Tries to clean your dense mocap graphs like an animator would! So it will produce a usable artist friendly result while maintaining the original graph.
MuMMI Core is the underlying infrastructure and generalizable component of the MuMMI framework, which facilitates the coordination of massively parallel multiscale simulations.
Biblioteca em Python que coleta informações cadastrais de empresas do Brasil (CNPJ) obtidas de fontes oficiais (Receita Federal) e exporta para um formato legível por humanos (CSV ou JSON).
Tips that improve your life in one way or another. This software downloads life tips from and tweet the most upvoted tips on Twitter.
Hspice-Wave-Generator is a tool used to quickly generate stimuli souces of hspice format. All the stimuli sources are based on `pwl` function of HSPICE and the specific complex operations of writing hspice description are encapsulated and the user only needs to provide the array input.