. Metrics support The script
IMDB film review sentiment classification based on BERT's supervised learning model.
IMDB film review sentiment classification based on BERT's supervised learning model. On the other hand, the model can be extended to other natural language multi-classification tasks.
A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari
napari-threedee A suite of useful tools based on 3D interactivity in napari This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiec
A python library for writing parser-based interactive fiction.
About IntFicPy A python library for writing parser-based interactive fiction. Currently in early development. IntFicPy Docs Parser-based interactive f
ProsePainter combines direct digital painting with real-time guided machine-learning based image optimization.
ProsePainter Create images by painting with words. ProsePainter combines direct digital painting with real-time guided machine-learning based image op
HyperBlend is a new type of hyperspectral image simulator based on Blender.
HyperBlend version 0.1.0 This is the HyperBlend leaf spectra simulator developed in Spectral Laboratory of University of Jyväskylä. You can use and mo
Small flask based opds catalog designed to serve a directory via OPDS
teenyopds Small flask based opds catalog designed to serve a directory via OPDS, it has currently only been verified to work with KyBook 3 on iOS but
EEGEyeNet is benchmark to evaluate ET prediction based on EEG measurements with an increasing level of difficulty
Introduction EEGEyeNet EEGEyeNet is a benchmark to evaluate ET prediction based on EEG measurements with an increasing level of difficulty. Overview T
ACV is a python library that provides explanations for any machine learning model or data.
ACV is a python library that provides explanations for any machine learning model or data. It gives local rule-based explanations for any model or data and different Shapley Values for tree-based models.
Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization
Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization This is implementation of Federated Learning Based on Dynamic Regularization. Requirements Please i
A JAX-based research framework for writing differentiable numerical simulators with arbitrary discretizations
jaxdf - JAX-based Discretization Framework Overview | Example | Installation | Documentation ⚠️ This library is still in development. Breaking changes
A set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multi-focus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a Raytrix R12) based on the libpleno.
COMPOTE: Calibration Of Multi-focus PlenOpTic camEra. COMPOTE is a set of tools to pre-calibrate and calibrate (multifocus) plenoptic cameras (e.g., a
An open-source Discord Bot Project based on programming!
An open-source Discord Bot Project based on programming!
Entity-Based Knowledge Conflicts in Question Answering.
Entity-Based Knowledge Conflicts in Question Answering Run Instructions | Paper | Citation | License This repository provides the Substitution Framewo
Code for paper "Role-oriented Network Embedding Based on Adversarial Learning between Higher-order and Local Features"
Role-oriented Network Embedding Based on Adversarial Learning between Higher-order and Local Features Train python main.py --dataset brazil-flights C
Plock : A stack based programming language
Plock : A stack based programming language
Wikipedia Extractive Text Summarizer + Keywords Identification (entropy-based)
Wikipedia Extractive Text Summarizer + Keywords Identification (entropy-based)Wikipedia Extractive Text Summarizer + Keywords Identification (entropy-based)
A GUI-based (PyQt5) tool used to design 2D linkage mechanism.
Pyslvs-UI A GUI-based (PyQt5) tool used to design 2D linkage mechanism. Planar Linkages Simulation Python-Solvespace: Kernel from Solvespace with Cyth
A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics.
About A terminal utility to sort image files based on their characteristics. Motivation This program was developed after I've realized that I had too
Project for music generation system based on object tracking and CGAN
Project for music generation system based on object tracking and CGAN The project was inspired by MIDINet: A Convolutional Generative Adversarial Netw
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity
Efficient electromagnetic solver based on rigorous coupled-wave analysis for 3D and 2D multi-layered structures with in-plane periodicity, such as gratings, photonic-crystal slabs, metasurfaces, surface-emitting lasers, nano-antennas, and more.
An online markdown resume template project, based on pywebio
An online markdown resume template project, based on pywebio
The aim of this task is to predict someone's English proficiency based on a text input.
English_proficiency_prediction_NLP The aim of this task is to predict someone's English proficiency based on a text input. Using the The NICT JLE Corp
This code is a near-infrared spectrum modeling method based on PCA and pls
Nirs-Pls-Corn This code is a near-infrared spectrum modeling method based on PCA and pls 近红外光谱分析技术属于交叉领域,需要化学、计算机科学、生物科学等多领域的合作。为此,在(北邮邮电大学杨辉华老师团队)指导下
ViDT: An Efficient and Effective Fully Transformer-based Object Detector
ViDT: An Efficient and Effective Fully Transformer-based Object Detector by Hwanjun Song1, Deqing Sun2, Sanghyuk Chun1, Varun Jampani2, Dongyoon Han1,
PaddlePaddle GAN library, including lots of interesting applications like First-Order motion transfer, wav2lip, picture repair, image editing, photo2cartoon, image style transfer, and so on.
English | 简体中文 PaddleGAN PaddleGAN provides developers with high-performance implementation of classic and SOTA Generative Adversarial Networks, and s
Dataset and Code for ICCV 2021 paper "Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme"
Dataset and Code for RealVSR Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme Xi Yang, Wangmeng Xiang,
Python based Advanced AI Assistant
Knick is a virtual artificial intelligence project, fully developed in python. The objective of this project is to develop a virtual assistant that can handle our minor, intermediate as well as heavy tasks which we usually don’t want to do or don't wish to do.
RSC-Net: 3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resolution Images and Videos
RSC-Net: 3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resolution Images and Videos Implementation for "3D Human Pose, Shape and Texture from Low-Resoluti
Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)
Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks Barbershop: GAN-based Image Compositing using Segmentation Masks Peihao Zhu, Rameen A
Official implementation of the paper 'High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network' in CVPR 2021
LPTN Paper | Supplementary Material | Poster High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network Ji
Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis CVPR 2021 (Oral) Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis Patrick Esser*, Robin
Personal Discord Python Bot based on Discord.py
Personal Discord bot using the discord.py library by Rapptz
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python.
It is a very simple XSS simulator based on flask, python. The purpose of making this is for teaching the concept of XSS.
Unsupervised Real-World Super-Resolution: A Domain Adaptation Perspective
Unofficial pytorch implementation of the paper "Unsupervised Real-World Super-Resolution: A Domain Adaptation Perspective"
Official implementation of Deep Reparametrization of Multi-Frame Super-Resolution and Denoising
Deep-Rep-MFIR Official implementation of Deep Reparametrization of Multi-Frame Super-Resolution and Denoising Publication: Deep Reparametrization of M
Document blur detection based on Laplacian operator and text detection.
Document Blur Detection For general blurred image, using the variance of Laplacian operator is a good solution. But as for the blur detection of docum
Web-based Sudoku solver built using Python. A demonstration of how backtracking works.
Sudoku Solver A web-based Sudoku solver built using Python and Python only The motivation is to demonstrate how Backtracking algorithm works. Some of
CLI translator based on Google translate API
Translate-CLI CLI переводчик основанный на Google translate API как пользоваться ? запустить в консоли скомпилированный скрипт (exe - windows, bin - l
Asita is a web application framework for python based on express-js framework.
Asita is a web application framework for python. It is designed to be easy to use and be more easy for javascript users to use python frameworks because it is based on express-js framework.
MLFlow in a Dockercontainer based on Azurite and Postgres
mlflow-azurite-postgres docker This is a MLFLow image which works with a postgres DB and a local Azure Blob Storage Instance (Azurite). This image is
Input-based tic tac toe game made in only python.
Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe is a game in which two players seek in alternate turns to complete a row, a column, or a diagonal with either three O's or thr
Vertical Federated Principal Component Analysis and Its Kernel Extension on Feature-wise Distributed Data based on Pytorch Framework
VFedPCA+VFedAKPCA This is the official source code for the Paper: Vertical Federated Principal Component Analysis and Its Kernel Extension on Feature-
Project description A library providing functionalities to calculate reputation and degree of trust on C2C ecommerce platforms. The work is fully base
TransCD: Scene Change Detection via Transformer-based Architecture
TransCD: Scene Change Detection via Transformer-based Architecture
Python package for reference counting native pointers
refcount master: testing: This package is primarily for managing resources in native libraries, written for instance in C++, from Python. While it boi
cLoops2: full stack analysis tool for chromatin interactions
cLoops2: full stack analysis tool for chromatin interactions Introduction cLoops2 is an extension of our previous work, cLoops. From loop-calling base
scap is a tool for putting code in places and for other purposes
Scap is the deployment script used by Wikimedia Foundation to publish code and configuration on production web servers.
Code repo for "RBSRICNN: Raw Burst Super-Resolution through Iterative Convolutional Neural Network" (Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop in NeurIPS 2021).
RBSRICNN: Raw Burst Super-Resolution through Iterative Convolutional Neural Network An official PyTorch implementation of the RBSRICNN network as desc
Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting
Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting Official repository for the paper Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting. Our model requires captur
Generate a 2FA Code out of an 2FA Secret(Time-based only!)
2FA-Generator Generate a 2FA Code out of an 2FA Secret(Time-based only!) ❗ Pleas don't share this secrets/generated codes with someone. If someone kno
Translator based on Google API
Yakusu Toshiko Translator based on Google API. Instance of this bot is running as @yakusubot. Features Add a plus to a language's name to show an orig
Simple NLP based project without any use of AI
Simple NLP based project without any use of AI
Simple Python image processing & automatization project for a simple web based game
What is this? Simple Python image processing & automatization project for a simple web based game Made using only Github Copilot (except the color and
MiShell is a multi-platform, multi-architecture project based on the first version (MiShell32)
MiShell is a multi-platform, multi-architecture project based on the first version (MiShell32), which offers super super small reverse shell payloads great for injection in buffer overflow vulnerabilities, written in assembly with a lot of tools written in python.
A python script editor for napari based on PyQode.
napari-script-editor A python script editor for napari based on PyQode. This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using with @napari's cookie
A GUI love Calculator which saves all the User Data in text file(sql based script will be uploaded soon). Interative GUI. Even For Admin Panel
Love-Calculator A GUI love Calculator which saves all the User Data in text file(sql based script will be uploaded soon). Interative GUI, even For Adm
Deep Learning Based Fasion Recommendation System for Ecommerce
Project Name: Fasion Recommendation System for Ecommerce A Deep learning based streamlit web app which can recommened you various types of fasion prod
Deploy optimized transformer based models on Nvidia Triton server
Deploy optimized transformer based models on Nvidia Triton server
Perturb-and-max-product: Sampling and learning in discrete energy-based models
Perturb-and-max-product: Sampling and learning in discrete energy-based models This repo contains code for reproducing the results in the paper Pertur
A toolset for creating Qualtrics-based IAT experiments
Qualtrics IAT Tool A web app for generating the Implicit Association Test (IAT) running on Qualtrics Online Web App The app is hosted by Streamlit, a
Benchmark library for high-dimensional HPO of black-box models based on Weighted Lasso regression
LassoBench LassoBench is a library for high-dimensional hyperparameter optimization benchmarks based on Weighted Lasso regression. Note: LassoBench is
Charsiu: A transformer-based phonetic aligner
Charsiu: A transformer-based phonetic aligner [arXiv] Note. This is a preview version. The aligner is under active development. New functions, new lan
[CVPR 2021] NormalFusion: Real-Time Acquisition of Surface Normals for High-Resolution RGB-D Scanning
NormalFusion: Real-Time Acquisition of Surface Normals for High-Resolution RGB-D Scanning Project Page | Paper | Supplemental material #1 | Supplement
TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls.
TgMusicBot [Stable] TgMusicBot is a telegram userbot for playing songs in telegram voice calls based on Pyrogram and PyTgCalls. Commands !start / !hel
Web framework based on type hint。
Hint API 中文 | English 基于 Type hint 的 Web 框架 hintapi 文档 hintapi 实现了 WSGI 接口,并使用 Radix Tree 进行路由查找。是最快的 Python web 框架之一。一切特性都服务于快速开发高性能的 Web 服务。 大量正确的类型
AquaTimer - Programmable Timer for Aquariums based on ATtiny414/814/1614
AquaTimer - Programmable Timer for Aquariums based on ATtiny414/814/1614 AquaTimer is a programmable timer for 12V devices such as lighting, solenoid
A python tool that creates issues in your repos based on TODO comments in your code
Krypto A neat little sidekick python script to create issues on your repo based on comments left in the code on your behalf Convert todo comments in y
Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
ocropy OCRopus is a collection of document analysis programs, not a turn-key OCR system. In order to apply it to your documents, you may need to do so
PyJPBoatRace: Python-based Japanese boatrace tools 🚤
pyjpboatrace :speedboat: provides you with useful tools for data analysis and auto-betting for boatrace.
Tools for analyzing data collected with a custom unity-based VR for insects.
unityvr Tools for analyzing data collected with a custom unity-based VR for insects. Organization: The unityvr package contains the following submodul
AST based refactoring tool for Python.
breakfast AST based refactoring tool. (Very early days, not usable yet.) Why 'breakfast'? I don't know about the most important, but it's a good meal.
A learning-based data collection tool for human segmentation
FullBodyFilter A Learning-Based Data Collection Tool For Human Segmentation Contents Documentation Source Code and Scripts Overview of Project Usage O
Learning-based agent for Google Research Football
TiKick 1.Introduction Learning-based agent for Google Research Football Code accompanying the paper "TiKick: Towards Playing Multi-agent Football Full
A pytorch-based real-time segmentation model for autonomous driving
CFPNet: Channel-Wise Feature Pyramid for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation This project contains the Pytorch implementation for the proposed CFPNet: pap
Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
An Open-Source Toolkit for Prompt-Learning.
An Open-Source Framework for Prompt-learning. Overview • Installation • How To Use • Docs • Paper • Citation • What's New? Nov 2021: Now we have relea
Official implementation of "Multi-Glimpse Network: A Robust and Efficient Classification Architecture based on Recurrent Downsampled Attention" (BMVC 2021).
Multi-Glimpse Network Multi-Glimpse Network: A Robust and Efficient Classification Architecture based on Recurrent Downsampled Attention arXiv Require
Code for ICMI2020 and ICMI2021 papers: "Studying Person-Specific Pointing and Gaze Behavior for Multimodal Referencing of Outside Objects from a Moving Vehicle" and "ML-PersRef: A Machine Learning-based Personalized Multimodal Fusion Approach for Referencing Outside Objects From a Moving Vehicle"
ML-PersRef This repository has python code (in jupyter notebooks) for both of the following papers: ML-PersRef: A Machine Learning-based Personalized