Deep Learning Time Series Forecasting
List of state of the art papers focus on deep learning and resources, code and experiments using deep learning for time series forecasting. Classic methods vs Deep Learning methods, Competitions...
Table of Contents
Autoformer: Decomposition Transformers with Auto-Correlation for Long-Term Series Forecasting
- Haixu Wu, et al.
- [Code]
Long Range Probabilistic Forecasting in Time-Series using High Order Statistics
- Prathamesh Deshpande, et al.
- [Code]
Online Multi-Agent Forecasting with Interpretable Collaborative Graph Neural Networks
- Maosen Li, et al.
- Code not yet.
End-to-End Learning of Coherent Probabilistic Forecasts for Hierarchical Time Series
- Syama Sundar Rangapuram, et al.
- Code not yet.
Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables:Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx
- Kin G. Olivares, et al.
- [Code]
Autoregressive Denoising Diffusion Models for Multivariate Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting reference
- Kashif Rasul, et al.
- [Code]
An Experimental Review on Deep Learning Architectures for Time Series Forecasting
- Pedro Lara-Benítez, et al.
- [Code]
Long Horizon Forecasting With Temporal Point Processes
- Prathamesh Deshpande, et al.
- [Code]
Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting
AAAI 2021
- Haoyi Zhou, et al.
- [Code]
- Shruti Jadon, et al.
- Code not yet.
- H.D. Nguyen, et al.
- Code not yet.
Physics-constrained Deep Recurrent Neural Models of Building Thermal Dynamics
- Ján Drgona, et al.
- Code not yet.
MiniRocket: A Very Fast (Almost) Deterministic Transform for Time Series Classification
- Angus Dempster, et al.
- [Code]
Learning to Select the Best Forecasting Tasks for Clinical Outcome Prediction
- Yuan Xue, et al.
- Code not yet.
Real-World Anomaly Detection by using Digital Twin Systems and Weakly-Supervised Learning
- Castellani Andrea, et al.
Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH
- Code not yet.
Inter-Series Attention Model for COVID-19 Forecasting Good reference
- Xiaoyong Jin, et al.
- [Code]
- M. ABOLGHASEMI, et al.
- [Code]
A Strong Baseline for Weekly Time Series Forecasting
- Rakshitha Godahewa, et al.
- [Code]
- Trey McNeely, et al.
- Code not yet.
Modeling Heterogeneous Seasonality With Recurrent Neural Networks Using IoT Time Series Data for Defrost Detection and Anomaly Analysis Good Reference
- Khetarpal, Suraj.
- Code not yet.
An Examination of the State-of-the-Art for Multivariate Time Series Classification
- Bhaskar Dhariyal, et al.
- Code noy yet.
Rank Position Forecasting in Car Racing
- Bo Peng, et al.
- Code not yet.
Mixed Membership Recurrent Neural Networks for Modeling Customer Purchases
- Ghazal Fazelnia, et al.
- Code not yet.
An analysis of deep neural networks for predicting trends in time series data
- Kouame Kouassi and Deshendran Moodley.
- Code not yet.
Automatic Forecasting using Gaussian Processes
- G. Corani
- Code not yet.
Attention based Multi-Modal New Product Sales Time-series Forecasting
- Vijay Ekambaram
- Code not yet.
Demand Forecasting of individual Probability Density Functions with Machine Learning
- Felix Wick, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Milton Soto-Ferrari
- Code not yet.
Short-term Time Series Forecasting of Concrete Sewer Pipe Surface Temperature
- Karthick Thiyagarajan, et al.
- Code not yet.
Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention Network
- Hang Zhao, et al.
- Code not yet.
Graph Neural Networks for Model Recommendation using Time Series Data
- Aleksandr Pletnev, et al.
- Code not yet.
Kaggle forecasting competitions: An overlooked learning opportunity
- Casper Solheim Bojer and Jens Peder Meldgaard.
- [Code]
Forecasting with Multiple Seasonality
- Tianyang Xie and Jie Ding.
- Code not yet.
- Christos Koutlis, et al.
- Code not yet.
Forecasting Hierarchical Time Series with a Regularized Embedding Space
- Jeffrey L. Gleason.
- [Code]
Forecasting the Evolution of Hydropower Generation
- Fan Zhou, et al.
- [Code]
Deep State-Space Generative Model For Correlated Time-to-Event Predictions
- Yuan Xue, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Fantazzini, Dean.
- Code not yet.
Scalable Low-Rank Autoregressive Tensor Learning for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation
- Xinyu Chen, et al.
- [Code]
clairvoyance: a Unified, End-to-End AutoML Pipeline for Medical Time Series
- Daniel Jarrett, et al.
- Code not yet.
Speed Anomalies and Safe Departure Times from Uber Movement Data
- Nabil Al Nahin Ch, et al.
- Code not yet.
Forecasting AI Progress: A Research Agenda
- Ross Gruetzemacher, et al.
- Review
Improving the Accuracy of Global Forecasting Models using Time Series Data Augmentation
- Kasun Bandara, et al.
- Code not yet.
Interpretable Sequence Learning for COVID-19 Forecasting
- Sercan O. Arık, et al.
- [Code]
Relation-aware Meta-learning for Market Segment Demand Prediction with Limited Records meta-learning
- Jiatu Shi, et al.
- Code not yet.
- YM Tang, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Pablo Montero-Manso and Rob J Hyndman
- Code not yet.
Multi-stream RNN for Merchant Transaction Prediction
- Zhongfang Zhuang, et al.
KDD 2020 Workshop on Machine Learning in Finance
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- Tomokaze Shiratori, et al.
- Code not yet.
Cold-Start Promotional Sales Forecasting through Gradient Boosted-based Contrastive Explanations
- Carlos Aguilar-Palacios, et al.
- [Code]
Anomaly Detection at Scale: The Case for Deep Distributional Time Series Models
- Fadhel Ayed, et al.
Amazon Research
- [Code]
Demand Forecasting in the Presence of Privileged Information
- Mozhdeh Ariannezhad, et al.
- [Code]
Seasonal Self-evolving Neural Networks Based Short-term Wind Farm Generation Forecast
- Yunchuan Liu, et al.
- Code not yet.
Distributed ARIMA Models for Ultra-long Time Series Spark
- Xiaoqian Wang, et al.
- [Code]
Adversarial Attacks on Probabilistic Autoregressive Forecasting Models
- Raphaël Dang-Nhu, et al.
- [Code]
Superiority of Simplicity: A Lightweight Model for Network Device Workload Prediction LSTM application
- Alexander Acker, et al.
- [Code]
Adaptive Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Traffic Forecasting
- Lei Bai, et al.
- [Code]
Dynamic Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Time Series Classification
- BIN QIAN, et al.
- Code not yet.
Neural Architecture Search for Time Series Classification
- Hojjat Rakhshani, et al.
- [Code]
Frequentist Uncertainty in Recurrent Neural Networks via Blockwise Influence Functions
- Ahmed M. Alaa and Mihaela van der Schaar.
- Code not yet.
- Chang Wei Tan, et al.
- [Code]
Forecasting Supplier Delivery Performance with Recurrent Neural Networks
- Johan Ramne
- Master Thesis.
- Fatih Ilhan, et al.
- Code not yet.
Resilient Neural Forecasting Systems
- Michael Bohlke-Schneider, et al.
Amazon Research
- Code not yet.
Dynamic Neural Relational Inference for Forecasting Trajectories
- Colin Graber and Alexander Schwing
CVPR 2020
- [Code]
Traffic transformer: Capturing the continuity and periodicity of time series for traffic forecasting
- Ling Cai, et al.
- Code not yet.
Stanza: A Nonlinear State Space Model for Probabilistic Inference in Non-Stationary Time Series
- Anna K. Yanchenko and Sayan Mukherjee.
- Code not yet.
Neuroevolution Strategy for Time Series Prediction
- George Naskos, et al.
- Code not yet.
COVID-19: A Comparison of Time Series Methods to Forecast Percentage of Active Cases per Population
- Vasilis Papastefanopoulos, et al.
- [Code]
A machine learning approach for forecasting hierarchical time series
- Paolo Mancuso, et al.
- Code not yet.
ProbCast: Open-source Production, Evaluation and Visualisation of Probabilistic Forecasts
- Jethro Browell and Ciaran Gilbert.
- [Code]
Exploring Clinical Time Series Forecasting with Meta-Features in Variational Recurrent Modelsmeta-learning
- Sibghat Ullah, et al.
- [Code]
Semisupervised Deep State-Space Model for Plant Growth Modeling
- S. Shibata, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Bojian Yin, et al.
- Code not yet.
Multivariate time series forecasting via attention-based encoder–decoder framework
- Shengdong Du, et al.
- Code not yet.
A Novel LSTM for Multivariate Time Series with Massive Missingness
- Nazanin Fouladgar and Kary Främling.
- Code not yet.
ICLR 2020
- Boris N. Oreshkin, et al.
- Code not yet.
How to Learn from Others: Transfer Machine Learning with Additive Regression Models to Improve Sales Forecastinggood new approach
- Robin Hirt, et al.
- Code not yet.
The Hybrid Forecasting Method SVR-ESAR for Covid-19
- Juan Frausto Solis, et al.
- Code not yet.
- DEWANG CHEN, et al.
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The Effectiveness of Discretization in Forecasting: An Empirical Study on Neural Time Series Models
- Stephan Rabanser, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Markus Löning and Franz J. Király.
- [Code]
LSTM-MSNet: Leveraging Forecasts on Sets of Related Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Patterns
- Kasun Bandara, et al.
- [Code]
- Karb, Tristan, et al.
- Code not yet.
DSANet: Dual Self-Attention Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Good new approach
- Siteng Huang, et al.
- [Code]
An Approach for Complex Event Streams Processing and Forecasting
- Viktor Morozov, Mikhail Petrovskiy.
- Code not yet.
Knowledge Enhanced Neural Fashion Trend Forecasting
- Yunshan Ma, et al.
- Code not yet.
Augmented Out-of-Sample Comparison Method for Time Series Forecasting Techniques
- Igor Ilic, et al.
- Code not yet.
Enhancing High Frequency Technical Indicators Forecasting Using Shrinking Deep Neural Networks
ICIM 2020
- Xiaoyu Tan, et al.
- Code not yet.
Time Series Forecasting With Deep Learning: A Survey Good summary
- Bryan Lim and Stefan Zohren
- Survey
Neural forecasting: Introduction and literature overview
- Konstantinos Benidis, et al.
- Not is a overview.
Take a NAP: Non-Autoregressive Prediction for Pedestrian Trajectories
- Hao Xue, et al.
- Code not yet.
Orbit: Probabilistic Forecast with Exponential Smoothing
- Edwin Ng, et a.
- Code is available upon request.
Daily retail demand forecasting using machine learning with emphasis on calendric special days
- Jakob Huber and Heiner Stuckenschmidt.
- Code not yet.
- Shivam Srivastava, et al.
- Code not yet.
- IBM Almaden Research Center.
Multi-label Prediction in Time Series Data using Deep Neural Networks
- Wenyu Zhang, et al.
- Code not yet.
TraDE: Transformers for Density Estimation
- Rasool Fakoor, et al.
- Code not yet.
Deep Probabilistic Modelling of Price Movements for High-Frequency Trading
- Ye-Sheen Lim and Denise Gorse.
- Code not yet.
Deep State Space Models for Nonlinear System Identification
- Daniel Gedon, et al.
- Code not yet.
Zero-shot and few-shot time series forecasting with ordinal regression recurrent neural networks
- Bernardo Perez Orozco and Stephen J. Roberts.
- [Code]
Financial Time Series Representation Learning
- Philippe Chatigny, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Rui Li, et al.
IBM research and MIT
- Code not yet.
Deep Markov Spatio-Temporal Factorization
- Amirreza Farnoosh, et al.
- Code not yet.
Harmonic Recurrent Process for Time Series Forecasting
- Shao-Qun Zhang and Zhi-Hua Zhou.
- Code not yet.
Elastic Machine Learning Algorithms in Amazon SageMaker
- Edo Liberty, et al.
- Code not yet.
Time Series Data Augmentation for Deep Learning: A Survey
- Qingsong Wen, et al.
- Code not yet.
Block Hankel Tensor ARIMA for Multiple Short Time Series Forecasting
AAAI 2020
meta-learning- QIQUAN SHI, et al.
- [Code]
Learnings from Kaggle's Forecasting Competitions
- Casper Solheim Bojer, et al.
- Code not yet.
An Industry Case of Large-Scale Demand Forecasting of Hierarchical Components
- Rodrigo Rivera-Castro, et al.
- Code not yet.
Multi-variate Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting via Conditioned Normalizing Flows
- Kashif Rasul, et al.
- [Code].
- Joel Janek Dabrowski, et al.
- Code not yet.
Anomaly detection for Cybersecurity: time series forecasting and deep learning
Good review about forecasting
- Giordano Colò.
- Code not yet.
Event-Driven Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
- Debarun Bhattacharjya, et al.
Research AI, IBM
- Code not yet.
- Xianfeng Tang, et al.
IBM Research, NY
- Code not yet.
Topology-Based Clusterwise Regression for User Segmentation and Demand Forecasting
- Rodrigo Rivera-Castro, et al.
- Code not yet.
Evolutionary LSTM-FCN networks for pattern classification in industrial processes
- Patxi Ortego, et al.
- Code not yet.
Forecasting Multivariate Time-Series Data Using LSTM and Mini-Batches
- Athar Khodabakhsh, et al.
- Code not yet.
Tensorized LSTM with Adaptive Shared Memory for Learning Trends in Multivariate Time Series
AAAI 2020
- Dongkuan Xu, et al.
- [Code]
ICLR 2020
- Fan Yang, et al.
- Code not yet.
For2For: Learning to forecast from forecasts
- Zhao, Shi, et al.
- Code not yet.
Self-boosted Time-series Forecasting with Multi-task and Multi-view Learning
AAAI 2020
- Long H. Nguyen, et al.
- Code not yet
Enhancing the Locality and Breaking the Memory Bottleneck of Transformer on Time Series Forecasting Reference
- Shiyang Li, et al.
- [Code]
Forecasting Big Time Series: Theory and Practice
KDD 2019
Relevant tutorial- Christos Faloutsos, et al.
- [Code]
Deep Uncertainty Quantification: A Machine Learning Approach for Weather Forecasting
- Bin Wang, et al.
- [Code]
A hybrid method of exponential smoothing and recurrent neural networks for time series forecasting
- Slawek Smyl
Winning submission of the M4 forecasting competition
- [Code]
Think Globally, Act Locally: A Deep Neural Network Approach to High-Dimensional Time Series Forecasting
NeurIPS 2019
- Rajat Sen, et al.
- [Code]
Deep Landscape Forecasting for Real-time Bidding Advertising
KDD 2019
- Kan Ren, et al.
- [Code]
Similarity Preserving Representation Learning for Time Series Clustering
- Qi Lei, et al.
IBM research
- [Code]
DSANet: Dual Self-Attention Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
- Siteng Huang, et al.
- Code not yet.
Enhancing Time Series Momentum Strategies Using Deep Neural Networks
- Bryan Lim, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Mandar Chandorkar, et al.
- Code not yet.
Time-series Generative Adversarial Networks
NeurIPS 2019
- Jinsung Yoon. et al.
- Code not yet.
Temporal Fusion Transformers for Interpretable Multi-horizon Time Series Forecasting
- Bryan Lim, et al.
Google Research
- [Code]
- Vincent Fortuin, et al.
- Code not yet.
Deep Physiological State Space Model for Clinical Forecasting
- Yuan Xue, et al.
- not yet
AR-Net: A simple Auto-Regressive Neural Network for time-series
- Oskar Triebe, et al.
Facebook Research
- Code not yet.
Learning Time-series Data of Industrial Design Optimization using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Sneha Saha, et al.
Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH
- Code not yet.
RobustSTL: A Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Algorithm for Long Time Series
- Qingsong Wen, et al.
- [Code]
Constructing Gradient Controllable Recurrent Neural Networks Using Hamiltonian Dynamics
- Konstantin Rusch, et al.
- Code not yet.
SOM-VAE: Interpretable Discrete Representation Learning on Time Series
ICLR 2019
- Vincent Fortuin, et al.
- [Code]
Unsupervised Scalable Representation Learning for Multivariate Time Series
NeurIPS 2019
In Applications -- Time Series Analysis- Jean-Yves Franceschi, et al.
- [Code]
Factorized Inference in Deep Markov Models for Incomplete Multimodal Time Series
- Zhi-Xuan Tan, et al.
- Code not yet.
You May Not Need Order in Time Series Forecasting
- Yunkai Zhang, et al.
- Code not yet
Shape and Time Distortion Loss for Training Deep Time Series Forecasting Models
- Vincent Le Guen and Nicolas Thome.
- [Code]
Dynamic Local Regret for Non-convex Online Forecasting
NeurIPS 2019
- Sergul Aydore, et al.
- [Code]
Bayesian Temporal Factorization for Multidimensional Time Series Prediction
- Xinyu Chen, and Lijun Sun
- [Code and data]
Probabilistic sequential matrix factorization
- Ömer Deniz Akyildiz, et al.
- Code not yet
Sequential VAE-LSTM for Anomaly Detection on Time Series
- Run-Qing Chen, et al.
- Code not yet
High-Dimensional Multivariate Forecasting with Low-Rank Gaussian Copula Processes
NeurIPS 2019
- David Salinas, et al.
- Code not yet
Recurrent Neural Filters: Learning Independent Bayesian Filtering Steps for Time Series Prediction
- Bryan Lim, et al.
- Code not yet
- Chengxi Liu, et al.
- Code not yet
- [Code]
Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting: Current Status and Future Directions
- [Code]
- Antonio Rafael Sabino Parmezan, Vinicius M. A. Souza and Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista. USP
Explainable Deep Neural Networks for Multivariate Time Series Predictions
IJCAI 2019
- Roy Assaf and Anika Schumann.
IBM Research, Zurich
- Code not yet
Outlier Detection for Time Series with Recurrent Autoencoder Ensembles
IJCAI 2019
- [Code]
Learning Interpretable Deep State Space Model for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting
IJCAI 2019
- Code not yet
Deep Factors for Forecasting
ICML 2019
- Yuyang Wang, et al.
- Code not yet
Probabilistic Forecasting with Spline Quantile Function RNNs
- Code not yet
Deep learning for time series classification: a review
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Multivariate LSTM-FCNs for Time Series Classification
- Code not yet
Criteria for classifying forecasting methods
- Code not yet
GluonTS: Probabilistic Time Series Models in Python
- [Code]
DeepAR: Probabilistic Forecasting with Autoregressive Recurrent Networks
- David Salinas, et al.
- Code not yet
An overview and comparative analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks for Short Term Load Forecasting
- Filippo Maria Bianchi, et al.
- Code not yet.
Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods: Concerns and ways forward
- Spyros Makridakis, et al.
- Code not yet.
Attend and Diagnose: Clinical Time Series Analysis Using Attention Models
AAAI 2018
- Huan Song, Deepta Rajan, et al.
- not yet.
Precision and Recall for Time Series
- Nesime Tatbul, et al.
- Code not yet.
Deep State Space Models for Time Series Forecasting
- Code not yet
Deep Factors with Gaussian Processes for Forecasting
Third workshop on Bayesian Deep Learning (NeurIPS 2018)
- [Code]
ICLR 2018
- Yaguang Li, et al.
- [Code]
- Naveen Sai Madiraju, et al.
- [Code-unofficial implementation ]
Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Patterns with Deep Neural Networks
- Guokun Lai, Wei-Cheng Chang, Yiming Yang, Hanxiao Liu
- [Code]
Forecasting Treatment Responses Over Time Using Recurrent Marginal Structural Networks
NeurIPS 2018
- Bryan Lim. et al.
- Code
A Memory-Network Based Solution for Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting
- Yen-Yu Chang, et al.
- Code-unofficial implementation]
Deep learning with long short-term memory networks for financial market predictions
- Fischer, Thomas and Krauss, Christopher.
- Code not yet.
Discriminative State-Space Models
NIPS 2017
- Vitaly Kuznetsov and Mehryar Mohri.
- Code not yet.
Hybrid Neural Networks for Learning the Trend in Time Seriesreview
- Tao Lin, et al.
- Code not yet.
- Slawek Smyl and Karthik Kuber
- Code not yet.
Temporal Regularized Matrix Factorization for High-dimensional Time Series Prediction
NIPS 2016
- Hsiang-Fu Yu, et al.
- [Code]
Time Series Prediction and Online Learning
JMLR 2016
- Vitaly Kuznetsov and Mehryar Mohri.
- Code not yet.
Deep neural networks, gradient-boosted trees, random forests: Statistical arbitrage on the S&P 500
- Krauss, Christopher, et al.
- Code not yet.
Comparative: Classical methods vs Deep Learning methods
Forecasting economic and financial time series: ARIMA VS. LSTM
A comparative study between LSTM and ARIMA for sales forecasting in retail
ARIMA/SARIMA vs LSTM with Ensemble learning Insights for Time Series Data
Time Series Forecasting Best Practices & Examples from Microsoft
Stock Market Prediction by Recurrent Neural Network on LSTM Model
Decoupling Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks With Locally Computable Losses
Forecasting: Principles and Practice: SlidesGood material
DeepSeries: Deep Learning Models for time series prediction.
varstan: An R package for Bayesian analysis of structured time series models with Stan
Deep4cast: Forecasting for Decision Making under Uncertainty
fireTS: sklean style package for multi-variate time-series prediction.
EpiSoon: Forecasting the effective reproduction number over short timescales
Electric Load Forecasting: Load forecasting on Delhi area electric power load using ARIMA, RNN, LSTM and GRU models.
TimeseriesAI: Practical Deep Learning for Time Series / Sequential Data using fastai/ Pytorch.
TimescaleDB: An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
Using attentive neural processes for forecasting power usage
pytorch-forecasting: A Python package for time series forecasting with PyTorch. It includes state-of-the-art network architectures