3 Repositories
Python wsd Libraries
Sentiment Classification using WSD, Maximum Entropy & Naive Bayes Classifiers
Sentiment Classification using WSD, Maximum Entropy & Naive Bayes Classifiers
Japanese NLP Library
Japanese NLP Library Back to Home Contents 1 Requirements 1.1 Links 1.2 Install 1.3 History 2 Libraries and Modules 2.1 Tokenize jTokenize.py 2.2 Cabo
Text Extraction Formulation + Feedback Loop for state-of-the-art WSD (EMNLP 2021)
ConSeC is a novel approach to Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), accepted at EMNLP 2021. It frames WSD as a text extraction task and features a feedback loop strategy that allows the disambiguation of a target word to be conditioned not only on its context but also on the explicit senses assigned to nearby words.