Modelisation on galaxy evolution using PEGASE-HR
This is a labwork done in internship at IAP directed by Damien Le Borgne ( Thoses codes use his work ( and
Formation_Galaxies : is a work (mostly in french) about the formation of galaxies
lib : contains all the python's library used in the code
models : defins the diffrent model used for this project for scipy
modeling : contains the function 'plots' that plot the datas with the chosed models with optimized parameters and their variances. contains also the function 'plotQEXPY' which uses the qexpy library to fit the datas.
best_scen : code written by Damien Le Borgne with a modification to save in .csv the data collected (don't work alone, need other files and code from Damien Le Borgne)
main : if you have the data.csv file in the right path, ask you the model you want to test and uses the function 'plots'
alternatuve : is an alternative main, it uses the 'plotQEXPY' function of the file modeling
best_scen_MCMC : is a modification of best_scen but it uses the MCMC method
The data.csv file here is just an example of the format used same thing for data_err.csv but with the uncertainty, the column infall contains the infall time of a galaxy in Gyr, the column sf contains the star formation time of a galaxy in Gyr, the column winds contains the age of the galaxy where the galactitc winds begin and stop the star formation.
The last column is not used at the moment but using the PEGASE-HR simulation we still got it. We may use it later so we keep saving it.