5 Repositories
Python webapi Libraries
Spacy-ginza-ner-webapi - Named Entity Recognition API with spaCy and GiNZA
Named Entity Recognition API with spaCy and GiNZA I wrote a blog post about this
Gpt2-WebAPI - The objective of this API is to provide the 3 best possible responses to sentences that the user would input via http GET request as a parameter
This repository is a modification of: https://github.com/openai/gpt-2 for our sp
A collection of Machine Learning Models To Web Api which are built on open source technologies/frameworks like Django, Flask.
Author Ibrahim Koné From-Machine-Learning-Models-To-WebAPI A collection of Machine Learning Models To Web Api which are built on open source technolog
ro.py is a modern, asynchronous Python 3 wrapper for the Roblox API.
GitHub | Discord | PyPI | Documentation | Examples | License Overview Welcome to ro.py! ro.py is an asynchronous, object-oriented wrapper for the Robl
The OpenAPI Specification Repository
The OpenAPI Specification The OpenAPI Specification is a community-driven open specification within the OpenAPI Initiative, a Linux Foundation Collabo