[ICCV'2021] Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation

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Paper | Pre-trained Models | BibTex

Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation

Xiefan Guo, Hongyu Yang, Di Huang
In ICCV'2021


Generator. Image inpainting is cast into two subtasks, i.e., structure-constrained texture synthesis (left, blue) and texture-guided structure reconstruction (right, red), and the two parallel-coupled streams borrow encoded deep features from each other. The Bi-GFF module and CFA module are stacked at the end of the generator to further refine the results.

Discriminator. The texture branch estimates the generated texture, while the structure branch guides structure reconstruction.


  • Python >= 3.6
  • PyTorch >= 1.0

Getting Started


  • Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/Xiefan-Guo/CTSDG.git
pip install -r requirements.txt


Image Dataset. We evaluate the proposed method on the CelebA, Paris StreetView, and Places2 datasets, which are widely adopted in the literature.

Mask Dataset. Irregular masks are obtained from Irregular Masks and classified based on their hole sizes relative to the entire image with an increment of 10%.


Analogous to PConv by Liu et.al, initial training followed by finetuning are performed.

python train.py \
  --image_root [path to image directory] \
  --mask_root [path mask directory]

python train.py \
  --image_root [path to image directory] \
  --mask_root [path to mask directory] \
  --pre_trained [path to checkpoints] \
  --finetune True

Distributed training support. You can train model in distributed settings.

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=N_GPU train.py


To test the model, you run the following code.

python test.py \
  --pre_trained [path to checkpoints] \
  --image_root [path to image directory] \
  --mask_root [path to mask directory] \
  --result_root [path to output directory] \
  --number_eval [number of images to test]


If any part of our paper and repository is helpful to your work, please generously cite with:

    author    = {Guo, Xiefan and Yang, Hongyu and Huang, Di},
    title     = {Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {14134-14143}
  • Quantitative evaluation

    Quantitative evaluation

    Hi, Thank you for your great works. I couldn't find a section for quantitative results. Would you provide me with the pipeline with the quantitative results? And are you using irregular masks for different masks or do you use your own masks? Are they isolated for testing or they are included in the training time too?

    opened by youyeg 8
  • about experiment detail?

    about experiment detail?

    Thank you for your excellent work, I would really like to reproduce your model as a baseline for comparison, at your convenience can you tell us the number of training and fine-tuning iterations for each dataset?Thanks !

    opened by ScarletBlaze 3
  • Error while testing

    Error while testing

    python test.py --pre_trained ./checkpoints/places2.pt --image_root ./images/ --mask_root ./masks/ --result_root ./result/ --number_eval 1

    Sorry to bother you in this way. When I tried to test this project following the instruction in markdown, this error shows up.

     Cuda is available
    OrderedDict([('pre_trained', './checkpoints/places2.pt'),
                 ('image_root', './images/'),
                 ('mask_root', './masks/'),
                 ('num_workers', 4),
                 ('batch_size', 1),
                 ('load_size', (256, 256)),
                 ('sigma', 2.0),
                 ('mode', 'test'),
                 ('result_root', './result/'),
                 ('number_eval', 1)])
    start test...
      0%|                                                                                                                                                                                   | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "test.py", line 64, in <module>
        output, __, __ = generator(input_image, torch.cat((input_edge, input_gray_image), dim=1), mask)
      File "/root/anaconda3/envs/CTSDG/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 489, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/root/CTSDG/models/generator/generator.py", line 97, in forward
        ec_textures['ec_t_1'], ec_textures['ec_t_masks_1'] = self.ec_texture_1(ec_textures['ec_t_0'], ec_textures['ec_t_masks_0'])
      File "/root/anaconda3/envs/CTSDG/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 489, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/root/CTSDG/models/generator/pconv.py", line 103, in forward
        images, masks = self.conv(images, masks)
      File "/root/anaconda3/envs/CTSDG/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 489, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/root/CTSDG/models/generator/pconv.py", line 50, in forward
        padding=self.padding, dilation=self.dilation, groups=1)
    RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [64, 3, 7, 7], expected input[1, 9, 256, 256] to have 3 channels, but got 9 channels instead

    And I have no clue how to fix it.

    opened by AndyVerne 2
  • During training, an error occurred

    During training, an error occurred

    Hello, author, I think your work is amazing, but when I started training, he made a mistake, I can't solve it temporarily, can you help me? thank you! Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:/code/CTSDG-main/train.py", line 102, in train(opts, image_data_loader, generator, discriminator, extractor, generator_optim, discriminator_optim, is_cuda) File "E:\code\CTSDG-main\trainer.py", line 45, in train output, projected_image, projected_edge = generator(input_image, torch.cat((input_edge, input_gray_image), dim=1), mask) File "D:\Anaconda3\envs\torch18\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 889, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "E:\code\CTSDG-main\models\generator\generator.py", line 248, in forward dc_texture = torch.cat((dc_texture, ec_textures[ec_texture_skip]), dim=1) RuntimeError: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Got 3 and 2 (The offending index is 0)

    opened by song201216 1
  • quantitative results on celeba

    quantitative results on celeba

    Dear authors, thank you for making this great work public.

    I did not find quantitative results for celeba in your paper, such as ssim and psnr.And I want to know the results on celeba in your experiment. I saw you post a pre-trained model about celeba. Can I calculate the indicator based on this model?

    Hope to hear from you, thank you very much!

    opened by slowwords 0
  • The question of discriminator adversarial loss

    The question of discriminator adversarial loss

    criteria/loss.py loss_adversarial = criterion(real_pred, real_target) + criterion(fake_pred, fake_target) +
    criterion(real_pred_edge, edge) + criterion(fake_pred_edge, edge) I think the former three "criterion(real_pred, real_target), criterion(fake_pred, fake_target), criterion(real_pred_edge, edge)" are right, but the last one "criterion(fake_pred_edge, edge)", I think the second parameter is the "non-truth edge" instead of "the ground_truth edge". I need your help to help me to understand the "criterion(fake_pred_edge, edge)".

    opened by zhangyonle 0
  • Could you give me some little experience that why you choice **178** for the celebA dataset drop size?

    Could you give me some little experience that why you choice **178** for the celebA dataset drop size?

    Here I can see you add a comment.


    Maybe you have some special reason for that, cause other size will not generate nice result.

    And that will be helpful for me.

    opened by FavorMylikes 3
  • 关于在测试时获取损坏边缘信息的方式疑问



    但是,在实际或测试中,我们并没有完整的图像,因此我们无法获得完整的edge。而且您并没有像 Edge Connect 那样预训练一个用于修复损坏的edge的模型,这也是您在论文中声称的贡献。



    opened by FFChopin456 1
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