PyTorch Implement of Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting


Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting

This is the Pytorch implement of CVPR 2016 paper on Context Encoders

corrupted result

1) Semantic Inpainting Demo

  1. Install PyTorch

  2. Clone the repository

git clone
  1. Demo

    Download pre-trained model on Paris Streetview from Google Drive OR BaiduNetdisk

    cp netG_streetview.pth context_encoder_pytorch/model/
    cd context_encoder_pytorch/model/
    # Inpainting a batch iamges
    python --netG model/netG_streetview.pth --dataroot dataset/val --batchSize 100
    # Inpainting one image 
    python --netG model/netG_streetview.pth --test_image result/test/cropped/065_im.png

2) Train on your own dataset

  1. Build dataset

    Put your images under dataset/train,all images should under subdirectory




    Note:For Google Policy,Paris StreetView Dataset is not public data,for research using please contact with pathak22. You can also use The Paris Dataset to train your model

  2. Train

python --cuda --wtl2 0.999 --niter 200
  1. Test

    This step is similar to Semantic Inpainting Demo

  • problem about torchvision

    problem about torchvision

    hi, I was install torchvision from pip, and it worked. but when I install torchvision from source, it occured a problem as:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 79, in <module>
        real_cpu, _ =
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 212, in __next__
        return self._process_next_batch(batch)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 239, in _process_next_batch
        raise batch.exc_type(batch.exc_msg)
    AttributeError: Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/torch/utils/data/", line 41, in _worker_loop
        samples = collate_fn([dataset[i] for i in batch_indices])
      File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/torchvision/datasets/", line 116, in __getitem__
        img = self.loader(path)
      File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/torchvision/datasets/", line 63, in default_loader
        return pil_loader(path)
      File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/torchvision/datasets/", line 45, in pil_loader
        with as img:
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/", line 528, in __getattr__
        raise AttributeError(name)
    AttributeError: __exit__

    It is there anything wrong? Thanks

    opened by GumpCode 3
  • Unable to change the input size

    Unable to change the input size

    I think a larger input size will utilize the GPU source better, but I failed to change the input size, could give me some guidance on which operation leads to a fixed size of imageSize 128, is this size a must?

    opened by zhou-rui1 0
  • can't train on the pretrained model

    can't train on the pretrained model

    I wanted to train on the pretrained model, but after using this command, the program prints the model structure and ends. What seems to be the problem? python --cuda --netG model/netG_streetview.pth --wtl2 0.999 --niter 200

    opened by moonpieeee 0
  • Black Boxes in reconstructed Images on CIFAR-10 dataset

    Black Boxes in reconstructed Images on CIFAR-10 dataset

    I have been running the file on CIFAR-10 dataset without any modifications from the original code. I have been getting black translucent boxes in reconstructed images. Any idea how to fix that?

    Screenshot 2021-03-15 at 4 02 28 PM

    opened by ankush18194 0
  • argument 'size' must be tuple of ints, but found element of type float at pos 3

    argument 'size' must be tuple of ints, but found element of type float at pos 3

    This is what I am getting when I run

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 64, in real_center = torch.FloatTensor(opt.batchSize, 3, opt.imageSize/2, opt.imageSize/2) TypeError: new(): argument 'size' must be tuple of ints, but found element of type float at pos 3

    any ideas?

    opened by caruofc 3
  • images during training are too dark

    images during training are too dark

    Hi, thanks for sharing your great work! I follow your recommendation that use the The Paris Dataset to train the network. After training, when I check the result/train/real or result/train/cropped or result/train/recon folder, I found that all the images are too dark, such as this: real image: image cropped image: image recon image: recon_center_samples_epoch_199

    The result of inpainting is effective, but why all the image are so dark?

    ps: I do not change anything of the code except dataset/train folder.

    opened by liminn 4
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