This repository contains a pytorch implementation of "StereoPIFu: Depth Aware Clothed Human Digitization via Stereo Vision".


StereoPIFu: Depth Aware Clothed Human Digitization via Stereo Vision

| Project Page | Paper |

This repository contains a pytorch implementation of "StereoPIFu: Depth Aware Clothed Human Digitization via Stereo Vision (CVPR 2021)".
Authors: Yang Hong, Juyong Zhang, Boyi Jiang, Yudong Guo, Ligang Liu and Hujun Bao.


  • Python 3
  • Pytorch (<=1.4.0, some compatibility issues may occur in higher versions of pytorch)
  • tqdm
  • opencv-python
  • scikit-image
  • openmesh

for building evaluation data

  • pybind11,we recommend "pip install pybind11[global]" for installation.
  • gcc
  • cmake

Run the following code to install all pip packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Building Evaluation Data


Run the following script to compile & generate the relevant python module, which is used to render left/right color/depth/mask images from the textured/colored mesh.

cd GenEvalData
cd ..


#demo, for textured mesh
python \
--tex_mesh_path="TempData/SampleData/rp_dennis_posed_004_100k.obj" \
--tex_img_path="TempData/SampleData/rp_dennis_posed_004_dif_2k.jpg" \
--save_dir="./TempData/TexMesh" \
#demo, for colored mesh
python \
--color_mesh_path="TempData/SampleData/" \
--save_dir="./TempData/ColorMesh" \

These samples are from renderpeople and BUFF dataset.
Note: the mesh used for rendering needs to be located in a specific bounding box.



  • Run the following script to compile & generate deformable convolution from AANet.
    cd AANetPlusFeature/deform_conv
    cd ../..
  • Download the trained model and mv to the "Models" folder.
  • Generate evalution data with aboved "Building Evaluation Data", or capture real data by ZED Camera (we test on ZED camera v1).
    Note: rectifying left/right images is required before using ZED camera.



The reconsturction result will be saved to "Results" folder.
Note: At least 10GB GPU memory is recommended to run StereoPIFu model.


  author    = {Yang Hong and Juyong Zhang and Boyi Jiang and Yudong Guo and Ligang Liu and Hujun Bao},
  title     = {StereoPIFu: Depth Aware Clothed Human Digitization via Stereo Vision},
  booktitle = {{IEEE/CVF} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year      = {2021}


If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

  • BUFF dataset evaluation

    BUFF dataset evaluation


    thanks for your amazing work. Could you please share the code snippet for the rendering and evaluation of the BUFF dataset? Many thanks in advance!

    opened by MoyGcc 3
  • Running eval.h with less than 10gb?

    Running eval.h with less than 10gb?

    Is it possible to run the provided sample with a single GPU that has less than 10gb? Changing some parameters in the code or using a different resolution for the images? or using a combo of 2 GPUs that equate to 10gb?

    opened by guayabas 2
  • How can I use Animated Model from Renderpeople?

    How can I use Animated Model from Renderpeople?

    First of all, thanks for sharing such a great research. I am learning so much from this work.

    I wanted to use 3D animated people as an input, so I tried using obj files per frame, exported from 3D animated people (Renderpeople dataset).

    However I got Segmentation fault (core dumped) error while generating evaluation data. It seems like error occured at RenderUtils.render_tex_mesh() part.

    So I was wandering if you had solutions for this... Any answers would be so grateful. Thank you!

    opened by hshlego 0
  • The code for 1ualitative error visualization

    The code for 1ualitative error visualization


    Hi, thanks for your excellent work and open-sourcing your code. I have successfully reproduced your code. However, I would like to implement some cool visualization results. Can you share the code for visualizing the qualitativee error of Figure 5 in your paper?

    opened by sunjc0306 3
  • How is the unit determined in the BUFF dataset

    How is the unit determined in the BUFF dataset

    The unit of evaluation metrics reported in your paper is cm. I would like to know how you obtain this unit. In another word, what is the relationship between the vertex coordinates of the buff dataset and the centimeter unit? Could you share your script for this process?

    opened by sunjc0306 4
  • Any plan to publish train script?

    Any plan to publish train script?

    You did some great research!

    I also want to train the network through data similar to the data used in the thesis.

    Do you have any plans to publish training or training data preprocessing code?

    opened by bell-one 3
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