Diabetes Prediction Using Decision Tree
Decision tree is the most powerful and popular tool for classification and prediction. A Decision tree is a flowchart like tree structure, where each internal node denotes a test on an attribute, each branch represents an outcome of the test, and each leaf node (terminal node) holds a class label.
In this project we build a decsion tree to predict diabetes for Pima Indians dataset with variables such as age, blood, pressure etc
Major Steps
- Load the required libraries
- Load the data sets using Pandas
- Divide the columns to two types of variables dependent and independent variables
- Bulding Decision Tree using scikit-learn
- Evaluvating the model or classifier
- Creating a visual Decision Tree
Group Members
- Decision Tree Classification on Diabetes-Dataset using Python : https://medium.com/@ananya_bt18/decision-tree-classification-on-diabetes-dataset-using-python-scikit-learn-package-f7be624c344e