(AAAI 2021) Progressive One-shot Human Parsing


End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing

This is the official repository for our two papers:


In the two papers, we propose a new task named One-shot Human Parsing (OSHP). OSHP requires parsing humans in a query image into an open set of reference classes defined by any single reference example (i.e., a support image) during testing, no matter whether they have been annotated during training (base classes) or not (novel classes). This new task mainly aims to accommodate human parsing into a wider range of applications that seek to parse flexible fashion/clothing classes that are not pre-defined in previous large-scale datasets.

Progressive One-shot Human Parsing (AAAI 2021) applies a progressive training scheme and is separated into three stages.

End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing (journal version) is a one-stage end-to-end training method, which has higher performance and FPS.

Main results:

You can find the well-trained models together with the performance in the following table.

EOPNet ATR-OS, Kway F1 ATR-OS, Kway Fold F2 LIP-OS, Kway F1 LIP-OS, Kway F2 CIHP-OS, Kway F1 CIHP-OS Kway F2
Novel mIoU 31.1 34.6 25.7 30.4 20.5 25.1
Human mIoU 61.9 63.3 43.0 45.7 49.1 45.5
Model Model Coming Soon Model Model Model Model

You can find the well-trained models together with the performance in the following table.

EOPNet ATR-OS, 1way F1 ATR-OS, 1way F2 LIP-OS, 1way F1 LIP-OS, 1way F2 CIHP-OS, 1way F1 CIHP-OS 1way F2
Novel mIoU 53.0 41.4 42.0 46.2 25.4 36.4
Human mIoU 68.2 69.5 57.0 58.0 53.8 55.4
Model Coming Soon

Getting started:

Data preparation:

First, please download ATR, LIP and CIHP dataset from source. Then, use the following commands to link the data into our project folder. Please also remember to download the atr flipped labels and cihp flipped labels.

# ATR dataset
$ ln -s YOUR_ATR_PATH/JPEGImages/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/ATR_OS/trainval_images
$ ln -s YOUR_ATR_PATH/SegmentationClassAug/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/ATR_OS/trainval_classes
$ ln -s YOUR_ATR_PATH/SegmentationClassAug_rev/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/ATR_OS/Category_rev_ids

# LIP dataset
$ ln -s YOUR_LIP_PATH/TrainVal_images/TrainVal_images/train_images/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/LIP_OS/trainval_images
$ ln -s YOUR_LIP_PATH/TrainVal_images/TrainVal_images/val_images/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/LIP_OS/trainval_images
$ ln -s YOUR_LIP_PATH/TrainVal_parsing_annotations/TrainVal_parsing_annotations/train_segmentations/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/LIP_OS/trainval_classes
$ ln -s YOUR_LIP_PATH/TrainVal_parsing_annotations/TrainVal_parsing_annotations/val_segmentations/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/LIP_OS/trainval_classes
$ ln -s YOUR_LIP_PATH/Train_parsing_reversed_labels/TrainVal_parsing_annotations/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/LIP_OS/Category_rev_ids
$ ln -s YOUR_LIP_PATH/val_segmentations_reversed/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/LIP_OS/Category_rev_ids

# CIHP dataset
$ ln -s YOUR_CIHP_PATH/Training/Images/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/CIHP_OS/trainval_images
$ ln -s YOUR_CIHP_PATH/Validation/Images/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/CIHP_OS/trainval_images
$ ln -s YOUR_CIHP_PATH/Training/Category_ids/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/CIHP_OS/trainval_classes
$ ln -s YOUR_CIHP_PATH/Validation/Category_ids/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/CIHP_OS/trainval_classes
$ ln -s YOUR_CIHP_PATH/Category_rev_ids/* YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/CIHP_OS/Category_rev_ids

Please also download our generated support .pkl files from source, which contains each class's image IDs. You can also generate support files on your own by controlling dtrain_dtest_split in oshp_loader.py, however, the training and validation list might be different from our paper.

Finally, your data folder should look like this:

|-- data
|   |--datasets
|       |-- ATR_OS
|       |   |-- list
|       |   |   |-- meta_train_id.txt
|       |   |   `-- meta_test_id.txt
|       |   |-- support
|       |   |   |-- meta_train_atr_supports.pkl
|       |   |   `-- meta_test_atr_supports.pkl
|       |   |-- trainval_images
|       |   |   |-- 997-1.jpg
|       |   |   |-- 997-2.jpg
|       |   |   `-- ...
|       |   |-- trainval_classes
|       |   |   |-- 997-1.png
|       |   |   |-- 997-2.png
|       |   |   `-- ... 
|       |   `-- Category_rev_ids
|       |       |-- 997-1.png
|       |       |-- 997-2.png
|       |       `-- ... 
|       |-- LIP_OS
|       |   |-- list
|       |   |   |-- meta_train_id.txt
|       |   |   |-- meta_test_id.txt
|       |   |-- support
|       |   |   |-- meta_train_lip_supports.pkl
|       |   |   `-- meta_test_lip_supports.pkl
|       |   |-- trainval_images
|       |   |   |-- ...
|       |   |-- trainval_classes
|       |   |   |-- ... 
|       |   `-- Category_rev_ids
|       |       |-- ... 
|       `-- CIHP_OS
|           |-- list
|           |   |-- meta_train_id.txt
|           |   |-- meta_test_id.txt
|           |-- support
|           |   |-- meta_train_cihp_supports.pkl
|           |   `-- meta_test_cihp_supports.pkl
|           |-- trainval_images
|           |   |-- ...
|           |-- trainval_classes
|           |   |-- ... 
|           `-- Category_rev_ids
|               |-- ... 

Finally, please download the DeepLab V3+ pretrained model (pretrained on COCO dataset) from source and put it into the data folder:

|-- data
|   |--pretrained_model
|       |--deeplab_v3plus_v3.pth


Please make sure your current environment has Python >= 3.7.0 and pytorch >= 1.1.0. The pytorch can be downloaded from source.

Then, clone the repository and install the dependencies from the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/Charleshhy/One-shot-Human-Parsing.git
cd One-shot-Human-Parsing
pip install -r requirements.txt


To train EOPNet in End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing (journal version), run:

# OSHP kway on ATR-OS fold 1
bash scripts/atr_eop_kwf1.sh


To evaluate EOPNet in End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing (journal version), run:

# OSHP kway on ATR-OS fold 1
bash scripts/evaluate_atr_eop_kwf1.sh


  • Release training/validation code for POPNet
  • Release well-trained EOPNet 1-way models


If you find our papers or this repository useful, please consider cite our papers:

title={Progressive One-shot Human Parsing},
author={He, Haoyu and Zhang, Jing and Thuraisingham, Bhavani and Tao, Dacheng},
booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},

title={End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing},
author={He, Haoyu and Zhang, Jing and Zhuang, Bohan and Cai, Jianfei and Tao, Dacheng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01241},


This repository is mainly developed basing on Graphonomy and Grapy-ML.

  • some questions about metrics

    some questions about metrics

    I successfully reproduced your code on the atr dataset, but the effect did not reach the effect mentioned in your article, as shown in the figure below, epoch=50, batch=2, gpus=2, because batch=2 will report an error, I made a simple modification to the code, what else can I do to achieve the effect of your article. Also, which part of the code output should I look at, agm or npm, where mean miou is the human miou in the paper? Looking forward to your reply!

    opened by dandanAD 3
  • Data sets usage license

    Data sets usage license

    Hello Thanks for the awesome work

    In the README, there are link to datasets that can be downloaded via google drive, can you specify what are the licenses for using these datasets


    opened by AlkaSaliss 2
  • Inference using pretrained models

    Inference using pretrained models

    Hi, first of all, thanks a lot for sharing your work. Really impressive! I have 2 questions please:

    1. I am not sure if I get the purpose/capabilities of this approach correctly but, is the model able to handle one single input image at inference time? e.g. during training it seems that both query and support images/masks are needed. For inference, what we want though, is to be able to submit a single (or batch) picture of a person and have the mask as output (image IN -> mask OUT). Is this supported?
    2. If yes, do you have a code snippet providing preprocessing+inference+postprocessing?

    Thanks and have a great day

    opened by FraPochetti 2
  • Download dataset

    Download dataset

    Hello, I am running the project recently. I hope you can provide it. Please pass the application. My account number is [email protected] Thank you very much.

    opened by dandanAD 1
  • ImportError: libcudart.so.9.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    ImportError: libcudart.so.9.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    When I am running the project from the following command:

    bash scripts/evaluate_atr_kwf1.sh

    I am getting the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./exp/train.py", line 14, in <module>
        from torchvision import transforms
      File "/home/mayank/anaconda3/envs/iniy_oneshothumanparsing_041221/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
        from torchvision import models
      File "/home/mayank/anaconda3/envs/iniy_oneshothumanparsing_041221/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/models/__init__.py", line 11, in <module>
        from . import detection
      File "/home/mayank/anaconda3/envs/iniy_oneshothumanparsing_041221/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/models/detection/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
        from .faster_rcnn import *
      File "/home/mayank/anaconda3/envs/iniy_oneshothumanparsing_041221/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/models/detection/faster_rcnn.py", line 7, in <module>
        from torchvision.ops import misc as misc_nn_ops
      File "/home/mayank/anaconda3/envs/iniy_oneshothumanparsing_041221/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/ops/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>
        from .boxes import nms, box_iou
      File "/home/mayank/anaconda3/envs/iniy_oneshothumanparsing_041221/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torchvision/ops/boxes.py", line 2, in <module>
        from torchvision import _C
    ImportError: libcudart.so.9.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    This is the structure of the project:

    ├── data
    │   ├── datasets
    │   │   ├── ATR_OS
    │   │   │   ├── list
    │   │   │   │   ├── meta_test_id.txt
    │   │   │   │   └── meta_train_id.txt
    │   │   │   └── support
    │   │   │       ├── meta_test_atr_supports.pkl
    │   │   │       └── meta_train_atr_supports.pkl
    │   │   ├── CIHP_OS
    │   │   │   └── list
    │   │   │       ├── meta_test_id.txt
    │   │   │       └── meta_train_id.txt
    │   │   └── LIP_OS
    │   │       └── list
    │   │           ├── meta_test_id.txt
    │   │           └── meta_train_id.txt
    │   └── pretrained_model
    │       └── deeplab_v3plus_v3.pth
    ├── dataloaders
    │   ├── mypath_atr.py
    │   ├── mypath_mhp.py
    │   ├── mypath.py
    │   ├── oshp_loader.py
    │   └── transforms.py
    ├── exp
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   └── train.py
    ├── how_to_install.txt
    ├── imgs
    │   ├── Figure1.jpg
    │   └── Figure1.pdf
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── networks
    │   ├── deeplab_xception_synBN.py
    │   ├── eopnet.py
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   └── popnet.py
    ├── README.md
    ├── requirements.txt
    ├── scripts
    │   ├── atr_eop_1wf1.sh
    │   ├── atr_eop_1wf2.sh
    │   ├── atr_eop_kwf1.sh
    │   ├── atr_eop_kwf2.sh
    │   ├── cihp_eop_kwf1.sh
    │   ├── cihp_eop_kwf2.sh
    │   ├── evaluate_atr_1wf1.sh
    │   ├── evaluate_atr_kwf1.sh
    │   ├── lip_etop_kw_f1.sh
    │   └── lip_etop_kw_f2.sh
    ├── sync_batchnorm
    │   ├── batchnorm.py
    │   ├── comm.py
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── replicate.py
    │   └── unittest.py
    └── utils
        ├── __init__.py
        ├── metric.py
        ├── sampler.py
        ├── test_human.py
        └── util.py

    Please help me.

    opened by mayanktiwariiiitdmj 1
  • size mismatch for prototype

    size mismatch for prototype

    bash scripts/evaluate_atr_kwf1.sh

    the content of evaluate_atr_kwf1.sh: export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)" python ./exp/train.py
    --batch 2
    --gpus 1
    --resume_model ./data/pretrained_model/atr_kwf1.pth
    --resume_epoch 39
    --lr 0.001
    --numworker 6
    --testInterval 10
    --hidden_layers 256
    --epochs 50
    --dataset atr
    --test_classes 18
    --fold 1
    --way 'kway'
    --structure kway_oshp
    --size 512
    --prototype_warmup 25
    --fg_weight 1.0
    --contrast_weight 1.0
    --feature_lvl mid
    --temperature 0.1

    result: => Structure:kway_oshp, dataset:atr, way:kway, fold:1 => Saving log to: /home/fuzhi-dlj/workspace_big_bang/workspace/infant/human_parse/One-shot-Human-Parsing/exp/run_cihp/run_6 Constructing DeepLabv3+ model... Output stride: 16 Number of Input Channels: 3 => No model load! opts.resume_model ./data/pretrained_model/atr_kwf1.pth Traceback (most recent call last): File "./exp/train.py", line 560, in main(opts) File "./exp/train.py", line 381, in main net_.load_state_dict(x) File "/home/fuzhi-dlj/workspace/conda_list/pyt1736/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1052, in load_state_dict self.class.name, "\n\t".join(error_msgs))) RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for EOPNet_kway: size mismatch for prototype: copying a param with shape torch.Size([20, 256]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([18, 256]).

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