Tool for ROS 2 IP Discovery + System Monitoring


rclshark​ 🐢 🦈

latest : v1.0.1

Monitor the status of computers on a network using the DDS function of ROS2.






  • ROS2 foxy-core Installation
  • python3-colcon-common-extensions
  • build-essential

rclshark​ 🐢 🦈

rclshark is an IP address display system that takes advantage of the DDS publishing nature of the ros2 node to the local network, and can recognize any device with ROS2 installed. rclshark is also a service server, and has a function to report computer status using psutil.

See rclshark-smi for details.

Usage 1 : Run as ROS2 RUN

$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/
$ colcon build --symlink-install
$ source ~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash
$ ros2 run rclshark rclshark

Usage 2 : Back-end installation (systemd)

Installation (Startup Automatically)

In case of$ROS_DISTRO=foxy,

$ git clone
$ sudo bash rclshark/rclshark/install.bash foxy

If you want to enable rclshark immediately, run at CUI (= multi-user-target) $ sudo systemctl start rclshark.service.


$ sudo bash ~/ros2_ws/src/rclshark/rclshark/install.bash uninstall

Usage 3 : Docker

$ docker pull ray255ar/rclshark:latest

RUN docker container

$ docker run -it --rm rclshark:local

Confirmation rclshark

Since rclshark is an application that uses the basic functions of ROS2, you can find it with the ros2 command.

## Confirmation rclshark 1
$ ros2 node list | grep ip_
> /ip_192.168.11.10_end
> /ip_192.168.11.22_end
## Confirmation rclshark 2
$ ros2 service list | grep endcb
> /ip_192.168.11.10_endcb
> /ip_192.168.11.22_endcb

Now you can safely forget your IP address. 😉

rclshark-smi​ 🐢 🦈

You can use rclshark to check the hardware status of multiple computers. You don't even need to bother opening htop. Good for you! 😊

IP addresses are sorted in ascending order and are dynamically added and removed. See Usage 2 for installing rclshark-smi. If you want to use only rclshark-smi, type sudo systemctl disable rclshark.service. to use only rclshark-smi.


There are two ways to run.

Usage 1 : Run as ROS2 RUN

$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/
$ colcon build --symlink-install
$ source ~/ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash
$ ros2 run rclshark-smi

Usage 2 : Run from /usr/local/bin/rclshark-smi

## Install
$ git clone
$ sudo bash rclshark/rclshark/install.bash foxy
$ sudo systemctl disable rclshark.service
## Run rclshark-smi
$ rclshark-smi



Operation method

  • 'q'-> Enter : exit rclshark-smi

Known Problems​ ​(rclshark-smi) ??

  • If the rclshark process started using Docker is interrupted, rclshark-smi will freeze. In that case, rclshark-smi will exit as the Timeout after 5 seconds. Keep in mind that the same event can also happen with non-Docker rclshark.
  • We are considering releasing a lightweight version of rclshark-smi that does not involve sending or receiving messages.

About writer 🐢 🦈

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  • v1.0.3(Sep 29, 2021)

    The following changes have been made in v1.0.2 to v1.0.3. It is possible to mix v1.0.2 and v1.0.3.

    Change of installation method (example) sudo bash install.bash /opt/ros/foxy. Change in the readme


    The best Raspberry Pi OS.

    :exclamation: Pre-integrated image is also available for download for a limited time.

    Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) and ROS Foxy pre-built images are available. This image comes with rclshark, which allows SSH login just by connecting an Ethernet without connecting a display.

    Try the new remote access experience.

    Write to SD

    Run the following command after download two files split-raspbian-00 and split-raspbian-01 .

    sudo apt install p7zip-full
    cat split-raspbian-00 split-raspbian-01 >> rpi.7z
    7z x rpi.7z

    After that, write image to SD card using Raspberry Pi Imager.

    Start Raspberry Pi

    • Connect

      • Written SD Card
      • Power 5V 3A
      • Ethernet
    • Not connect

      • Keyboard & Mouse
      • Display

    Search Raspberry Pi

    Run ROS Command on your laptop.

    source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
    ros2 node list | grep end
    # result : /ip_192_168_11_47_end

    Connect Raspberry Pi by SSH !

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    split-raspbian-00(1430.51 MB)
    split-raspbian-01(849.00 MB)
  • v1.0.2(Sep 8, 2021)

    It is not compatible with previous versions (v1.0.1).

    • remove disk_percent
    • remove process_count
    • add username
    • fix other bugs


    • Get data only once.
    • update docker (docker pull ray255ar/rclshark:v1.0.2)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.1(Jul 16, 2021)

    Fixed a bug caused by username restrictions. With this update, users with usernames other than "Ubuntu" will be able to install successfully, too.

    • Change rclshark/rclshark.service

      • ->
      • Users=ubuntu -> delete (The name of the login user will be automatically assigned during installation.)
      • Group=ubuntu -> delete
    • Add Turtle ASCII Art


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Jul 8, 2021)

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