source code for 'Finding Valid Adjustments under Non-ignorability with Minimal DAG Knowledge' by A. Shah, K. Shanmugam, K. Ahuja


Source code for "Finding Valid Adjustments under Non-ignorability with Minimal DAG Knowledge"

Reference: Abhin Shah, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Kartik Ahuja, "Finding Valid Adjustments under Non-ignorability with Minimal DAG Knowledge," The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2022

Contact: [email protected]



In order to successfully execute the code, the following libraries must be installed:

  1. Python --- causallib, sklearn, multiprocessing, contextlib, scipy, functools, pandas, numpy, itertools, random, argparse, time, matplotlib, pickle, pyreadr, rpy2, torch

  2. R --- RCIT

Command inputs:

  • nr: number of repetitions (default = 100)
  • no: number of observations (default = 50000)
  • use_t_in_e: indicator for whether t should be used to generate e (default = 1)
  • ne: number of environments (default = 3)
  • number_IRM_iterations - number of iterations of IRM (default = 15000)
  • nrd - number of features for sparse subset search (default = 5)

Reproducing the figures and tables:

  1. To reproduce Figure 3a and Figure 10a, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir synthetic_theory
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100
$ python3 --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Figure 3b and Figure 10b, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir synthetic_algorithms
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100
$ python3 --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Figure 3c, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir synthetic_high_dimension
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100
$ python3 --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Table 1, run the following two commands:
$ mkdir syn-entner 
$ python3 -W ignore syn-entner --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Table 2, run the following two commands:
$ mkdir syn-cheng 
$ python3 -W ignore syn-cheng --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Figure 4, Figure 12a and Figure 12b, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir ihdp
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100
$ python3 --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Figure 5, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir cattaneo
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100
$ python3 --nr 100
  1. To reproduce Figure 11a and Figure 11c, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir synthetic_theory
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100 --use_t_in_e 0
$ python3 --nr 100 --use_t_in_e 0
  1. To reproduce Figure 11b and Figure 11d, run the following three commands:
$ mkdir synthetic_algorithms
$ python3 -W ignore --nr 100 --use_t_in_e 0
$ python3 plot_ --nr 100 --use_t_in_e 0
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