Highly interpretable classifiers for scikit learn, producing easily understood decision rules instead of black box models


Highly interpretable, sklearn-compatible classifier based on decision rules

This is a scikit-learn compatible wrapper for the Bayesian Rule List classifier developed by Letham et al., 2015 (see Letham's original code), extended by a minimum description length-based discretizer (Fayyad & Irani, 1993) for continuous data, and by an approach to subsample large datasets for better performance.

It produces rule lists, which makes trained classifiers easily interpretable to human experts, and is competitive with state of the art classifiers such as random forests or SVMs.

For example, an easily understood Rule List model of the well-known Titanic dataset:

IF male AND adult THEN survival probability: 21% (19% - 23%)
ELSE IF 3rd class THEN survival probability: 44% (38% - 51%)
ELSE IF 1st class THEN survival probability: 96% (92% - 99%)
ELSE survival probability: 88% (82% - 94%)

Letham et al.'s approach only works on discrete data. However, this approach can still be used on continuous data after discretization. The RuleListClassifier class also includes a discretizer that can deal with continuous data (using Fayyad & Irani's minimum description length principle criterion, based on an implementation by navicto).

The inference procedure is slow on large datasets. If you have more than a few thousand data points, and only numeric data, try the included BigDataRuleListClassifier(training_subset=0.1), which first determines a small subset of the training data that is most critical in defining a decision boundary (the data points that are hardest to classify) and learns a rule list only on this subset (you can specify which estimator to use for judging which subset is hardest to classify by passing any sklearn-compatible estimator in the subset_estimator parameter - see examples/diabetes_bigdata_demo.py).


The project requires pyFIM, scikit-learn, and pandas to run.

The included RuleListClassifier works as a scikit-learn estimator, with a model.fit(X,y) method which takes training data X (numpy array or pandas DataFrame; continuous, categorical or mixed data) and labels y.

The learned rules of a trained model can be displayed simply by casting the object as a string, e.g. print model, or by using the model.tostring(decimals=1) method and optionally specifying the rounding precision.

Numerical data in X is automatically discretized. To prevent discretization (e.g. to protect columns containing categorical data represented as integers), pass the list of protected column names in the fit method, e.g. model.fit(X,y,undiscretized_features=['CAT_COLUMN_NAME']) (entries in undiscretized columns will be converted to strings and used as categorical values - see examples/hepatitis_mixeddata_demo.py).

Usage example:

from RuleListClassifier import *
from sklearn.datasets.mldata import fetch_mldata
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

feature_labels = ["#Pregnant","Glucose concentration test","Blood pressure(mmHg)","Triceps skin fold thickness(mm)","2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml)","Body mass index","Diabetes pedigree function","Age (years)"]
data = fetch_mldata("diabetes") # get dataset
y = (data.target+1)/2 # target labels (0 or 1)
Xtrain, Xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(data.data, y) # split

# train classifier (allow more iterations for better accuracy; use BigDataRuleListClassifier for large datasets)
model = RuleListClassifier(max_iter=10000, class1label="diabetes", verbose=False)
model.fit(Xtrain, ytrain, feature_labels=feature_labels)

print "RuleListClassifier Accuracy:", model.score(Xtest, ytest), "Learned interpretable model:\n", model
print "RandomForestClassifier Accuracy:", RandomForestClassifier().fit(Xtrain, ytrain).score(Xtest, ytest)
RuleListClassifier Accuracy: 0.776041666667 Learned interpretable model:
Trained RuleListClassifier for detecting diabetes
IF Glucose concentration test : 157.5_to_inf THEN probability of diabetes: 81.1% (72.5%-72.5%)
ELSE IF Body mass index : -inf_to_26.3499995 THEN probability of diabetes: 5.2% (1.9%-1.9%)
ELSE IF Glucose concentration test : -inf_to_103.5 THEN probability of diabetes: 14.4% (8.8%-8.8%)
ELSE IF Age (years) : 27.5_to_inf THEN probability of diabetes: 59.6% (51.8%-51.8%)
ELSE IF Glucose concentration test : 103.5_to_127.5 THEN probability of diabetes: 15.9% (8.0%-8.0%)
ELSE probability of diabetes: 44.7% (29.5%-29.5%)

RandomForestClassifier Accuracy: 0.729166666667
  • Fault in example

    Fault in example

    You seem to print the lower limits twice in the example, for example

    IF Glucose concentration test : 157.5_to_inf THEN probability of diabetes: 81.1% (72.5%-72.5%)

    They all have this.

    opened by hjonasson 2
  • All predictions are the same

    All predictions are the same

    When I run the hepatitis demo, I get a nice list of rules:

    Trained RuleListClassifier for detecting survival
    IF ALBUMIN : -inf_to_2.65 THEN probability of survival: 87.5% (59.0%-99.6%)
    ELSE IF BILIRUBIN : 1.41375838926_to_inf THEN probability of survival: 36.8% (22.5%-52.5%)
    ELSE IF ALBUMIN : 3.85863309352_to_inf THEN probability of survival: 3.6% (0.4%-9.7%)
    ELSE probability of survival: 18.2% (5.4%-36.3%)

    Reported accuracy is 76.9% and this is correct, but all predictions are the same:

    array([[ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818],
           [ 0.81818182,  0.18181818]])

    Similarly, when I run on my dataset, there's a nice list of rules, but all predictions are the same (0).

    opened by zygmuntz 2
  • Code seems to have dependency on Entropy package?

    Code seems to have dependency on Entropy package?

    I got this

    from Entropy import entropy, cut_point_information_gain

    while trying to run the demo.

    Could you please point me to the right package? Thanks!

    opened by savourylie 1
  • class1label is actually the 0 class

    class1label is actually the 0 class

    I think class1label actually labels the 0 class:

    from RuleListClassifier import *
    import numpy as np
    status = np.array([['dead','dead','dead','dead',
    isAlive = np.array( [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    model = RuleListClassifier(class1label="is_alive")
    model.fit(status, isAlive, feature_labels=["status"])
    print model


    2 rules mined
    Starting mcmc chains
    Elapsed CPU time 8.980171
    Rhat for convergence: 0.999981686696
    Posterior average length: 2.48247263224
    Posterior average width: 1.0
    Trained RuleListClassifier for detecting is_alive
    IF dead THEN probability of is_alive: 83.3% (47.8%-99.5%)
    ELSE probability of is_alive: 16.7% (0.5%-52.2%)

    You can also see this when looking at the diabetes example data set, and exploring the relationship between the features and labels.

    opened by kenben 1
  • reversed the meaning of class 1

    reversed the meaning of class 1

    The meaning of the class 1 is reversed.

    verified with this small program: from RuleListClassifier import *

    labels = ['temp','size'] X = [[100,12], [12,91], [17,92]]

    Y = [1, 0, 0] clf = RuleListClassifier(max_iter=50000, n_chains=3, class1label='burned', verbose=False) clf.fit(X, Y, feature_labels=labels) print clf


    IF temp : 58.5_to_inf AND size : -inf_to_51.5 THEN probability of burned: 33.3% (1.3%-84.2%) ELSE IF temp : -inf_to_58.5 AND size : 51.5_to_inf THEN probability of burned: 75.0% (29.2%-99.2%)

    ELSE probability of burned: 50.0% (2.5%-97.5%)

    i.e. the meaning of the class 1 is reversed

    opened by ghosthugger 1
  • continuous and categorical features together

    continuous and categorical features together

    When I use mixed data (a Pandas frame), I get ValueError: could not convert string to float. So I one-hot encode categoricals and I get Warning: non-categorical data. Trying to discretize. (Please convert categorical values to strings to avoid this.) Is it possible to have continuous and categorical features together in X?

    opened by zygmuntz 1
  • Issue with names of features - Can't have feature with name 'y'

    Issue with names of features - Can't have feature with name 'y'

    I came across an issue where if you have a feature in your training set with the name 'y', this implementation crashes with something like:

    ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 4, placement implies 1

    opened by dylan-slack 0
  • Install sklearn-expertsys package for Python2 on Windows

    Install sklearn-expertsys package for Python2 on Windows

    I installed all the requirements, i.e. pyFIM, scikit-learn, pandas. However i can't install the sklearn-expersys package on Python on Windows. There is no documentation describing how to install it. Can you please help

    opened by giladwa1 0
  • Does this rule list package support multi-class classification?

    Does this rule list package support multi-class classification?

    As the title suggests, does this package support multi-class? I note that the paper claimed that this method supports multi-class. However, in the code, I notice it seems to only support binary classification?

    opened by myaooo 0
  • Can this be made to work when size of each row is variable?

    Can this be made to work when size of each row is variable?

    Hey, I came across your implementation for decision lists and was thinking to give it a try. I have some email dataset on which I want to run your code. But I have a problem, a few of the emails have many To addresses, thus if each row of the data represents an email, all would not have the same number of columns as the number of To addresses is different for each email. Is there a way that this code can deal with that sort of input data.


    opened by AvinashBukkittu 0
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