OpenIPDM is a MATLAB open-source platform that stands for infrastructures probabilistic deterioration model


Open-Source Toolbox for Infrastructures Probabilistic Deterioration Modelling

OpenIPDM is a MATLAB open-source platform that stands for infrastructures probabilistic deterioration model. This software is developed to perform analyses on a network-scale visual inspection data, while accounting for the uncertainty associated with each inspector. The main application window in OpenIPDM enables assessing the structural deterioration behaviour and the effect of interventions at different levels starting from the structural element level up to the network level. OpenIPDM also include several toolboxes that facilitate performing verification and validation analyses on visual inspection data, in addition to learning model parameters. Furthermore, OpenIPDM has the capacity to handle missing data such as, missing interventions or missing structural attributes.

For tutorials, see: YouTube channel.

How to cite

OpenIPDM: A Probabilistic Framework for Estimating the Deterioration and Effect of Interventions on Bridges
Hamida, Z., Laurent, B. and Goulet, J.-A.
SoftwareX (Submitted, January 2022)


  • Matlab (version 2020b or higher) installed on Mac OSX or Windows.

  • The Matlab Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox is required.

  • Access to GPU computing (required only for Model Training toolbox)

  • Figures for LaTeX matlab2tikz (Optional)


  1. Download and extract the ZIP file or clone the git repository in your working directory.
  2. The working directory should include the following folders:
    • Scripts
    • Tools
    • Parameters
    • Network Data
    • Figures
    • ExtractedData
    • Help
  3. Double-click OpenIPDM.mlapp file to start MATLAB App Designer, and from the top ribbon in App Designer, click Run

Getting started

After starting OpenIPDM, the main user interface will open along with a message box to load the database. Note that the message box will not show up, if pre-processed data already exist in the folder Network Data. If you do not see anything except Matlab errors verify your Matlab version, and your Matlab path.


OpenIPDM takes as an input two types of file formats

  1. '.csv': this file format is generally considered for the raw database.
  2. '.mat': for files containing model paramters and/or pre-processed database.


OpenIPDM generally provides the following outputs:

  1. Deterioration state estimates.
  2. Service-life of an intervention.
  3. Effect of interventions.
  4. Synthetic time series of visual inspections.

Further details about the outputs can be found in the OpenIPDM documentation manual.


The OpenIPDM package is originally developed based on the inspection and interventions database of the Transportation Ministry of Quebec (MTQ).

Built With


Please read for details on the process for submitting pull requests.


  • Zachary Hamida - Methodology, initial code and development - webpage
  • Blanche Laurent - Analytical inference for inspectors uncertainty - webpage
  • James-A. Goulet - Methodology - webpage


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details


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