Pytorch implementation of MalConv



A Pytorch implementation of MalConv


This is the implementation of MalConv proposed in Malware Detection by Eating a Whole EXE.


Please make sure each of them is installed with the correct version

  • numpy
  • pytorch (0.3.0.post4)
  • pandas (0.20.3)


Preparing data

For the training data, please place PE files under data/train/ and build the label table for training set with each row being

    <File Name>, <Label>

where label = 1 refers to malware. Validation set should be handled in the same way.


Run the following command for training progress

    python3 <config_file_path> <random_seed>
    Example : python3 config/example.yaml 123

Training Log & Checkpoint

Log file, prediction on validation set & Model checkpoint will be stored at the path specified in config file.

Parameters & Model Options

For parameters and options availible, please refer to config/example.yaml.

  • is not working is not working

    Hey together,

    i run

    (myenv) mnoppel@srv:~/projects/MalConv-Pytorch$ python3 config/example.yaml 123
    Usage: python3 <config file path> <seed>

    like explained in the

    Any idea what might be wrong?

    Kind regards, Max

    opened by noppelmax 1
  • dataloader issue due to reading files with a name that is composed of mixed lower and upper case characters

    dataloader issue due to reading files with a name that is composed of mixed lower and upper case characters


    When I run your repo (training code), dataloader reads file name from a file that keeps file name and label as you instructed. But I got a problem with this when it cannot read a file name that is composed of mixed lower and upper case characters. I am not sure why it is the case. When I changed the file name to all lower cases or upper cases, it could read and loaded this file. But I could not change for all files since thousands of files have name with mixed lower and upper case characters.

    How can I modify your code to read all files with mixing upper and lower case characters?


    opened by vietvo89 0
  • loss.cpu().data.numpy() is not a list

    loss.cpu().data.numpy() is not a list

    I might be because of the newest version of pytorch or something else, but loss.cpu().data.numpy() is no longer a list and thus should be changed.



    opened by londumas 1
  • depreciated calling yaml.load

    depreciated calling yaml.load

    Current yaml.load has a depreciated behavior: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for full details.
      conf = yaml.load(open(config_path,'r'))

    The fix is given there, and the previous line should be replace by the following:

    conf = yaml.load(open(config_path,'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    opened by londumas 0
  • requirements.txt is missing

    requirements.txt is missing

    Thank you for the work. One simple thing that is missing is the requirements.txt that lists all necessary python packages. To my experience running your package, and from a simple grep "import" -r *, here is what is required:

    opened by londumas 0
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