1726 Repositories
Python telegram-voicechat-bot Libraries
A hyper-user friendly bot framework built on hikari
Framework A hyper-user friendly bot framework built on hikari. Framework is based off the blocking discord library disco, In both modularity and struc
Example teacher bot for deployment to Chai app.
Create and share your own chatbot Here is the code for uploading the popular "Ms Harris (Teacher)" chatbot to the Chai app. You can tweak the config t
🤖 Automated follow/unfollow bot for GitHub. Uses GitHub API. Written in python.
GitHub Follow Bot Table of Contents Disclaimer How to Use Install requirements Authenticate Get a GitHub Personal Access Token Add your GitHub usernam
Zev es un Bot/Juego RPG de Discord creado en y para aprender Python.
Zev es un Bot/Juego RPG de Discord creado en y para aprender Python.
Uses Open AI Gym environment to create autonomous cryptocurrency bot to trade cryptocurrencies.
Crypto_Bot Uses Open AI Gym environment to create autonomous cryptocurrency bot to trade cryptocurrencies. Steps to get started using the bot: Sign up
Machine learning and Deep learning models, deploy on telegram (the best social media)
Semi Intelligent BOT The project involves : Classifying fake news Classifying objects such as aeroplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse
Send SMS text messages via email with as many accounts as you want :)
SMS-Spammer Send SMS text messages via email with as many accounts as you want :) Example Set Up Guide! To start log into the gmail account you would
Asynchronous multi-platform robot framework written in Python
NoneBot ✨ 跨平台 Python 异步机器人框架 ✨ 文档 · 安装 · 开始使用 · 文档打不开? 简介 NoneBot2 是一个现代、跨平台、可扩展的 Python 聊天机器人框架,它基于 Python 的类型注解和异步特性,能够为你的需求实现提供便捷灵活的支持。
ShotsGram - For sending captures from your monitor to a telegram chat (robot)
ShotsGram pt-BR Envios de capturas do seu monitor para um chat do telegram. Essa
An all-purpose Discord bot written in Python featuring a diverse collection of practical utilities.
GlazeGlopBot Table of Contents About Setup Usage Commands Command Errors Cog Management Local Sound Files Cogs Mod QR RNG VC Weather Proposed Features
Scuttlecrab.py - Python Version of Scuttle Crab Bot
____ _ _ _ ____ _ / ___| ___ _ _| |_|
Telegram Google Translater Bot Can Translate Any Language To Your Selected Language
A Python script that exports users from one Telegram group to another using one or more concurrent user bots.
ExportTelegramUsers A Python script that exports users from one Telegram group to another using one or more concurrent user bots. Make sure to set all
Discord bot that shows valorant your daily store by using the Ingame API
Valorant store checker - Discord Bot Discord bot that shows valorant your daily store by using the Ingame API. written using Python and the Pycord lib
A library for demo trading | backtest and forward test simulation
Trade Engine a library for demo trading | backtest and forward test simulation Features Limit/Market orders: you can place a Limit or Market order in
A Discord Self-Bot in Python
👨💻 Discord Self Bot 👨💻 A Discord Self-Bot in Python by natrix Installation Run: selfbot.bat Python: version : 3.8 Modules
BroBot's files, code and tester.
README - BroBOT Made by Rohan Chaturvedi idevrutahc@gmail.com DISCLAIMER: This rep only contains part of code that can be made public. Parts like auth
multi-purpose discord bot
virus multi-purpose discord bot ⚠️ WARNING This project is incomplete and may not work as expected. Download & Run Install Python =3.10 Clone the sou
A python shell / chat bot for XMPP and cloud services
XMPP_Shell_Bot A python shell / chat bot for XMPP and cloud services, designed for penetration testers to bypass network filters. To better understand
A python bot using the Selenium library to auto-buy specified sneakers on the nike.com website.
Sneaker-Bot-UK A python bot using the Selenium library to auto-buy specified sneakers on the nike.com website. This bot is still in development and is
Tiktok-bot - A Simple Tiktok bot With Python
Install the requirements pip install selenium pip install pyfiglet==0.7.5 How ca
VCPlayerBot - Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups and channels. Supports live steams, YouTube videos and telegram media
VCPlayerBot Telegram bot to stream videos in telegram voicechat for both groups
Growtopia server_data.php reader with bypass method, using discord bot
Server_data.php-reader Growtopia server_data.php reader with bypass method, using discord bot How to use 1 install python 2 change your bot token
Your custom slash commands Discord bot!
Slashy - Your custom slash-commands bot Hey, I'm Slashy - your friendly neighborhood custom-command bot! The code for this bot exists because I'm like
Tiktok BOT 1 link Vidio otomatis : - Nambah view - Nambah love - Nambah share - Nambah love komen (semua komen ke love)
Install Bahannya pip install selenium pip install pyfiglet==0.7.5 Cara Install dan Menjalankannya Git-clone this repo! Install selenium and pyfiglet u
Elon Muschioso is a Telegram bot that you can use to manage your computer from the phone.
elon Elon Muschioso is a Telegram bot that you can use to manage your computer from the phone. what does it do? Elon Muschio makes a connection from y
ELiza music is a telegram music bot project, allow you to play music on voice chat group telegram.
❤️ 𝗘𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰 ❤️ Unmaintained. The new repo of @MrsElizaRobot is private. (It is no longer based on this source code. The completely rewrit
A simple cookiecutter to create Python Telegram bots, wrapped with Django.
PTB Django cookiecutter A simple cookiecutter to create Python Telegram bots, wrapped with Django. Based on this cool projects python-telegram-bot (PT
Anki vector Music ❤ is the best and only Telegram VC player with playlists, Multi Playback, Channel play and more
Anki Vector Music 🎵 A bot that can play music on Telegram Group and Channel Voice Chats Available on telegram as @Anki Vector Music Features 🔥 Thumb
Simple spam bot made in python
Simple Spam Bot A Simple and easy way to be the most hated person between your friends, All you have to do is spam the group chat using this bot until
A bot for PDF for doing Many Things....
Telegram PDF Bot A Telegram bot that can: Compress, crop, decrypt, encrypt, merge, preview, rename, rotate, scale and split PDF files Compare text dif
Texting service to receive current air quality conditions and maps, powered by AirNow, Twilio, and AWS
The Air Quality Bot is generally available by texting a zip code (and optionally the word "map") to (415) 212-4229. The bot will respond with the late
discord voice bot to stream radio
Radio-Id Bot (Discord Voice Bot) Radio-id-bot (Radio Indonesia) is a simple Discord Music Bot built with discord.py to play a radio from some Indonesi
Easy to use reaction role Discord bot written in Python.
Reaction Light - Discord Role Bot Light yet powerful reaction role bot coded in Python. Key Features Create multiple custom embedded messages with cus
Asynchronous python aria2 mirror bot Telegram.
aioaria2-mirror-bot A Bot for Telegram made with Python using Pyrogram library. It needs Python 3.9 or newer to run. THIS BOT IS INTENDED TO BE USED O
Telegram bot/scraper to get the latest NUS vacancy reports.
Telegram bot/scraper to get the latest NUS vacancy reports. Stay ahead of the curve and don't get modrekt.
Jarvis Python BOT acts like Google-assistance
Jarvis-Python-BOT Jarvis Python BOT acts like Google-assistance Setup Add Mail ID (Gmail) in the file at line no 82.
An Anime Theme Telegram group management bot. With lot of features.
Emilia Project Emilia-Prjkt is a modular bot running on python3 with anime theme and have a lot features. Easiest Way To Deploy On Heroku This Bot is
A Telegram Bot to manage Redis Database.
A Telegram Bot to manage Redis database. Direct deploy on heroku Manual Deployment python3, git is required Clone repo git clone https://github.com/bu
DCAStack: an Automated Dollar Cost Averaging Bot for Your Crypto
Welcome to DCA Stack! An Automated Dollar Cost Averaging Bot For Your Crypto Web
WhatsApp Api Python - This documentation aims to exemplify the use of Moorse Whatsapp API in Python
WhatsApp API Python ChatBot Este repositório contém uma aplicação que se utiliza
Your custom slash commands Discord bot!
Slashy - Your custom slash-commands bot Hey, I'm Slashy - your friendly neighborhood custom-command bot! The code for this bot exists because I'm like
[Fullversion]Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper bot written in python3.
🚀 Pancakeswap BSC Sniper Bot 🚀 Web3 Pancakeswap Sniper && Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, Please note the license conditions! The secon
Senexia - A powerful telegram bot to manage your groups as effectively as possible
⚡ Kenechi bot ⚡ A Powerful, Smart And Simple Group Manager ... Written with AioG
Video Stream: an Advanced Telegram Bot that's allow you to play Video & Music on Telegram Group Video Chat
Video Stream is an Advanced Telegram Bot that's allow you to play Video & Music
Lumberjack-bot - A game bot written for Lumberjack game at Telegram platform
This is a game bot written for Lumberjack game at Telegram platform. It is devel
💻 Discord-Auto-Translate-Bot - If you type in the chat room, it automatically translates.
💻 Discord-Auto-Translate-Bot - If you type in the chat room, it automatically translates.
Cogs for RedDiscord-Bot V3
Cogs v3 Disclaimer: This is an unapproved repo, meaning no one has formally reviewed this repo yet and any loss of data in your bot isn't my fault (An
An open-source Discord bot that alerts your server when it's Funky Monkey Friday!
Funky-Monkey-Friday-Bot An open-source Discord bot that alerts your server when it's Funky Monkey Friday! Add it to your server here! https://discord.
A file-based quote bot written in Python
Let's Write a Python Quote Bot! This repository will get you started with building a quote bot in Python. It's meant to be used along with the Learnin
A Telegram crawler to search groups and channels automatically and collect any type of data from them.
Introduction This is a crawler I wrote in Python using the APIs of Telethon months ago. This tool was not intended to be publicly available for a numb
ShoukoKomiRobot - An anime themed telegram bot that can convert telegram media
ShoukoKomiRobot • 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕀𝕟 Python3 • 𝕃𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕌𝕤𝕖𝕕 Pyrogram
Free python/telegram bot for easy execution and surveillance of crypto trading plans on multiple exchanges.
EazeBot Introduction Have you ever traded cryptocurrencies and lost overview of your planned buys/sells? Have you encountered the experience that your
GroupMenter : New Telegram Group Manager Bot🔸Fast 🔸Python🔸Pyrogram 🔸
GroupMenter An PowerFull Group Manager Bot. Written In Pytelethon. Info • A modular Telegram Python bot running on python3. • Can be found on telegram
Discord.py Gaming Bot🎮, for fun & engaging discord minigames
Status 🧭 This Project will not no longer be developed/finished due to a) discord.py's ( main dependency ) discontinuation b) My personal lack of int
Sunflower-farmers-automated-bot - Sunflower Farmers NFT Game automated bot.IT IS NOT a cheat or hack bot
Sunflower-farmers-auto-bot Sunflower Farmers NFT Game automated bot.IT IS NOT a
Autov2new - Pro Auto Filter Bot V2
Pro Auto Filter Bot V2 Deploy You can deploy this bot anywhere. Watch Deploying
Twitter-bot - A Simple Twitter bot with python
twitterbot To use this bot, You will require API Key and Access Key. Signup at h
Video Bot: an Advanced Telegram Bot that's allow you to play Video & Music on Telegram Group Video Chat
Video Bot is an Advanced Telegram Bot that's allow you to play Video & Music on
Software for quick purchase of mystery boxes on Binance.
english | русский язык Software for quick purchase of mystery boxes on Binance. Purpose Installation & setup Motivation Specification Disclaimer Purpo
This is a Telegram video compress bot repo. By Binary Tech💫
This is a Telegram Video Compress Bot. Prouduct By Binary Tech 💫 Features Compresse videos and generate screenshots too.You can set custom video name
A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions FAST snipe BUY token on LUANCH after add LIQUIDITY
TORNADO CASH Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A fully decentralized protocol for private and safe transactions ⭐️ AUTO DO
WhatsApp API Python ChatBot
WhatsApp Api Python - Esta documentação tem como objetivo exemplificar o uso do Moorse Whatsapp API na linguagem Python.
This is a Telegram video compress bot repo. By Binary Tech💫
This is a Telegram Video Compress Bot. Prouduct By Binary Tech 💫 Features Compresse videos and generate screenshots too.You can set custom video name
The worst but simplest webhook bot for GitHub and Matrix.
gh-bot gh-bot is maybe the worst (but simplest) Matrix webhook bot for Github. Example of commits: Example of workflow finished: Setting up Server You
Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁
TGCLOUD 🪁 Simple telegram bot to convert files into direct download link.you can use telegram as a file server 🪁 Features Easy to Deploy Heroku Supp
A telegram smoot and high quality music player bot.
▪︎ Music Player ▪︎ A smooth telegram music bot with high quality songs ■ [Features] • Fast Starts streaming your inputs while downloading and converti
A bot that plays TFT using OCR. Keeps track of bench, board, items, and plays the user defined team comp.
NOTES: To ensure best results, make sure you are running this on a computer that has decent specs. 1920x1080 fullscreen is required in League, game mu
🤖 The bot that runs the official Fairfield Programming Association Discord server.
🤖 The bot that runs the official Fairfield Programming Association Discord server.
Stock trading bot made using the Robinhood API / Python library...
High-Low Stock trading bot made using the Robinhood API / Python library... Index Installation Use Development Notes Installation To Install and run t
A discord self-bot to automate shitposting for your everyday needs.
Shitpost Selfbot A discord self-bot to automate shitposting for your everyday needs. Caution: May be a little racist. I have no clue where we are taki
TORNADO CASH Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A ful
A Python bot that uses the Reddit API to send users inspiring messages.
AnonBot By Edric Antoine A Python bot that uses the Reddit API to send users inspiring messages. When a message includes 'What would Anon do?', the bo
Pancakeswap Sniper BOT - TORNADO CASH Proxy (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions
TORNADO CASH Proxy Pancakeswap Sniper BOT 2022-V1 (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) ⭐️ A fully decentralized protocol for private transactions ⭐️ AUTO DOWNL
D-Ticket is a discord bot for ticket system
D-Ticket Discord Bot D-Ticket is a discord bot for ticket management system. This is not final product is currently being in development stay connecte
Force-Subscribe-Bot - A Telegram Bot to force users to join a specific channel before sending messages in a group
Introduction A Telegram Bot to force users to join a specific channel before sen
Pincer-bot-template - A template for a Discord bot created using the Pincer library
Pincer Discord Bot Template (Python) WARNING: Pincer is still in its alpha/plann
PlaylistAudioBot - Telegram playlist download bot with ytdl
Telegram PlaylistAudioBot PlaylistAudioBot: 🇬🇧 Telegram playlist download bot
Busty - A bot for the Busty Discord server
Busty Discord bot used for the Busty server. Install You'll need at least Python
Yuichixspam - TLEEGRAM SPAM BOT For Python
𝒀𝑼𝑰𝑪𝑯𝑰 ✘ 𝑺𝑷𝑨𝑴 𝑩𝑶𝑻ノ 🚀 Deploy on Heroku (https://heroku.com/deploy?t
A simple discord bot that generates facts!
fact-bot A simple discord bot that generates facts! How to make a bot Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications Then click on 'New Application
A simple USI Shogi Engine written in python using python-shogi.
Revengeshogi My attempt at creating a USI Shogi Engine in python using python-shogi. Current State of Engine Currently only generating random moves us
This is a TG Video Compress BoT. Product by BINARY Tech
🌀 Video Compressor Bot Product by BINARY Tech Deploy to Heroku The Hard Way virtualenv -p python3 VENV . ./VENV/bin/activate pip install -r requireme
Okaeri Robot: a modular bot running on python3 with anime theme and have a lot features
OKAERI ROBOT Okaeri Robot is a modular bot running on python3 with anime theme a
Bombcrypto-bot - A python bot that automatically logs in, clicks the new button, and sends heroes to work in the bombcrypto game
Faz a boa pra nois Do the good Smart Chain Wallet(BUSD/BNB/BCOIN): 0x1305EE0e2a2
Surfline Forecast Bot For Python
Surfline Forecast Bot A telegram bot created using Telethon that allows users to
ToDo - A simple bot to keep track of things you need to do
ToDo A simple bot to keep track of things you need to do. Installation You will
Catware - A powerful grabber with a built in bot control system
catware A powerful grabber with a built in bot control system PLEASE NOTE THAT I
A discord bot providing notifications of player activity on a minecraft server.
tos-alert A discord bot providing notifications of player activity on a minecraft server. Setup By default the app does not launch and will crash with
VideocompBot - This is TG Video Compress BoT. Prouduct By BINARY Tech 💫
VideocompBot - This is TG Video Compress BoT. Prouduct By BINARY Tech 💫
Celestial - a Python regex Discord chatbot who can talk with you.
Celestial a Python regex Discord chat bot who can talk with you. Invite url: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=927573556961869825&per
Lumi-Bot - Discord bot that fetches cryptocurrency prices utilizing CoinGeko API
Lumi-Bot Discord bot that fetches and monitors cryptocurrency prices utilizing C
Kyura-Userbot: a modular Telegram userbot that runs in Python3 with a sqlalchemy database
Kyura-Userbot Telegram Kyura-Userbot adalah userbot Telegram modular yang berjal
Stinky ID - A stable pluggable Telegram userbot + Voice & Video Call music bot, based on Telethon
Ultroid - UserBot A stable pluggable Telegram userbot + Voice & Video Call music
Sakamata-alpha-pycord - Sakamata bot alpha with pycord
sakamatabot このリポジトリは? ホロライブ所属VTuber沙花叉クロヱさんの非公式ファンDiscordサーバー「クロヱ水族館」の運営/管理補助を行う
Telegram vc - A bot that can play music on telegram group's voice call
Telegram Voice Chat Bot A bot that can play music on telegram group's voice call