5 Repositories
Python vcf Libraries
A simple Python code that takes input from a csv file and makes it into a vcf file.
Contacts-Maker A simple Python code that takes input from a csv file and makes it into a vcf file. Imagine a college or a large community where each y
CSV To VCF (Multiples en un archivo)
CSV To VCF Convierte archivo CSV a Tarjeta VCF (varias en una) How to use En main.py debes reemplazar CONTACTOS.csv por tu archivo csv, y debes respet
SNV calling pipeline developed explicitly to process individual or trio vcf files obtained from Illumina based pipeline (grch37/grch38).
SNV Pipeline SNV calling pipeline developed explicitly to process individual or trio vcf files obtained from Illumina based pipeline (grch37/grch38).
Convert a .vcf file to 'aa_table.tsv', including depth & alt frequency info
Produce an 'amino acid table' file from a vcf, including depth and alt frequency info.
GDBIGtools: A command line tools for GDBIG varaints browser
GDBIGtools: A command line tools for GDBIG varaints browser Introduction Born in Guangzhou Cohort Study Genome Research Database is based on thousands