Data and evaluation code for the paper WikiNEuRal: Combined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual NER (EMNLP 2021).



Data and evaluation code for the paper WikiNEuRal: Combined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual NER.

    title = "{W}iki{NE}u{R}al: {C}ombined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual {NER}",
    author = "Tedeschi, Simone  and
      Maiorca, Valentino  and
      Campolungo, Niccol{\`o}  and
      Cecconi, Francesco  and
      Navigli, Roberto",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "2521--2533",
    abstract = "Multilingual Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a key intermediate task which is needed in many areas of NLP. In this paper, we address the well-known issue of data scarcity in NER, especially relevant when moving to a multilingual scenario, and go beyond current approaches to the creation of multilingual silver data for the task. We exploit the texts of Wikipedia and introduce a new methodology based on the effective combination of knowledge-based approaches and neural models, together with a novel domain adaptation technique, to produce high-quality training corpora for NER. We evaluate our datasets extensively on standard benchmarks for NER, yielding substantial improvements up to 6 span-based F1-score points over previous state-of-the-art systems for data creation.",

Please consider citing our work if you use data and/or code from this repository.

In a nutshell, WikiNEuRal consists in a novel technique which builds upon a multilingual lexical knowledge base (i.e., BabelNet) and transformer-based architectures (i.e., BERT) to produce high-quality annotations for multilingual NER. It shows consistent improvements of up to 6 span-based F1-score points against state-of-the-art alternative data production methods on common benchmarks for NER. Moreover, in our paper we also present a new approach for creating interpretable word embeddings together with a Domain Adaptation algorithm, which enable WikiNEuRal to create domain-specific training corpora.


Dataset Version Sentences Tokens PER ORG LOC MISC OTHER
WikiNEuRal EN 116k 2.73M 51k 31k 67k 45k 2.40M
WikiNEuRal ES 95k 2.33M 43k 17k 68k 25k 2.04M
WikiNEuRal NL 107k 1.91M 46k 22k 61k 24k 1.64M
WikiNEuRal DE 124k 2.19M 60k 32k 59k 25k 1.87M
WikiNEuRal RU 123k 2.39M 40k 26k 89k 25k 2.13M
WikiNEuRal IT 111k 2.99M 67k 22k 97k 26k 2.62M
WikiNEuRal FR 127k 3.24M 76k 25k 101k 29k 2.83M
WikiNEuRal PL 141k 2.29M 59k 34k 118k 22k 1.91M
WikiNEuRal PT 106k 2.53M 44k 17k 112k 25k 2.20M
WikiNEuRal EN DA (CoNLL) 29k 759k 12k 23k 6k 3k 0.54M
WikiNEuRal NL DA (CoNLL) 34k 598k 17k 8k 18k 6k 0.51M
WikiNEuRal DE DA (CoNLL) 41k 706k 17k 12k 23k 3k 0.61M
WikiNEuRal EN DA (OntoNotes) 48k 1.18M 20k 13k 38k 12k 1.02M

Further datasets, such as the combination of WikiNEuRal with gold-standard training data (i.e., CoNLL) or the gold-standard datasets themselves, can be obtained by simply concatenating the two train.conllu files together (e.g., data/conll/en/train.conllu and data/wikineural/en/train.conllu give CoNLL+WikiNEuRal).

How to use

  1. To train 10 models on CoNLL English, run:

    python -m +train.seed_idx=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 data.datamodule.source=conll data.datamodule.language=en

    note: for the EN, ES, NL and DE versions of WikiNEuRal, you can use the CoNLL splits as validation and testing material (e.g., copy the data/conll/en/val.conllu into data/wikineural/en/). Similarly, for RU and PL you can use the BSNLP splits. For the other languages instead, you can use the scripts/ script to split a given train.conllu file into train, dev and test sets.

  2. To produce results for the 10 trained models, run:

 also contains more complex bash for loops that can produce results on multiple datasets / models at once.


WikiNEuRal is licensed under the CC BY-SA-NC 4.0 license. The text of the license can be found here.

We underline that the source from which the raw sentences have been extracted is Wikipedia ( and the NER annotations have been produced by Babelscape.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the ERC Consolidator Grant MOUSSE No. 726487 under the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme (

This work was also supported by the PerLIR project (Personal Linguistic resources in Information Retrieval) funded by the MIUR Progetti di ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale programme (PRIN2017).

The code in this repository is built on top of .

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    The error is RuntimeError: split_with_sizes expects split_sizes to sum exactly to 1564 (input tensor's size at dimension 0), but got split_sizes=[21, 9, 18, 24, 27, 18, 36, 16, 38, 14, 24, 39, 7, 6, 17, 23, 33, 34, 7, 17, 13, 9, 5, 13, 7, 4, 31, 14, 182, 4, 102, 26, 6, 16, 22, 22, 23, 57, 20, 24, 3, 17, 10, 14, 131, 29, 6, 8, 5, 110, 33, 36, 15, 5, 5, 10, 18, 11, 8, 7, 3, 14, 19, 7]

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    0 : O 1 # O 2 テ B-ORG 3 レ I-ORG'

    I don't know what caused this problem, but I didn't make this mistake when training Korean corpora.I would appreciate it if you could help me solve this problem

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  • Not able to load dataset on HF

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    Thank you for sharing this dataset on Hugging Face. I was trying to load the dataset however, it seems to be called an error.

    from datasets import load_dataset
    dataset = load_dataset('Babelscape/wikineural', split="train_fr")
    FileNotFoundError: Couldn't find file at

    Can you please check and fix this accordingly! Thank you :)

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