CBLang is a programming language aiming to fix most of my problems with Python

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A bad programming language made in Python.

CBLang is a programming language aiming to fix most of my problems with Python (this means that you likely don't need it), while still keeping it similar and as effective.

CBLang can be either interpreted, transpiled to python, or compiled into an exe using PyInstaller.

CBLang can run without any dependencies (including PyInstaller - you just won't be able to compile your programs, but they will run and transpile fine).

CBLang is only tested on Windows, but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard at all to get working on Linux.

Be warned that everything is basically held together by hopes and dreams, so you are going to get a load of super random errors.

So, how does it work?

class Main()
    function Main()
        //Here is a comment!
        print("Hello World");

^This is a basic Hello World program.

To run this, you will need the CBLang interpreter that you can either obtain by running .\build.bat or downloading it from the releases section.

More advanced behaviour:


//Include python libraries
from native include sys;

//Include other cbLang code
include OtherFile;

class Main()
    function Main()

        instance = OtherClass();
        print(instance.Add(1, 2));

        print(instance.Add(2, 3));
        //^This line will never be reached
    function Quit(shouldQuit : bool)
        if (shouldQuit == true)
            print("Did not quit");

class OtherClass
    function Start()
        print("Created a new instance of OtherClass!");

    function Add(a, b) is int
        return a + b;

^This is a basic example of importing external code, along with demonstrating other concepts in the programming language.

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    should return something like "test" to the sys.argv thing right? Well. NO! It does not. And that's a major bug. Meaning any application using them will not work.


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